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原文標題: 1)Twitter to comply with EU sanctions on Russian state media 2)Snap Joins Twitter in Stopping Ads in Russia and Ukraine 原文連結: 1) Twitter-to-comply-with-EU-sanctions-on-Russian-state-media- 2) snap-twitter-advertising-russia-ukraine-51646228061?siteid=yhoof2 發布時間:2022/03/02 原文內容: Twitter to comply with EU sanctions on Russian state media (Reuters) - Twitter will comply with the European Union's sanctions on Russian state-affiliated media RT and Sputnik when the EU order takes effect, the social network said on Tuesday. (路透社)-社交網站週二表示,當歐盟命令生效時,Twitter 將遵守歐盟對俄羅斯官方媒 體 RT 和 Sputnik 的制裁。 "The European Union (EU) sanctions will likely legally require us to withhold certain content in EU member states," a Twitter spokesperson said in an emailed statement to Reuters. Twitter 發言人在給路透社的一份電子郵件聲明中表示: “歐盟(EU)的制裁可能會依法要 求我們在歐盟成員國保留某些內容。”。 "We intend to comply with the order when it goes into effect." “我們打算在命令生效時遵守。” EU industry chief Thierry Breton has said the European Commission expected approval by late on Tuesday from member nations for the ban on the Kremlin-backed outlets. 歐盟工業負責人蒂埃裡 · 佈雷頓(Thierry Breton)表示,歐盟委員會(European Commission)預計週二晚些時候將獲得成員國批准,禁止克里姆林宮支持的新聞機構進入 該市場。 Outside the EU, Twitter said it would continue to focus on reducing the visibility of content from these outlets as well as labelling it. 在歐盟以外,Twitter 表示,它將繼續關注降低這些管道內容的可見性,並對其貼上標籤 。 Facebook owner Meta, Alphabet Inc's Google, YouTube and TikTok have said they are blocking access to RT and Sputnik in the EU. On Tuesday, Meta said it was globally demoting posts from Russian state media. 臉書的所有者 Meta,Alphabet 公司的Google,YouTube 和 TikTok 已經表示他們正在阻 止RT 和 Sputnik瀏覽網站。星期二,Meta 說他們正在全球範圍內降低來自俄羅斯官方媒 體的曝光率。 ----- Snap Joins Twitter in Stopping Ads in Russia and Ukraine Snap Inc. said it has stopped all advertising in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, as the Snapchat parent became the latest social-media company to take steps to fight misinformation in Eastern Europe. Snap inc. 表示,隨著 Snapchat 母公司成為最新一家採取措施打擊東歐虛假資訊的社交 媒體公司,該公司已經停止了在俄羅斯、白俄羅斯和烏克蘭的所有廣告。 “We are halting advertising sales to all Russian and Belarussian entities and are complying with all sanctions targeting Russian businesses and individuals. We do not accept revenue from Russian state-owned entities,” the company added. “我們正在停止向所有俄羅斯和白俄羅斯實體出售廣告,並遵守針對俄羅斯企業和個人的 所有制裁。我們不接受來自俄羅斯國有實體的收入。”。 心得/評論: ※必需填寫滿30字,無意義者板規處分 想說不知道社群股在跌三小 結果是跌這個 不賣廣告有這麼大影響喔 -.- 說的好像看廣告的俄國人很多 --
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1F:→ metallolly : ?????? 03/02 23:55
2F:推 dos01 : 那堆五毛帳號殺一殺還比較實際 網軍攻勢誰在跟你用 03/02 23:55
3F:→ dos01 : 官方廣告 03/02 23:55
4F:→ devidevi : ... 03/03 00:09
5F:推 zzogdoll : 我都用VK看俄羅斯小妹妹 看俄妞誰跟你TWITTER 03/03 00:12
6F:推 patric1224 : 可以也不要賣廣告給詐騙集團嗎? 03/03 00:35
7F:噓 TCB006 : 先自救吧 股東財富都腰斬了… 03/03 00:47
8F:推 weiman0702 : 推6樓 03/03 00:51
9F:→ geniusw : 他們用 telegram 吧XD 03/03 00:58
10F:→ geniusw : (群組傳片) 03/03 00:59
11F:推 Answerme : 抖音賣 抖音還散布俄羅斯官方假登陸假攻擊影片 03/03 01:29
12F:→ Answerme : 抖音微信小紅書戰時不甩禁令發揮效果的社群軟體 03/03 01:31
13F:→ tbrs : 一億市場 03/03 04:31
14F:→ a9564208 : 翻譯:不想賺盧布 03/03 07:42
15F:→ A816 : 不賣俄羅斯可以賣別人 不懂跌的道理0.0 03/03 08:16
16F:噓 encoreg57985: 烏克蘭媒體也有假新聞廣告也有假怎麼不順便封鎖 03/03 09:32

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