手機排版請見諒 https://www.nikonusa.com/en/nikon-products/mirrorless-cameras/firmware-updates/i ndex.page 短網址:shorturl.at/sxDHV 改善內容: Added support for: - FTZ II mount adapters, and - NIKKOR Z 24-120mm f/4 S lenses. ‧ Flicker is less likely to appear in the display during filming when N-Log or RAW footage is recorded to external HDMI video recorders at low light levels. ‧ Improved eye detection performance for Auto-area AF and Wide-area AF (L). ‧ Increased the refresh rate for the focus point displayed during face/eye-det ection and subject-tracking AF. ‧ Improved face/eye detection performance and the visibility of subjects in pi ctures taken using an optional flash unit. ‧ Fixed the following issues: - The camera would sometimes stop responding when Auto was selected for Set Picture Control in the PHOTO SHOOTING MENU. - The camera would sometimes exceed the value selected for ISO sensitivity set tings > Maximum sensitivity in the MOVIE SHOOTING MENU. 簡單說,增加了: ftz二代相容性 24-120s鏡相容性 眼/臉對焦的更新速度 眼/臉對焦的性能 剛剛z6從3.0升到3.4,簡單測試了幾分鐘, 覺得眼追焦有更黏了。 本來快速平移的時候, 對焦框會離快一個頭的距離。 現在超過80%的時間黏在頭的範圍了。 臉部移出畫面後,新韌體也不容易亂鎖其他物體 臉部重新進入畫面,再鎖定的速度也提高了。 連簡單的測試都很有感,佛心尼康! --
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/DSLR/M.1636568018.A.4B6.html
1F:推 smallpig02: 推 11/11 05:43
2F:推 A9604043: 有更新就推! 11/11 08:00
3F:推 love12548: 良心 11/11 08:32
4F:推 cbk152321: 佛心 11/11 09:28
5F:推 uelx: Z6再戰三年 11/11 10:15
6F:推 philoschen: 佛心推 11/11 10:47
7F:推 bupaido: 推!還好還沒變孤兒....晚上來更新! 11/11 11:39
8F:推 zechsmarkii: 好奇Z5的對焦能增進多少 11/11 11:41
9F:推 amurorei: Z6II推XD 11/11 12:46
10F:推 show632: 佛 11/11 13:02
11F:推 pank: Zfc今天也更新了 11/11 13:16
12F:推 siscom: Z6用戶推個 11/11 13:19
13F:推 scorpio223: 佛心公司 11/11 13:34
14F:推 akito: 佛 11/11 17:17
15F:推 souvlaki: Z6II推 11/11 17:27
16F:推 whe84311: https://i.imgur.com/0I7ctiS.jpg 11/11 18:16
17F:→ whe84311: Nikon真良心 都不要我的錢 11/11 18:16
18F:推 t128595: 佛心推 11/11 18:50
19F:推 kryolanfans: 沒有讀卡機,這邊有人有去三創幫忙升級的經驗嗎? 11/11 19:49
20F:→ whe84311: 線直插機身沒辦法升級嗎? 11/11 20:43
21F:推 jack8587: 反觀sony a7r4死活不肯升固件 11/11 22:07
22F:推 credo8: yaaaaa 11/11 23:49
23F:推 mroui: 眼部追蹤升級超有感 11/12 03:34
24F:推 yy222: 佛心尼康,越來越想回去了,無奈手中大量SonyE接環 11/12 11:09
25F:推 blueneo007: 可以轉接 11/12 11:41
26F:推 elingsean: 可以用app升級吧 不用一定要用記憶卡啊! 11/12 13:19
27F:推 hidelensman: App 升級不是每個機器都行 11/12 16:35
28F:推 Subliminal: 11月這波更新,Z50也有改進眼部/臉部偵測效能 11/12 23:02
29F:推 elingsean: 感謝指正 查了一下發現二代才可以app更新! 11/13 00:00
30F:推 bahamut0921: 三創沒得升,昨天跑了一趟的經驗今天去國祥二 02/18 01:59
31F:→ bahamut0921: 樓五分鐘搞定z6 02/18 01:59
32F:→ bahamut0921: +ftz 02/18 01:59

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