P2PSoftWare 板


qBittorrent v4.1.2 release ‧FEATURE: New options for "inhibit sleep" (Lukas Greib) ‧FEATURE: Add option for regexps in the transferlist search filter's context menu (thalieht) ‧FEATURE: Add async io threads option to AdvancedSettings (tjjh89017) ‧FEATURE: Allow save resume interval to be disabled (Chocobo1) ‧FEATURE: Add checkbox for recursive download dialog (Chocobo1) ‧FEATURE: Add changelog link in program updater (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Avoid allocating large memory when loading a .torrent file (Couchy) ‧BUGFIX: Notify users on 1st time close/minimize to tray (sledgehammer999) ‧BUGFIX: Fix I/O error after fetching magnet metadata (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Never save resume data for already paused torrents (glassez) ‧BUGFIX: Make ProgramUpdater upgrade to 64-bit qbt when running on 64-bit Windows (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Put temporary files in qbt own temp folder (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Avoid potentially setting the wrong piece priorities (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Various code refactorings/improvements (Chocobo1, thalieht, glassez) ‧BUGFIX: Add options "Download in sequential order" and "Download first and last pieces first" in AddNewTorrentDialog (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Download favicon using appropriate protocol (glassez) ‧BUGFIX: Apply proxy settings on DownloadManager creation (glassez) ‧BUGFIX: Improve torrent initialization (glassez) ‧BUGFIX: Save resume data on torrent change events (glassez) ‧BUGFIX: Increase default resume data save interval (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Work around crash when procesing recursive download. Closes #9086 (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Reduce queries to python version (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Disable certain mouse wheel events in Options dialog (Chocobo1) ‧WEBUI: Send all rechecks in one request (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add WebUI Force Reannounce option (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Create non-existing path in setLocationAction() (Goshik) ‧WEBUI: Add WebUI support for Mac ? (Command) key (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Show current save path in 'Set location' window (Goshik) ‧WEBUI: Fix WebUI cache behavior for css files (Chocobo1) ‧WEBUI: Send Cache-Control header in WebUI responses (Chocobo1) ‧WEBUI: Add form-action to CSP (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add upgrade-insecure-requests to CSP when HTTPS is enabled (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Reset WebUI ban counter on login success (Chocobo1) ‧WEBUI: Add logging messages in WebUI login action (Chocobo1) ‧WEBUI: Add option to control CSRF protection (Chocobo1) ‧WEBUI: Add option to control WebUI clickjacking protection (Chocobo1) ‧RSS: Implement "Sequential downloading" feature. Closes #6835 (glassez) ‧RSS: Don't use RSS feed URLs as base for file names. Closes #8399 (glassez) ‧SEARCH: Add a name filter for search results (thalieht) ‧SEARCH: Fix python version detection (Chocobo1) ‧SEARCH: Clear python cache conditionally (Chocobo1) ‧SEARCH: Properly normalize version string before parsing it (hannsen) ‧WINDOWS: Turn on Control Flow Guard for MSVC builds (Chocobo1) ‧MACOS: Replace deprecated function IOPMAssertionCreate() on macOS (Chocobo1) ‧OTHER: Fix CMake build with QtSingleApplication. Fixes #9196 (Eugene Shalygin) --
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