作者Armor (阿默)
标题[单字] will 和 be able to
时间Sat Feb 13 10:18:56 2010
想请问一下,be able to是"将要"的意思吗?
造个句 the rain started to pour by the time i am able to go out
be able to 又该怎麽用呢?
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 ismaili:be able to应该是可以,会作什麽,能作什麽的意思 02/13 10:40
2F:→ ismaili:所以你写的英文意思应该是:到我能出门的时候,雨就开始 02/13 10:41
3F:→ ismaili:倾泻而下... 02/13 10:42
4F:→ Armor:天哪 我怎麽会一直以为是 will的意思呢!? 02/13 10:42
5F:推 ismaili:BTW, 可能要改成 was able to... 才对 02/13 10:44
6F:推 aclgpo:原PO是想讲be going to吧~ 02/13 11:15
7F:推 GuinMau:我记得will是用於临时决定;反之,be going to 就是已经计 02/13 14:32
8F:→ GuinMau:划好的事情 02/13 14:32
9F:推 BBMak:推楼上 02/13 14:48
10F:→ Asvaghosa: be about to 好像跟will有法有重叠? 请问一下 02/13 20:24
11F:→ Armor:阿 记错了 = = 02/13 22:26
12F:→ Armor:是be about to不是be able to XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 02/13 22:26
※ 编辑: Armor 来自: (02/13 22:27)
13F:→ rhu:.......................................................... 02/14 15:27
14F:→ rhu:I judge him to be about 40 02/14 15:29
15F:→ rhu:Who would you like the next book to be about? 02/14 15:34