Browsers 板


放底部順便看完推、回、噓文不好嗎? XD 官方版本95.0預計在 2021年12月07日(美國時間) 台灣時間12月07日~08日 更新 Fixed︰ Improved hangs experienced by users of assistive technology such as NVDA when installing Firefox through the Microsoft Store (bug 1736742) Resolved general instability/crashes on Linux caused by a file descriptor leak when backgrounding tabs using WebGL (bug 1741997) Changed︰ Updated preference design for Firefox Suggest for improved clarity. *[1;35mFixed*[m︰ Fixed browser hangs when viewing fullscreen videos on macOS 10.12 (bug 1737998) 更新日誌 New︰ With 94, you’ll find a selection of six fun seasonal Colorways (available for a limited time only). Now you can find a color to suit (or lift) your every mood. Fun fact: Did you know we have more daily users with color themes than dark or Alpenglow on Beta? With Firefox 89, 32% of users clicked through to customize their color theme. And that was just on the first day! We decided to introduce these new Colorways to give our users more to love. Firefox macOS now uses Apple's low power mode for fullscreen video on YouTube and Twitch. This meaningfully extends battery life in long viewing sessions. Now your kids can find out what the fox says on a loop without you ever missing a beat… With this release, power users can use about:unloads to release system resources by manually unloading tabs without closing them. On Windows, there will now be fewer interruptions because Firefox won’t prompt you for updates. Instead, a background agent will download and install updates even if Firefox is closed. To better protect all Firefox users against side-channel attacks such as Spectre, we’ve introduced Site Isolation. We’ve got your back...errr...side! We’re rolling out the Firefox Multi-Account Containers extension with Mozilla VPN integration. This lets you use a different server location for each container. Firefox no longer warns you by default when you exit the browser or close a window using a menu, button, or three-key command. This should cut back on unwelcome notifications which is always nice--however, if you prefer a bit of notice, you’ll still have full control over the quit/close modal behavior. All warnings can be managed within Firefox Settings. No worries! And now, Firefox supports the new Snap Layouts menus when running on Windows 11. Fixed︰ We’ve reduced the overhead of using performance.mark() and performance.measure() APIs with a large set of performance entries. Plus, we’ve modified paint suppression during load to greatly improve warmload performance in Site Isolation mode. You’ll also notice a small reduction in Javascript memory usage. With this release, you’ll notice faster Javascript property enumeration as well. We’ve also implemented better scheduling of garbage collection which has improved some pageload benchmarks. This release also sees reduced CPU usage during socket polling for HTTPS connections. Additionally, you’ll notice faster storage initialization. We’ve also improved cold startup by reducing main thread I/O. Plus, closing devtools now reclaims more memory than ever before. And we’ve improved pageload (especially with Site Isolation mode) by setting a higher priority for loading and displaying images. Various security fixes Enterprise︰ Enterprise users now have more control over Firefox deployments with the availability of our MSIX package on Windows platforms. You’ll also notice various bug fixes and new policies have been implemented in this latest version of Firefox. Developer -- ███ █ ████ █☆★ ★☆☆★◢█◣◢█◣☆★☆ █ █ █★☆ ☆★★☆██████★☆★ ☆★ ███ █ █ ██ 記得第一次直視那雙笑眼的悸動嗎◣ █ █ █★☆███ █☆★★☆★◥██◤☆★★☆★☆★ ███ █ ████ █☆★☆★☆ ★☆★☆☆★☆★◥◤Ψwilliam803 --
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1F:→ kissfish: 請問背景下載且安裝更新的功能該如何徹底關閉呢? 謝謝 11/02 22:03
2F:→ kissfish: 我指的是"new"的第四段提及的 11/02 22:03
3F:→ rick: 設定-> 一般 往下拉應該就有 Firefox更新 這一格 11/02 22:28
4F:推 Alica: Win專業版以上比較建議裝群組原則 裡面可以鎖定更新 11/02 22:37
5F:→ Alica: 安裝後關於Firefox會顯示為"您的系統管理員已停用更新" 11/02 22:38
6F:→ kissfish: 感謝回覆 :) 我只看第四段的描述感覺是強迫更新才詢問>< 11/03 00:10
7F:推 moocow: 感覺瀏覽term.ptt.cc有變快 @@? 11/03 07:55
8F:推 kc1446: 感謝,剛剛已更新 11/03 08:01
9F:→ rick: 感覺看表特版的多張imgur開圖變正常了 還是之前只有我怪怪的 11/03 08:20
10F:推 estupid: 上面的tab bar是不是縮小了 還是是我的錯覺 11/03 09:43
11F:推 kawasakiZII: 推 11/03 13:04
12F:推 leon19790602: 火狐94的預設頁面,搜尋欄只要有輸入就都會變成直接 11/03 20:03
13F:→ leon19790602: 跳到網址列輸入,好怪...還是只有我這樣 11/03 20:03
14F:推 leon19790602: 就圈起來這裡輸 11/03 20:11
15F:→ leon19790602: 入會自動跳到上面,雖不影響就很怪,有辦法改回嗎? 11/03 20:11
16F:推 moocow: 怪怪的 按下首頁圖示 竟然沒反應 11/03 23:00
17F:→ moocow: 不過應該說首頁設定跑掉了 11/03 23:01
18F:→ kc1446: 才過不到兩天,94.0.1已釋出了 11/04 08:37
19F:→ rick: 真的耶 不過releasenote還沒出 等出了再更新 11/04 09:45
20F:→ imagineer: 94 session會掉window 11/04 13:11
21F:→ krisher: 還是和臉書打架.不時會發生圖片無法載入,只剩說明文字 11/04 19:53
22F:→ cys070: 臉書那圖不載入還是沒修好 11/04 22:08
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 11/04/2021 22:39:27
23F:推 g112: google地圖截圖黑畫面好像修好了 11/05 02:08
24F:→ rick: youtube本來在分頁欄會顯示幾個未讀(本身通知超過9只顯示9+) 11/15 20:11
25F:→ rick: 不知道是這一版還是上一版 分頁的顯示數量不見了 有解嗎? 11/15 20:12
26F:→ Medic: 發現可以在 Win10 Store 上找到了耶 11/17 22:48
27F:推 kc1446: 94.0.2已悄悄釋出XD 11/18 12:35
28F:→ rick: 17號上傳 現在還不能更新 我還在等 順便等releasenote 11/19 23:43
29F:→ bajiqa: 建議把最新的note放在最上方 11/20 22:26
30F:→ rick: 感覺94.0.2不是給win版用的 但現在還沒有releasenote 11/21 20:35
31F:→ rick: 我排版會比較不方便閱讀 你要看note要不要自己連上網頁看 XD 11/21 20:46
32F:→ kc1446: m....了解。這沒遇過欸,差點以為是我出錯/看錯了 11/22 07:13
33F:→ rick: 可是94.0.2的releasenote一直在準備中...所以不知道為什麼XD 11/22 07:44
34F:推 l98: 主要是 Microsoft Store 上版本的修 11/22 13:35
35F:→ l98: 正,當然還有其他修正。 上面有人回說是星期一更新。 等看看 11/22 13:36
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 11/23/2021 08:14:52 ※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 11/23/2021 08:15:44
36F:→ rick: @l98 真是禮拜一 tks 11/23 08:16
37F:→ kc1446: 原來!!!!第一次遇到這種更新的狀況欸ww 11/23 18:37

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