P2PSoftWare 板


發佈頁面: https://github.com/BiglySoftware/BiglyBT/releases change logs: 2019.01.21 | BiglyBT FEATURE: UI | New 'All Trackers' view [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Added local country stats view [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Added counts to highlighted links in country stats view [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Support Tag buttons in tag library views [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Added 'show tag group' to sidebar menu [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Added 'status' and 'depends on' columns to Tags Overview [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Added tag constraint explanations [Parg] FEATURE: UI | OpenTorrentOptionsWindow now shows Tag Groups, all discovered tags [TuxPaper] FEATURE: UI | Option to disable tool-tips [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Report when recovered from corrupted torrent [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Option to hide side-bar icons [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Option to show auto-skip settings in open torrent dialog context menu [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Added 'download name' column - of use if multiple downloads in filesview [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Add FloatParameter to BasicPluginConfigModel [TuxPaper] FEATURE: Core | Added file size tolerance for swarm merge [Parg] FEATURE: Core | Support for multiple private torrents with the same hash [Parg] FEATURE: Core | Added some swarm-merge logging [Parg] FEATURE: Core | Resurrect ability to install plugins from .jar/.zip files [Parg] FEATURE: Core | Option to always rename imported files [Parg] FEATURE: Core | Option to setup uploaded stats for partially completed downloads to zero [Parg] FEATURE: Core | Added ability to manually install core+swt updates [Parg] FEATURE: Core | Support multiple socks data proxies [Parg] FEATURE: Core | Accept later versions of UPnP services [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Added 'hasTagGroup' Tag constraint function [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Added 'uploaded' and 'downloaded' Tag constraint variables [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Added hoursToSeconds etc Tag constraint functions [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Added comparison operators (<=, > etc) to Tag constraint language [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Tag execute-on-assign option to move to initial save location [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Added auto chat+tag for trackers [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Added hasTagAge constraint function [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Tag execute-on-assign option to assign other tags [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | save_path, save_folder Tag constraint variables [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Added flag to control Tag constraint contains/matches case sensitivity [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | MyShares view now shows associated Tag and allows assignment [Parg] CHANGE: UI | Don't popup progress window when magnet download manually removed [Parg] CHANGE: UI | Ctrl+A selects all in constraint setting [Parg] CHANGE: UI | Use SWT's HiDPI scaling, remove our own [TuxPaper] CHANGE: UI | eu: Basque translation update [Azpidatziak] CHANGE: UI | fil_PH: Filipino translation update [toffer0291,dandalion] CHANGE: UI | it_IT: Italian translation update [Silviu93,imcesca] CHANGE: UI | pt_BR: Brazilian Portuguese translation update [Havokdan] CHANGE: UI | sl_SI: Slovenian translation update [upwinxp] CHANGE: UI | yo_NG: Yoruba translation update [zoneboy,fatherfaith] CHANGE: UI | Changed macOS menu bar icon to be visible in dark mode [deus0ww] CHANGE: UI | Doubled the resolution of macOS menu icon for retina display [deus0ww] CHANGE: UI | Allow pause-for on stopped/paused downloads [Parg] CHANGE: UI | Indent sidebar expandos options [Parg] CHANGE: UI | loadAndHandleVuzeFile may pull from network, move off SWT Thread [TuxPaper] CHANGE: UI | Retain selection state of meta-data downloads when real one added [Parg] CHANGE: UI | Use px font height less. Use % where we can. Fit font size to textbox [TuxPaper] CHANGE: UI | Use textbox hint when password is set, instead of ""***" [TuxPaper] CHANGE: UI | Allow '*' as whitelist component [Parg] CHANGE: UI | Support pasting peers on multiple lines [Parg] CHANGE: UI | Indicate state on fancy menu force-start icon [Parg] CHANGE: UI | Clicking on an expand/collapse icon in Library or Files View no longer selects the row [Parg] CHANGE: UI | Always show sidebar close menu in case "x" obfuscated by scrollbar [TuxPaper] CHANGE: UI | Larger click area for expand/collapse icon [Parg] CHANGE: Plug | *nix: Install Dorkbox-SystemTray plugin if not present [TuxPaper] CHANGE: Core | Retain category, thumbnail and user comments from metadata download [Parg] CHANGE: Core | Faster bdecoding of torrents etc [TuxPaper] CHANGE: Core | Faster closedown [Parg] CHANGE: Core | Optimize deletion when torrent has no file links [TuxPaper] CHANGE: Core | Revert download to correct state after file re-check [Parg] CHANGE: Core | Write UTF-8 BOM to log files, so editors don't have to guess encoding [TuxPaper] CHANGE: Core | Inject Privacy View lookup results if decent [Parg] CHANGE: Core | Remove reported client-ip when proxy connection used [Parg] CHANGE: Core | Don't wait forever to connect to plugin repo, and reduce retries [TuxPaper] CHANGE: Core | Reduce frequency of attempted connections when seeding [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Fixed beta forum link [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Fix stats labeling [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Fix a few binary/decimal byte display inconsistencies [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Don't save sub-path as torrent default download location [parg] BUGFIX: UI | Fix tool-tip remaining when raised on non-active view [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Prevent multiple donation pop-ups [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Clear potential background text when image available [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Fix GTK3 issues with text chopped off [TuxPaper] BUGFIX: UI | Add tag after setting group, so UI shows it in the correct spot [TuxPaper] BUGFIX: UI | Added missing paint listener [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Fix "Always ask for encoding" option not working [TuxPaper] BUGFIX: UI | Build library tag button menu on demand to get correct state [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Fix download repositioning [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Ensure icons are loaded on SWT thread [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Handle invalid image bounds [Parg] BUGFIX: Core | Restore persistent subscription filters [Parg] BUGFIX: Core | Fix nested constraint expressions [Parg] BUGFIX: Core | Bring back support for categories in 'hasTag' [Parg] BUGFIX: Core | Fix 'save failed' for ClientStats [TuxPaper] BUGFIX: Core | Fix downloads being incorrectly started after file rename [Parg] BUGFIX: Core | Fix recovery bug when active/.dat files corrupted [Parg] BUGFIX: Core | Fix biglybt.log not correctly writing UTF-8 chars longer than one byte [TuxPaper] BUGFIX: Core | Fix deadlock in table display [Parg] BUGFIX: Core | Decentralized chat messages sometime out of order [Parg] --
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/P2PSoftWare/M.1548203615.A.94D.html

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