HatePolitics 板


以後要請師大師的時候,可以換一個翻譯版本XD ==== As new arrival Taipei I am being given the "treatment" by Formosan Independence "Movement". Conversations with Peter Huang and Philip Ng and perusal of their propaganda have served only to establish their utter lack of realism, absence of any militant and armed popular foundation, and complete reliance on US to achieve their aims and assure their livelihood forever. 這次一到台北,我就跟那幫自以為是在搞台獨的傢伙見了一面。 我跟黃彼得還有菲力NG交換了看法,草泥馬的這根本就一幫沒腦的魯蛇。 說要搞獨立,結果不只沒軍隊,連民兵也沒半個。只想靠美國人幫他們打天下,以後還要 美國幫他們保家衛國。 It seemed desirable to attempt to straighten out their thinking in relation to China scene as to US, and to prevent misconception as to nature of any personal relations with me. In brief, they were told in friendly manner, as my personal opinion, that Formosans themselves, unarmed, could not get rid of Chinese now on Island 看來矯正他們對中國前景的理解,對美國是有些好處的。而且我也不想讓他們對跟我的交 情產生什麼誤解。 我很客氣地簡單告訴他們,只靠嘴砲是不可能把島上的689趕走的。 US would require several divisions of troops plus supporting naval and air forces to take and keep control over Island, a responsibility which we are not prepared to assume 美國必須派出幾個師的大兵,加上海軍和空軍的支援才能佔領並且保住這個小島。 但是我們不打算自己跳進這個坑裡。 for time being any hope for independence lay with Nationalists not with Communists, and thus measures designed weaken Nationalists merely served increase chances Communist control, 要知道,幹掉中華民國的結果,就是讓中華人民共和國更容易解放台灣。 so Formosans must recognize facts, not avoid them, and they should not forget that Formosa fits into large pattern from which it cannot be separated arbitrarily, and although US sympathetic to Formosan aspirations, there were very few grounds for optimism now and foreseeable future. 所以大頭病們別再逃避現實了,台灣是不可能從中國大陸旁邊搬到太平洋中間的。 即使美國覺得你們很可憐,但套句阿扁的話「現在做不到,以後也做不到」。 -- 起初皇軍發動對支戰爭, 我沒有反對,因為看報紙上皇軍勢如破竹很爽。 後來皇軍發動太平洋戰爭,我沒有反對,因為看鬼畜米英四處奔逃出了一口惡氣。 再來皇軍高山番仔當兵,我提出請願,因為我要爭取成為皇民的權利。 以後鬼畜米英來轟炸, 我全力反對,因為我們台灣是無辜的,這是米英的戰爭罪行。 最後天皇宣布無條件投降,我沒有反對。因為我們台灣人是戰勝國中國國民, 戰爭責任不干我們的事情。我不要坐祥瑞回家! --
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※ 文章網址: http://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/HatePolitics/M.1404128041.A.5C1.html
1F:推 CrazyMarc:本日第一推就給你了 XDD 06/30 19:36
2F:推 cy97:推一個!這說法絕對可以用千秋萬世 06/30 19:37
3F:推 hornet7777:只能推了,還能說啥 06/30 19:38
4F:推 askemm:幹,超美肯XD 06/30 19:39
5F:推 game721006:專業翻譯 XD 06/30 19:50
6F:推 Enter1942:推專業翻譯 真台肯到不行 06/30 19:51
7F:推 mornlunar:崩潰噓 06/30 19:52
8F:推 GreenSoldier:推推 真知灼見阿 06/30 19:54
9F:推 Ivyjack:推 06/30 19:56
※ 編輯: ThomasJP (, 06/30/2014 19:56:48
10F:推 serpentine:大推啦XDDDD 06/30 19:57
11F:推 mrcat:XDDDDDDDDD 06/30 20:05
12F:推 cy97:師公樞安 師公樞安 千秋萬世 直到永遠... 06/30 20:08
13F:推 oppo:推!! 06/30 20:08
14F:推 roen8127:推啊 06/30 20:58
15F:推 tim1234:和平交流阿 總要有些垃圾負責出來當反派份子XD 06/30 21:01
16F:推 applejone:這個翻譯好 符合當前時空 06/30 21:15
18F:推 Hartmann:翻得好 07/01 08:18

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