P2PSoftWare 板


qBittorrent v4.1.0 was released. This is a major version bump purely because there was a ton of code commits from the last one. There a new v2 WebAPI now, but v1 is still supported too. The Windows 32-bit installer now uses Qt 5.6.3 instead of 5.7.1. The 5.6.3 version is an LTS release and newer than the 5.7.1 version. The 5.7.x series don't offer something useful for our usage. ‧FEATURE: Add "Coalesce reads & writes" checkbox in advanced options (Chocobo1) ‧FEATURE: Smart Filter for RSS (Stephen Dawkins) ‧FEATURE: Possibility to configure at which speed a torrent is considered slow (thalieht) ‧FEATURE: When creating a torrent you can choose to preserve the file order (toster, Chocobo1) ‧FEATURE: A new, redesigned and refactored WebAPI (glassez) ‧BUGFIX: Redefine CacheStatus.readRatio field. (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Clarify some terms in stats dialog (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Fix possible crash when using both share limits (thalieht) ‧BUGFIX: Disable options when Disable connections not supported by proxies is enabled (Thomas Piccirello) ‧BUGFIX: Add link to an explanation of Disable connections not supported by proxies (Thomas Piccirello) ‧BUGFIX: Fix typo in a log message (Andrei Stepanov) ‧BUGFIX: Fix loading very large torrents. Closes #8449. (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Fix reverting backslashes to slashes in run external program. Closes #7800 (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Use https for documentation links (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Use original scheme when downloading favicons (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Parse URL query string at application level (glassez) ‧BUGFIX: Properly reply to announce request (embedded tracker) (glassez) ‧BUGFIX: Add Tags parameter to "Run External Program" (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Fix various typos (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Refactor filesystem watcher. Delay before processing new files. (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Don't strip empty arguments passed to external program. Closes #8454. (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Stop creating Download folder on start (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Avoid data corruption when rechecking paused torrents (sledgehammer999) ‧BUGFIX: Fix crashes due to invalid iterator use (Luís Pereira) ‧BUGFIX: Fix renaming completed files (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Fix path separator in log messages (Chocobo1) ‧WEBUI: Switch built-in Web UI html to HTML5 (glassez) ‧WEBUI: WebUI Save user's resized window sizes (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Make download + upload windows resizable (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add option to show/hide webui status bar (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add "Use proxy only for torrents" option to webui (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Various fixes in the html code (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Don't unselect selected torrents after a few seconds (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Enable Http/1.1 persistence connection (Chocobo1) ‧WEBUI: Format Read cache hits as percentage (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Re-order and rename stats (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Right align stat values (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Enable Statistics window to be scrolled and resized (Tom Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Save WebUI Statistics window size (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Make WebUI iframe windows scrollable on iOS (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Remove unused CSS from WebUI login page (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Consolidate CSS into style.css (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Resolve JavaScript errors (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Fix spacing in login form(Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Update WebUI to be more compliant with HTML5 standard (Chocobo1) ‧WEBUI: Update clipboard.js to v2.0.0 (Chocobo1) ‧WEBUI: Remove unused JavaScript library (Chocobo1) ‧WEBUI: Fix setting preferences via WebAPI (glassez) ‧WEBUI: Rename property to match its definition (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add Limit Share Ratio context menu option (Thomas Piccirello) ‧RSS: Disable Auto TMM when RSS rule has save path (glassez) ‧RSS: Process loaded RSS articles in case of error (glassez) ‧RSS: Resolve (X)HTML entities in RSS content (glassez) ‧SEARCH: Improve Search handling (glassez) ‧SEARCH: Calculate supported categories based on selected plugin (Thomas Piccirello) ‧SEARCH: Fix memory leak (Chocobo1) ‧COSMETIC: Use spinbox suffix to display rate/time units (thalieht) ‧COSMETIC: Avoid showing an empty row in AdvancedSettings (Chocobo1) ‧OTHER: Various code optimizations and fixes (Luís Pereira, Chocobo1) ‧OTHER: Fix build when using Clang under CMake (Luís Pereira) ‧OTHER: Allow to disable Stacktrace support (Nick Korotysh) ‧OTHER: Use RNG provided by OS (Chocobo1) --
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/P2PSoftWare/M.1525856839.A.C2D.html
1F:推 WindSucker : 哪些站支援了 05/10 01:40
2F:推 lnyan : 大家有沒有經驗記憶體用量如何?之前的4.0.4記憶體 05/10 22:14
3F:→ lnyan : 用量是3.3.16的幾倍(作種近萬個)。 05/10 22:14
4F:→ KOKOLALAMA : 做種2051,平時吃5xxMB,有上下傳才會爆增。 05/24 13:59

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