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104学年度 第1学期 五234普通心理学 期末考 任课教授:黄启泰、廖瑞铭 考试范围: Learning(Ch6)、Memory(Ch7)、Thinking(Ch8.1/8.2) 一、选择题(45分/每题3分) 1. Which of the following behavior is NOT formed on the basis of the classical conditioning theory? A.self-administration of drug B.conditioned place preference C.fear conditioning for phobia D.conditioned taste aversion 2.When a conditioned stimulus is presented alone repeatedly, with no pairings with an unconditioned stimulus, the procedure is called _____. A.generalization B.desensitization C.discrimination D.extinction 3.In terms of subject's responding rate, behavior with negative reinforcement will _____, while behavior with positive reinforcement will _____. A.increase, increase B.increase, decrease C,decrease, increase D,decrease, decrease 4.Conditioned reinforcers: A.commonly satisfy basic bodily needs. B.acquire their value through association with a primary reinforcer. C.include such everyday rewards as money or praise. D.both b and c. 5.The mental representation of spatial relationship posited by Edward C. Tolman to explain the behavior of rats performed in certain typed of mazes is called _____. A.a release of dopamine B.a cognitive map C.a behavioral blueprint D.a habituation 6.What are the three steps in memory information processing? A.input, storage, retrieval B.encoding, storage, retrieval C.encoding, retrieval, storage D.input, processing, output 7.Memory is stored in which area of the brain? A.hippocampus B.cerebellum C.amygdala D.all of the above 8.Yu-sheng, Jocelyn, and Juan are in three different introductory psychology classes. Yu-sheng's class takes a multiple-choice midterm exam. Jocelyn's class takes a short-answer midterm exam. Juan's class takes an essay midterm exam. Which student(s) take(s) the midterm exam that requires the greatest depth of processing? A.Yu-sheng B.Jocelyn C.Juan D.Jocelyn and Juan 9.According to the network of association theory, whot words would come to mind when you hear the word red? rose; fire engine B.flower; book C.cherry; snow D.blood; toy truck 10.Samantha has just broken up with her boyfriend an si feeling very sad. She resolves to change her mood by thinking about happy things, but finds that she just keeps remembering other sad things. Samantha's experience can best be explained in terms of: A.false fame effect B.cognitive schemas C.flashbulb memories D.state-dependent memory 11.The word 番茄 is an example of _____, whereas a picture of a tomato is example of _____. A.analogical representation; symbolic representation B.symbolic representation; analogical representation C.concept; analogical representation D.analogical representation; prototype model 12.Because Jason disliked his classes in biology and psychology, he concludes that he does not like science, He later decides not to take chemistry because he does not like science. Jason's decision that he does not like science was reached by _____ reasoning; his decision not to take chemistry was reached by _____ reasoning. A.inductive; deductive B.deductive; inductive C.duductive; deductive D.indudtive; inductive 13.According to prospect theory, losing $100 would have a disproportionately larger effect on value than winning $100 would. This phenomenon is known as: A.the availability heuristic B.framing C.loss aversion D.affective forecasting 14.What type of thinking allows us to decide quickly because, in using it, we do not consider all the evidence before making a decision? A.heuristics B.inductive reasoning C.insight D.forecasting 15.People tend to become closed minded when asked to find a different use for an object that has a clear purpose. This mind-set is a result of: A.mental sets B.restructruing C.working backward D.functional fixedness 二、解释名词(30分/每题5分) 1.partial reinforcement 2.Kamin's blocking effect 3.punishment (vs. reinforcement) 4.chunking 5.schema 6.prototype 三、问答题 1.从行为科学或心理学的角度,试述人出生後的基本学习历程。请描述每种学习派典之主要的倡导者、其理论架构、与其行为相关的神经基础。(18分) 2.根据回忆时动用到的意识层面,长期记忆可区分为哪些不同形式?如何测量?请分别阐述之。(17分) --

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1F:推 asdasdg: 有考古题有推 03/05 15:17
2F:推 backpacker18: 考前6小时来看ㄍ题目 01/12 03:07

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