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Starts Right Here (ft.Kenny Mason & Forein Air) YT連結:
製作人員: "Starts Right Here" Featured artists: Kenny Mason and Foreign Air Written by: Kenny Mason, Riot Music Team, and Alex Seaver of Mako Produced by: Riot Music Team Additional Production by: Dan Farber Mixed and Mastered by: Eric J Vocals performed by: Kenny Mason and Foreign Air 歌詞: how you wanna play it? how you gone play it when you ain’t seen nothin this player me and my squad gone turn ‘em to squash like we don’t see no other players ain't nothin to squash and nothin to solve you play then already dead i’m ready to mob i’m ready mosh aint moving with nobody scared keep pushin' my buttons i might push a button and have my boy push up and slay ya made a decision to enter the lair you better enter prepared i seen it vividly my vision of victory i kill them and split the scene click with me and you’ll never feel defeat learn how to heal from heat I showed up to show out until the show end bet they wanna know how i made it a no win it’s gone be a blow out once i get to blowin’ i do more than blow wind show me my opponent It Starts Right Here (Push up and step on enemies) And it's a long road up ahead Better get your steps in now It Starts Right Here (Ain't no regrets it’s him or me) And if you wanna be a god, it's a long way up i’m too hype to turn down a fight knock them out good night i brought light when it was no sight now no foe in sight i got stripes down to take a life won’t take it in stride aint no might, ifs, or maybes i displayed my might (yea) i come to wreck up the game (yea) it’s fun but it aint no game (yea) i son em all in a minute i mauled em and bit em up like he was steak I showed up to show out until the show end bet they wanna know how i made it a no win it’s gone be a blow out once i get to blowin’ i do more than blow wind show me my opponent It Starts Right Here (Push up and step on enemies) And it's a long road up ahead Better get your steps in now It Starts Right Here (Ain't no regrets it’s him or me) And if you wanna be a god, it's a long way up push up and step on enemies i came to conquer all the energy aint no regrets it’s him or me blast them away, away once we engage in combat it ain't really no comeback from that the squad the angelic slum rats came for the cash where the funds at came with the swag of a war pack you see the sword, it’s my award i tried to warn you and your pack so if I slaughter you it’s your bad It Starts Right Here (Push up and step on enemies) And it's a long road up ahead Better get your steps in now It Starts Right Here (Step on an enemy, step step) And if you wanna be a god, it's a long way up ---- 歌名直譯是《就此開始》 英文水準沒到能翻譯歌詞的程度,就直接貼英文歌詞上來了 意外的是這次主題曲都發布一週了還沒有人轉到版上 或許是因為台灣這邊作為代理商的G社和作為PCS賽事方的鍇睿行銷都沒有轉發相關資訊吧 --
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※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: ChHChen ( 臺灣), 05/04/2021 23:20:24
1F:推 peter0825 : 好聽 05/04 23:21
2F:→ PeterHu0827 : 請問有PCS中文主播翻唱版本嗎 05/04 23:26
3F:→ diefish5566 : 不好聽 05/04 23:39
4F:推 aliloveyou : 沒有穿插奇怪中文RAP給推 05/04 23:54
5F:推 imwfyl : 沒有pcs 中文主播賽評翻唱版本差評 05/04 23:55
6F:→ where1993 : 現在才知道MSI有主題曲XD 05/05 00:01
7F:推 braai : 給我pcs主播翻唱版!! 05/05 00:05
8F:推 gg4mida : 鳳凰那首中文翻唱真der神,再唱一次,再唱一次 05/05 00:20
9F:推 f222051618 : 雖然不是我喜歡的風格 但歌詞很棒 05/05 00:37
10F:推 rainnawind : 不好聽 主唱聲線很扁 有種痞痞的感覺 05/05 00:42
11F:推 Feeng : 蠻喜歡的 近期最喜歡的主題曲 05/05 00:56
12F:推 a123456cg : 可以請鸚鵡主播再翻唱一次嗎 05/05 02:09
13F:推 Water0823 : 有些地方很像take over 但這首比take over好聽 05/05 03:07
14F:→ as349349 : +1 現在才知道有主題曲 05/05 15:54

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