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原文標題: 528Hz | Repairs DNA & Brings Positive Transformation | Solfeggio Sleep Music 這是這個音樂下面討論中的其中一篇 覺得很神奇 主角所分享的不是聽這音樂有這些體驗,而是透過半夜突然醒來的禱告而有特殊體驗 看到上空水晶體和不明物體在治療她 不明物體還會翻白眼 她沒有說她是什麼宗教和用什麼禱告方式,但從文中的思路判斷 看起來她不像是基督教徒或天主教徒 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 西瑞·麥肯尼·魯濱遜 1個月前(已編輯) 我開始意識到了頻率是在當我計劃2013年因子宮內膜異位和囊腫的反復發作而進行子宮切除術時。其一被懷疑是癌症。我記得一直很累,所有精力被消殆。我甚至告訴我的家人,如果手術室發生任何事情,我將無力對抗。我已經完蛋了。 我記得對著風或其他任何會聽的事物說同樣的話。那是一個星期一連到星期二的晚上,我醒來用我的內部聲音念誦祈禱。我要迅速接連服務。我感覺到房間裡有個存在,但是我不記得是否有睜開眼睛,但我能看到一個形體站在床旁,而丈夫躺在另一側完全睡著。我心裡問它在做什麼?它以心靈感應的方式回應“治愈”。 然後我抬起頭,一個類似晶體的結構在我的上面延伸。它開始振動,我看到似乎是最小的雨滴隨著節奏下降,從嗡嗡作響的水晶圓頂散發出來。它沿著我身體的長和寬運行。我整夜都經歷不同的規模。有些慢,有些快。所有時刻我沐浴著一種完全的愛和聯繫的感覺。我問為什麼會這樣?發生了什麼事,我會受到這種關注?形體回答:“祈禱!”我記得我喜極而泣,我聽到內心的聲音繼續隨著周圍和我身上漂浮著震動,以最和諧的方式念誦祈禱。這持續了幾個小時。 我意識到我丈夫有點驚慌,但不能對正在發生的事情做任何事。他起身,在房子裡跑來跑去,檢查門,看窗戶外面。最後,他回到床上,將我的身體拉近了。 我似乎一次在兩個地方。情況持續到接近黎明。當時,我說我很累,今天要進行檢查,它不能讓我維持這樣。它的“臉”看起來很古怪,好像在翻白眼lol。但還是回來繼續,在我的身體上揮動手,拿走了看起來像我身體形狀的深色膠片,然後將它扔進了它要去的壁櫥門口。幾個小時後,我睡著了,醒來後精神煥發。 當我起床時,我仍然可以聽到並感覺到那些音調在我體內產生共鳴,在某些地方有所不同,並且我仍在祈禱。我滿滿是感激。當我為一天做好準備時,我照鏡子時,我意識到自己在發光。我整天都在雲上。我的小兒子一直歪著頭地看著我,似乎想弄清楚有什麼不同,我與他分享了我的經驗。他笑容燦爛。他說他整晚都聽音樂,但可以知道音樂的來源。 我有幾天早睡,因為我意識到自己正在通過某種程序康復。那個形體會來檢查我的身體,通過字面上描述像是進入我身體的某些區域進行調整。它甚至可以在我的肩袖區域工作。那部分在兩年前動過手術。當我進行包括MRI在內的術前檢查時,沒有囊腫,腫瘤或子宮內膜異位的跡象。從那時起,每當我感覺不舒服時,我都會在腦海中復制那個聲音,改變呼吸,就會感覺很好。 當我偶然發現solfeggio頻率音調和音樂時,我喜出望外。我開始在起居室和餐廳的拱門上做自導式瑜伽。我仍在學習,很高興能走上一條新的古老道路,從更深更廣的層面理解所有的Source!我現在明白,Source渴望的是聯繫,而不是崇拜,而是承認它與我們所有人和所有人都聯繫在一起。它希望我們意識到合一與關聯。 就像我對自己的經歷感到特別的是,我開始意識到這是經常發生的,但是大多數人都不知道自發癒合時會發生什麼。我們一直在康復。那天晚上我只是在一個振動的水平上,使我能親眼目睹它,並且我是醒著去體驗它。 我愛你們,謝謝您今天與我一起學習!祝您有美好而富有成效的一天。 Desiree Mckenney Robinson 1 個月前 (已編輯) I became aware of frequences when I was scheduled for surgery for a hysterectomy 2013 due to repeat issues with Endometriosis and cysts. One was suspected of being cancerous. I recall being so tired all the time and just zapped of all energy. I even told my family that if anything happened in the operating room that I didn't have the energy to fight. I was done. I remember saying the same to the wind or whatever else was listening. It was a Monday night going into Tuesday when I woke up to my internal voice reciting prayers. I mean service after service in rapid succession. I felt a presence in the room, but can't recall if I opened my eyes, but I could see a figure standing at the side of my bed as my husband lay on the other side totally asleep. I asked in my mind what it was doing? It responded telepathically, "healing." Then I looked up and there was a crystal-like structure suspended above me. It started to vibrate and I saw what appeared to be the tiniest of raindrops falling descending in rhythm with the humming the crystal dome emitted. It ran the length and width of my body. I moved through different scales throughout the night. Some slow, others faster. All the while I was bathed in a feeling of complete LOVE and connection. I asked why was this happening? What happened that I would be given such attention? The figure replied, "Prayers!" I remember weeping for joy and I heard my inner voice continue on reciting prayers in the most harmonious manner with the vibrations floating around me and through me. This went on for hours. I became aware that my husband was panicking a little, but couldn't put his finger on what was happening. He had gotten up and was racing around the house checking doors and looking out windows. Finally, he came back to bed and pulled my physical body closer to him. I seemed to be in two places at once at the time. The session continued until it was nearly daybreak. At which point, I said the I was tired and had an audit today and that he couldn't leave me like this. It had a bizarre look on its 'face' as if to roll its eyes. LoL. But came back and waved its hands over my body and removed what looked like a dark film in the shape of my body, and threw it into the closet doorway where it was headed. I fell asleep and woke up refreshed a few hours later full of energy. When I got up I could still hear and feel those tones resonating in my body, differently in certain areas and I was still praying. Such gratitude fell over me. As I was getting ready for the day, when I looked in the mirror I realized that I was glowing. I was on a cloud all day. My youngest son kept looking at me with his head twisted slightly as if trying to figure out what was different, I shared my experience with him. He smiled broadly. He stated that he heard music all night, but could figure out where it was coming from. I went to bed early for several days, because I realized that I was healing from a procedure of some sort. The figure would come and check my body, made adjustments by literally going into certain areas of my body. It even worked on my rotator cuff area. I had surgery on that two years prior. When I went for my pre-op screening, which included an MRI there was no sign of cysts, tumors or endometriosis. Since that time whenever I was not feeling well I would replicate that sound in my mind, change my breathing and feel better. When I found solfeggio frequency tones and music by chance I was overjoyed. I began to do self-guided Yoga in the archway of livingroom and dining room. I am still learning and so glad to be on this new ancient path to understanding the source of all on a much deeper and broader level! I now understand that Source desires connection, not worship, but the acknowledgment that it is connected to everything and all of us. It wants us to be aware of Unity and Union. And as special as I felt about my experience, I came to realize that this is a regular occurrence, but most people are unaware of what happens when spontaneous healing takes place. We are constantly healing. I was simply vibrating at a level that night that allowed me to witness it first hand and I was awake to experience it. I love you all, thank you for learning with me today! Have a wonderful and productive day. --
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1F:推 nastim: 好神奇 10/16 07:40
2F:推 moira83: 很像呼喚天使之光,又或者什麼冥想療法 10/16 10:00
3F:→ NewCop: 就新世紀那一套啊.... 10/16 12:01
4F:→ umaniac: 看起來像new age來的…另外難道只有我覺得中文不太通順 10/16 13:11
5F:→ umaniac: 嗎@@? 10/16 13:11
6F:推 CPDOG: "I need healing." 10/16 15:09
7F:→ asd22019766: 所以這個有媽佛點嗎 10/16 19:04
8F:推 NewCop: 以馬佛的定義來看還是有啦... 10/16 19:49
9F:推 gethigh007: 看到標題以為走錯版 10/16 20:03
10F:推 h73o1012: 神奇水晶體 還好不是海綿體 10/17 03:38
如果有躁鬱症 憂鬱症 自閉症恐慌症 身體不適 或想要任何的治癒 看了音樂下面的留言的回饋 似乎可以感覺到明顯效果 可以試試 連續聽一個月看看 ※ 編輯: yule1224 ( 加拿大), 10/17/2019 08:06:00
11F:推 ponponpon: 滿滿的邪教感,的確夠媽佛 10/17 16:13
12F:推 a26848400: 出現不合常理的事就是邪教 樓上也很媽佛 10/18 01:21
13F:→ NewCop: 說new age是邪教倒是不至於,因為這個團體裡面沒什麼絕對 10/19 17:03
14F:→ NewCop: 權威者 10/19 17:03
15F:→ NewCop: 通常就是每個支持者各說各話 10/19 17:04
16F:→ NewCop: 但至於可信度.......見仁見智囉 10/19 17:04

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