Eng-Class 板


*以下有些 spoilers,但其实都算是已经知道的事了,应该还好。 To be sure, some of the shortcomings of "Phantom Menace" (1999) and "Attack of the Clones" (2002) are still in evidence, and Mr. Lucas's indifference to two fairly important aspects of moviemaking - acting and writing - is remarkable. Hayden Christensen plays Anakin Skywalker's descent into evil as a series of petulant bad moods. Natalie Portman, as Senator (formerly Queen) Padme Amidala, to whom Anakin is secretly married, does not have the range to reconcile the complicated and conflicting demands of love and political leadership. Even the more assured performers - Samuel L. Jackson as the Jedi master Mace Windu, Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jimmy Smits as Senator Bail Organa (note the surname) - are constrained by their obligation to speechify. Mr. Lucas, who wrote the script (reportedly with the uncredited assistance of Tom Stoppard), is not one to imply a theme if he can stuff it into a character's mouth. Ian McDiarmid, as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, who transforms from a rancid political hack into a ruthless totalitarian before our eyes, gives the most powerful performance; Yoda, the spry green Jedi master voiced by Frank Oz, some of his finest work in this film does. (R2-D2 is also in fine form). 11. Mr. Lucas's indifference to... is remarkable: 如同之前出现过的, 一个很大的名词,当主词或受词,是很不同於中文的写法;如果用中文写 出同类型的句子,大概会被认为很拙劣,但在英文却值得学习. 12. to not have the range to do something: range 是指能力所及的范围, 这句话表示: 没有那样的能力去做某件事. 13. speechify: 我觉得这个字用的很好。如果看了电影就会知道 Jedi Masters 讲话的方式就是这样,就好像连胡会那样. ~"~ 14. Mr. Lucas is not one to imply a theme if he can stuff it into a character's mouth. 这句话讽刺 Mr. Lucas 笔下的人物太多嘴了 -- 他不用隐喻的方式来表现剧情,而是让剧中角色把它通通讲出来. 15. rancid 用来形容政客恶心的嘴脸(原本是用来形容很油腻、吃了会想吐的 食物);另外,political hack 就是政治掮客. 16. spry: 这是形容 Yoda 最好的一个字了 -- 很老、但是很敏捷. 17. 最後一句话: ... some of his finest work in this film does 即是: "... does some of his finest work in this film." 原本的句子并不合 英文的文法,但很符合尤达的文法. :) *待续. -- The Phantom Menace matured, the Attack of the Clones raged, The Revenge of the Sith walked away with the Sky where Stars had fallen. A New Hope rebelled, the Empire Strikes Back, The Return of the Jedi brought balance to the Force where Wars had gone. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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