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官方版本111.0預計在 2023年03月14日(美國時間) 台灣時間03月14日~03月15日 更新 110.0.1 Release note Fixed︰ Fixed clearing recent cookies clears all cookies (bug 1816279). Fixed a bug causing the context menu to sometimes display on the background of other Firefox UI elements instead of the foreground on macOS (bug 1763990). Fixed Manage bookmarks link on empty bookmarks toolbar not responding to clicks on Windows (bug 1812636). Fixed WebGL crashes on Linux when ran inside a VMWare virtual machine (bug 1807942). Fixed a bug with CSP serialization causing bugs with the MitID Digital ID in Denmark (Bug 1819096). 110.0 Release Note New︰ It's now possible to import bookmarks, history and passwords not only from Edge, Chrome or Safari but also from Opera, Opera GX, and Vivaldi for all the folks who want to move over to Firefox instead! GPU sandboxing has been enabled on Windows. Note: A bug in the popular X-Mouse Button Control (XMBC) tool may cause mouse wheel scrolling to stop working. The author(s) are working on an update. Meanwhile, scrolling can be restored by reconfiguring XMBC: either disable the Make scroll wheel scroll window under cursor option in the global settings, or enable the Disable scroll window under cursor option if using a custom profile for Firefox. On Windows, third-party modules can now be blocked from injecting themselves into Firefox, which can be helpful if they are causing crashes or other undesirable behavior. Date, time, and datetime-local input fields can now be cleared with Cmd+Backspace and Cmd+Delete shortcut on macOS and Ctrl+Backspace and Ctrl+Delete on Windows and Linux. GPU-accelerated Canvas2D is enabled by default on macOS and Linux. WebGL performance improvement on Windows, MacOS and Linux. Enables overlay of hardware-decoded video with non-Intel GPUs on Windows 10/11, improving video playback performance and video scaling quality. Fixed︰ Various security fixes. Changed︰ Colorways are no longer available in Firefox, at least not in the same way. You can still access your saved and active Colorways by selecting Add-ons and themes from the Firefox menu. Additionally, you can now install Colorways from all of the previous collections by visiting Colorways by Firefox on the Mozilla Add-ons website. Enterprise︰ Various bug fixes and new policies have been implemented in the latest version of Firefox. You can find more information in the Firefox for Enterprise 110 Release Notes. Developer Web Platform︰ Firefox now supports CSS named pages, allowing web pages to perform per-page layout and add page-breaks in a declarative manner when printing. Firefox now supports CSS size container queries, see the MDN page for documentation on this feature. --
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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1F:→ DavisX: 會有支援NV VSR嗎? 和Chromium 110一樣? 02/15 09:36
2F:→ kissfish: 我無法移除截圖中的網址 02/15 11:45
3F:推 zhtw: 那兩個頁面是系統頁面啊 02/16 01:16
4F:→ zhtw: 新手引導 02/16 01:16
5F:推 kc1446: 已更新,感謝 02/16 05:27
6F:→ DendiQ: 更新完版本在網頁裡滾輪壞了,滾不動 02/17 00:56
7F:→ DendiQ: x-mouse-button-control-firefox-110 02/17 01:00
8F:→ gcobc12632: 111版已經強制把舊版附加元件刪掉了 用about:config 02/17 14:33
9F:→ gcobc12632: 也沒用 目前只能暫時用userChrome.css把他移除 02/17 14:34
10F:→ gcobc12632: #unified-extensions-button { display: none } 02/17 14:34
11F:→ gcobc12632: 加上這行就可以移除了 02/17 14:34
12F:→ m20081015: Release note有提到Xmouse在110版有bug還再修 02/17 21:35
13F:→ hn9480412: 測試版的PIP可以拉進度條了 02/18 00:02
14F:推 rugalex: 滾輪無法作用+1 02/18 00:29
15F:推 titiong: 滾輪無法作用+1 02/18 06:36
16F:→ hijacker: 我也有用X-Mouse 但我滾輪正常 02/18 14:55
17F:推 mayuyu: 滾輪照網頁上的設定 02/18 16:38
18F:→ mayuyu: 或者更新測試版的xmouse 02/18 16:38
19F:推 yumeixuan: 現在新版FF我的最愛連結之間的距離能改小嗎 02/23 17:44
20F:→ rick: 0.0 我的最愛 是IE的嗎? XD 02/28 09:23
22F:→ rick: 試試3F不行再看1F跟底下回文的連結 02/28 09:26
23F:→ kc1446: 嗯嗯,看到這版本已經有....了XDDD 02/28 17:57
24F:推 nakibasara: 不確定是不是110版,最近才發現,火狐只要開圖其 02/28 19:39
25F:→ nakibasara: CPU就有一個核心衝到100%,然後網路被吃掉50M左右 02/28 19:40
26F:→ nakibasara: 把分頁關掉還回復不了要整個火狐關掉才有用 02/28 19:40
27F:→ rick: @kc1446 還沒有 02/28 21:53
28F:→ rick: @nakibasara 先檢查一下擴充套件 全關掉觀察看看 02/28 21:54
29F:推 nakibasara: 找到問題了IDM的附加元件今天更新後出問題 02/28 22:35
30F:→ nakibasara: 關閉後已恢復正常 02/28 22:35
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 02/28/2023 23:03:22
31F:→ SELFisolate: 好險有看諸位先烈的使用心得,選裝107.0.1版! 03/03 09:39
32F:→ DavisX: PIP是不是有奇怪的bug 用CC字幕還會在原始視窗內 不在PIP 03/12 22:04

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