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官方版本101.0預計在 2022年05月31日(美國時間) 台灣時間05月31日~06月01日 更新 100.0.2 Release Note Fixed Security fix 100.0.1 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed an issue with subtitles in Picture-in-Picture mode while using Netflix (bug 1768818) Fixed an issue where some commands were unavailable in the Picture-in-Picture window (bug 1768201) Changed︰ Firefox's security sandbox now blocks access to the Win32k APIs for Content Processes on Windows (bug 1767999) 100.0 Release Note Hello, we’re excited to release the 100th version of Firefox! Thank you to everyone who got us here: To every employee past and present who played a role in delivering Firefox—thank you for your grit and hard work. To every contributor who championed open source, thank you for turning a browser into a movement! Finally, thanks to every user of Firefox—thank you most of all. We didn’t get here—17 years and 100 versions later—without your support. Your choice to use Firefox contributes directly to a better web, keeping it open and accessible to all. It is with a profound sense of gratitude and appreciation that we will continue fighting for this global public resource, putting people over profits. Want to collaborate with us? Join us over at Mozilla Connect, a collective space where you can share product feedback, submit ideas for new features, and participate in meaningful discussions that help shape future releases. Get involved, we want to hear from you! New︰ We now support captions/subtitles display on YouTube, Prime Video, and Netflix videos you watch in Picture-in-Picture. Just turn on the subtitles on the in-page video player, and they will appear in PiP. Picture-in-Picture now also supports video captions on websites that use WebVTT (Web Video Text Track) format, like, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and many more. On the first run after install, Firefox detects when its language does not match the operating system language and offers the user a choice between the two languages. Firefox spell checking now checks spelling in multiple languages. To enable additional languages, select them in the text field’s context menu. HDR video is now supported in Firefox on Mac—starting with YouTube! Firefox users on macOS 11+ (with HDR-compatible screens) can enjoy higher-fidelity video content. No need to manually flip any preferences to turn HDR video support on—just make sure battery preferences are NOT set to “optimize video streaming while on battery”. Hardware accelerated AV1 video decoding is enabled on Windows with supported GPUs (Intel Gen 11+, AMD RDNA 2 Excluding Navi 24, GeForce 30). Installing the AV1 Video Extension from the Microsoft Store may also be required. Video overlay is enabled on Windows for Intel GPUs, reducing power usage during video playback. Improved fairness between painting and handling other events. This noticeably improves the performance of the volume slider on Twitch. Scrollbars on Linux and Windows 11 won't take space by default. On Linux, users can change this in Settings. On Windows, Firefox follows the system setting (System Settings > Accessibility > Visual Effects > Always show scrollbars). Firefox now supports credit card autofill and capture in the United Kingdom. Firefox now ignores less restricted referrer policies—including unsafe-url, no-referrer-when-downgrade, and origin-when-cross-origin—for cross-site subresource/iframe requests to prevent privacy leaks from the referrer. Fixed︰ Users can now choose preferred color schemes for websites. Theme authors can now make better decisions about which color scheme Firefox uses for menus. Web content appearance can now be changed in Settings. Beginning in this release, the Firefox installer for Windows is signed with a SHA-256 digest, rather than SHA-1. Update KB4474419 is required for successful installation on a computer running Microsoft Windows 7. For more details about this update, visit the Microsoft Technical Support website. In macOS 11+ we now only rasterize the fonts once per window. This means that opening a new tab is fast, and switching tabs in the same window is also fast. (There's still work to do to share fonts across windows, or to reduce the time it takes to initialize these fonts.) The performance of deeply-nested display: grid elements is greatly improved. Support for profiling multiple java threads has been added. Soft-reloading a web page will no longer cause revalidation for all resources. Non-vsync tasks are given more time to run, which improves behavior on Google docs and Twitch. Geckoview APIs have been added to control the start/stop time of capturing a profile. Changed︰ Firefox has a new focus indicator for links which replaces the old dotted outline with a solid blue outline. This change unifies the focus indicators across form fields and links, which makes it easier to identify the focused link, especially for users with low vision. New users can now set Firefox as the default PDF handler when setting Firefox as their default browser. Some websites might not work correctly in Firefox version 100 due to Firefox's new three-digit number. You can read about it in our blog post here! See the Mozilla Support article Difficulties opening or using a website in Firefox 100 for possible workarounds you can use. There, you will also find instructions for reporting a broken website so that Mozilla can help fix the problem. Mozilla Support articles for Desktop and Android: Enterprise︰ Various bug fixes and new policies have been implemented in the latest version of Firefox. You can find more information in the Firefox for Enterprise 100 Release Notes. Developer Web Platform︰ Support for the WritableStream API has landed. WritableStreams provide an interface for writing streaming data to a sink object. Additionally, ReadableStream gained support for the “pipeTo” method, which allows you to connect a ReadableStream to a WritableStream. For example, this would allow you to process data retrieved using “fetch” with the WritableStream Sink object. Support for WASM Exceptions is now available. This allows C++ exception handling and unwinding/destructing semantics to be expressed in WASM without an additional JavaScript helper code—and at zero cost to code that does not rely on exception semantics. -- ███████☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★◢變態妍◣◢黃秘書◣☆★☆█現在是█ ☆★☆☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆崔林☆★☆★☆★☆ ★☆★★☆█◢█◢█◢██◣☆★◥鄭西卡◣★☆★█少女時代 ☆★☆☆★★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆★☆鹿內☆★☆★☆ █████◥███◣◥小太陽◤◥權班長◤☆★☆█████ --
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1F:推 ltytw: 火狐死命活到100 灑花 05/03 21:30
2F:推 xylophone135: 終於可以去config解禁av1了 05/03 21:34
3F:推 l98: 我還以為出了…….. 05/03 21:47
4F:推 Kenqr: 出了啊 05/03 22:40
5F:→ rick: 更新會分批 我也是po文後過好多分鐘才給我更新的 05/03 23:19
6F:推 nakibasara: 感覺100看圖奇有比較順,下注也不會卡卡的 05/03 23:45
7F:→ DavisX: 嗯? 一堆還是用VP9壓的 選prefer AV1也沒用 05/04 00:02
8F:→ hijacker: 有哪個網站是支援pip字幕的?! 05/04 09:24
9F:→ hijacker: 自問自答 yt字幕ok netflix英文可以 中文不行 05/04 09:31
10F:推 xylophone135: 圖奇變順八九不離十跟av1有關 05/04 09:32
11F:推 aza0290: YT一堆影片都VP9.. 05/04 10:28
12F:推 watertip: 依照經驗,明天等100.1 05/04 16:16
13F:→ rick: 等不到喔 因為是100.0.1才對(是說ftp上還沒有看到啦) 05/04 20:23
14F:推 sigma9988: 版本號刷好快 05/05 02:10
15F:推 alastor0325: 給八樓,我測試 Netflix 各種字幕都沒問題欸 05/05 02:17
16F:推 alchemy123: 破百推 05/05 14:43
17F:推 olduck: 賀~100 05/05 16:26
18F:推 m20081015: 破百推,從3.0.1用到破百啦 05/05 16:58
19F:推 kenwufederer: 現在只剩Firefox跟其他…兩種 05/05 19:01
20F:噓 YukiPhoenix: 更新版本號數字太小的問題 05/05 19:48
21F:推 aiwheat: 每版本都會動一些有的沒的,不知這是有影響到什麼? 05/05 20:28
22F:推 Lomonosov: 這版強化蠻多影片播放的 推 05/05 20:47
23F:推 kawasakiZII: 推 05/05 21:55
24F:推 goldie: 破百推 05/05 22:02
25F:推 Adven: 從哪時開始用忘了 竟然已到100.0 05/06 09:10
26F:→ bajiqa: app的版本已經有100.1了 05/06 12:01
27F:推 HardRealTime: 推100了 05/06 23:20
28F:推 dosiris: 看起來好像還沒有bug 05/07 06:13
29F:推 catclan: pip字幕 讚讚 05/07 06:39
30F:推 mjsg: 推 05/07 16:13
31F:推 qazwsd147: 結果只有mac版才有hdr 啥是可以windows 也來一下 05/07 23:13
32F:推 tungpayton: 破百了 05/09 08:36
33F:推 LeafLu: 100紀念推 05/09 17:33
34F:推 peter25871: 推一個 05/10 15:47
35F:推 gamewinner: 加油 期待有一天火狐超越chrome 05/13 18:36
36F:推 kc1446: 100.0.1已釋出 05/14 19:13
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 05/16/2022 21:33:55
37F:推 watertip: 下載安裝一直出現非安全連線的錯誤 怎麼了嗎 05/18 14:00
38F:→ rick: 前天安裝沒事阿 去ftp下載看看 05/18 14:02 找100.0.1 看是64還是32位元的(Win64 or Win32) 找zh-TW(在最下方) 最好先備份一下設定檔資料夾 ※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 05/18/2022 14:07:10
39F:推 watertip: 好懷舊喔 ftp 耶 XD 05/18 15:45
40F:推 BDrip: 用ftp連不上的ftp( 05/20 19:59
41F:→ rick: 網頁就連的上 0.0 ftp帳密要用guest?? 05/20 21:55
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 05/20/2022 21:58:36
42F:推 BDrip: port 21已經沒反應了 不能像以前用內建ftp 不開瀏覽器抓下 05/20 22:56
43F:→ BDrip: 來了(那時戲稱連IE都不用開 05/20 22:56
44F:推 cruchoco: 請問更新完PTT網頁版文章變成新細明體有解嗎QQ 05/21 12:51
45F:推 kc1446: 101.0正式1版已釋出 05/30 22:01
46F:→ aiwheat: 也想請問跟cruchoco一樣的問題,原本stylus的設定又不一 06/05 22:05
47F:→ aiwheat: 樣了?唉!看不太習慣,幾乎每次改版都會動== 06/05 22:06

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