Buddha 板


『达赖喇嘛 尊者 抵达机场 受到觉囊派 嘉察法王 秋能仁波切热烈的迎接』 来源:藏人行政中央政府 记者/责编:蒋扬《西藏之页》首发 https://tibet.net/his-holiness-the-dalai-lama-returns-to-dharamshala-after-mon th-long-stay-in-ladakh/?fbclid=IwAR0c95yZ6BmXHOLDvR8cZjcwJk5fgL-d0crcL06kW1t4r gJJWHze6OmZv-s 西藏精神领袖第十四世达赖喇嘛尊者在圆满结束对拉达克地区为期一个多月的慈悲之旅後 ,於今天( 8 月28 日)上午经印度首都新德里抵达印北岗格拉机场,受到受到西藏人民 议会议长堪布索朗丹培、司政边巴次仁、 藏传佛教 觉囊派 法王嘉察仁波切、藏人行政中央各部门部长、达兰萨拉藏人定居点行政 长官官员贡确米玛,以及各非政府团体的代表和藏人民众的隆重迎接。 Dharamshala: Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama returned to Dharamshala this morning to a warm welcome reception by Tibetans, devotees and well-wishers after concluding a month-long visit to Ladakh where he gave spir itual teachings on multiple occasions. The delegation of the Central Tibetan Administration led by Speaker Khenpo Son am Tenphel, Sikyong Penpa Tsering, Kyabje Jonang Gyaltsab Rinpoche, Settlement Officer Kunchok Migmar and representatives of the local civil society groups received His Holiness at the Gaggal airport. Meanwhile, hundreds thronged the streets leading up to the Tsuglagkhang temple to greet His Holiness the Dalai Lama. During the month-long stay in Ladakh, His Holiness gave three-day teaching at Shewatsel ground which was attended by around 65,000 people. On 26 July, His H oliness attended a program for the Tibetan community at the TCV ground in Chog lamsar which was attended by 5000 people. On 31 July, His Holiness presided ov er a program at the Buddha statue in Stok and also attended the 50th-anniversa ry celebration of Lamdon School in Leh. From 18-19 August, His Holiness gave t eaching to around 25,000 people at Zelthang in Khalsi (Sham). In addition, His Holiness accorded blessings to around 12,706 people including senior citizens and differently-abled. 时轮金刚法脉的传承,『觉囊』永远在您心中 印度时轮寺院扩建-专款专用 帐号:614-540-088-680 帐户名称:台北市觉囊达丹林佛学会 分行别:中国信托银行 东林口分行(822) 随喜参赞帐户 帐号:495-540-507-924 帐户名称:台北市觉囊达丹林佛学会 分行别:中国信托银行 北投分行(822) 学会联系方式 ※Email : [email protected] ※佛学会LineID: @jonang-taiwan ※YouTube官网---@jonang-tw ※联络电话:0976574088 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Buddha/M.1693208317.A.6A3.html
1F:推 daye2012: 弄个几张照片就在慕款,唉 08/30 10:04

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