Tech_Job 板


【公司名稱】Unigraf OY 【公司網址】 【公司簡介】 Unigraf is a worldwide leading video electronics testing company based in Finland. Unigraf specializes in Hardware and Software Test Tools for testing USB-C™, DisplayPort™, and HDMI™ interfaces. Unigraf’s technological strengths are a deep understanding of the interfaces in R&D, Test Automation and Compliance Test environments. 【職務名稱】 Sr. FPGA Engineer 【職務說明/應徵條件】 Job Description: As an FPGA Design Engineer, you will develop FPGA systems, it’s components or third-party IPs and integrate them into different FPGA platforms. These tasks include design, simulation, synthesis and testing of FPGA based systems. International travel will occasionally be required. Qualification: ‧ Minimum 5 years of hands-on experience with FPGA design using Verilog/VHDL languages. ‧ Understanding of FPGA architecture and strong logic design fundamentals. ‧ Experience in USB4 field development is a massive plus. ‧ Familiarity with common interfaces (PCI-Express, DDR3/4, I2C, SPI, RS232). ‧ Experience with Altera Quartus or Xilinx Vivado IDE including synthesis, simulation, place and route, timing closure. ‧ Experience with test benches for single module/full chip test bench environments with Modelsim. ‧ Exposure to integration and debugging tools, such as oscilloscope and logic analyzers. ‧ Experience in FPGA On-chip debugging. ‧ Good communication and inter-personal skills to enable global and cross-functional engagements, plus ability to read, comprehend and explain engineering drawings and technical documents. ‧ Good English communication skills. ‧ Self-motivated and self-disciplined. Will be a plus: ‧ Experience with HDMI, DP, or USB Type-C interfaces is a plus. ‧ Knowledge of С/С++ and scripting (shell, TCL) is a plus. ‧ Experience with high speed communication interfaces is a plus. 【上班地點】內湖or家裡,有需要再進辦公室。 【出差外派】總部在芬蘭,基本上疫情過後都有機會去出差包含受訓及Seminar 【上班時段】符合台灣勞動法規,彈性無須打卡,時差關係基本上上午是你自由時間可以自由運用 【薪資福利】 薪資: 年薪 200萬~300萬 福利: 額外Allowance (Insurance, Parking......etc) 特休: 20天 【應徵方式】 若對職位有興趣請將英文履歷寄至[email protected],若對職缺有其他問題請站內信 【備註】 此職位基本上會有約莫50%的時間都是使用英文。另外因為有三個site的關係remote work會比較頻繁,此職位為台灣辦公室第一位FPGA Engineer,初期需要頻繁與總部對接熟悉產品應用面在FPGA上。 總公司位於芬蘭(快樂國度?)的因素公司步調會相對較慢且非常講究人權。此外芬蘭很注重員工的權益所以基本上Work Load並不會太重因為都是很確切的以40小時每週工時為基本。 -- Sent from my Windows --
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1F:推 gn01216674 : 我朋友也在芬蘭註冊的公司,但裡面亞洲人多,所以工 03/10 11:27
2F:→ gn01216674 : 時也是爆炸。 03/10 11:27
3F:→ gn01216674 : 我意思不是要酸,是想說還是得看公司/部門管理風格 03/10 11:27
4F:→ gn01216674 : ,不只是芬蘭國際。 03/10 11:27
5F:推 vinsanity25 : 感覺還不錯 03/10 12:28
6F:推 Dreamer77 : 不錯喔 03/10 12:49
7F:推 li118 : 我在瑞典一線大廠上班也沒多爽啊 03/10 13:59
8F:→ li118 : 不過敝司的肉丸很有名喔 03/10 13:59
9F:推 ryan76511 : 我都念壹奇雅 03/10 15:36
10F:推 jpwd : 2-3M要懂那麼多似乎不太划算 03/11 01:35
11F:→ s942816 : 還不如e9乖乖養老 03/11 08:39
12F:→ book7 : 懂PCIe跟DDR只給這樣可能不夠 03/11 10:02

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