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. KiOSK is located across the street from the Guanghua Digital Plaza (光華商場), and less than a 10-minute walk from Zhongxiao Xinsheng MRT station. The desig n of the cafe is a minimalist's praradise, with a simple and modern look. Sunl ight flows generously through the big window, letting in plenty of natural lig ht and thus letting us have lots of food and the interior photos. Offering fr ee Wifi, no time limit, and numerous power outlets , it's a good place to go a nd get some work done on your computer, while sipping on their famous Flat Whi tes. KiOSK位於光華商場的對面,距離忠孝新生站不到10分鐘的步行路程。 咖啡廳的設計是一 個極簡主義者的天堂,有著簡單而現代的外觀。 陽光燦爛地照進咖啡廳的大窗戶,自然 光線充足,讓我們可以拍非常多食物和室內裝潢的美照。 店內提供免費的無線網絡,沒 有時間限制和眾多的電源插座,這是一個很好去處,帶著你的電腦,同時品嚐他們最有名 的“小白“。 .
. Other than the popular Flat White, their skilled barista can also whip up an a rray of other delicious caffeine concoctions like Cappuccino, Lattes and Ameri cano. On top of that, they also offer tea, juice, sparkling water and hot choc olate. Even though the food menu is limited to only a few options, they have m y favorite avocado and egg on toast. They also have a few desserts available. 除了受歡迎的“小白“以外,他們技藝精湛的咖啡師還可以調製一系列其他美味的咖啡因 飲品,如卡布奇諾,拿鐵和美式咖啡。 除此之外,他們還提供茶,果汁,蘇打水和熱巧 克力。 儘管食物菜單僅只有幾種選擇,但他們有我的最愛吐司配上酪梨和蛋(開放三明 治)。 他們也有幾個甜點可供選擇。 .
. With the relaxed ambiance, their high quality coffees, satisfying savory dishe s, and delectable desserts, it's no wonder this cafe has stood the test of tim e. That's also why I still consider KiOSK to be one of the best coffee shops i n Taipei, even though it's become highly competitive in this coffee-crazed cit y. But don't take my word for it, go see (and taste) for yourself. 隨著輕鬆的氛圍,高品質咖啡,令人心滿意足的可口餐點和美味甜點,這也難怪這家咖啡 廳經受了時間的考驗。 這也是為什麼我仍然認為KiOSK是台北最好的咖啡店之一,儘管它 在這個咖啡瘋狂的城市中變得非常有競爭力。 但不要一昧聽信我的,自己去看看(品嚐 )就知道. .
. Business Hours: Wednesdays to Sundays 11:00 to 19:00 Phone: 02 2542 8090 Nearest MRT: MRT Zhongxiao Xinsheng (Blue and Orange Lines) Facebook: Address: No.40, Section 1, Xinsheng North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 台北市中山區新生北路一段40號
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