Browsers 板


官方版本92.0預計在 2021年09月07日(美國時間) 台灣時間09月07日~08日 更新 更新日誌 New︰ Building on Total Cookie Protection, we've added a more comprehensive logic for clearing cookies that prevents hidden data leaks and makes it easy for users to understand which websites are storing local information. (網址有誤) Firefox now supports logging into Microsoft, work, and school accounts using Windows single sign-on. The simplify page when printing feature is back! When printing, under More settings > Format select the Simplified option when available to get a clutter-free page. HTTPS-First Policy: Firefox Private Browsing windows now attempt to make all connections to websites secure, and fall back to insecure connections only when websites do not support it. We've added a new locale: Scots (sco) The address bar now provides Switch to Tab results also in Private Browsing windows. Firefox now automatically enables High Contrast Mode when "Increase Contrast" is checked on MacOS Firefox now does catch-up paints for almost all user interactions, enabling a 10-20% improvement in response time to most user interactions. Fixed︰ Various security fixes Enterprise︰ Various bug fixes and new policies have been implemented in the latest version of Firefox. See more details in the Firefox for Enterprise 91 Release Notes. Developer Web Platform︰ The Visual Viewport API is now supported on desktop platforms -- ███ █ ████ █☆★ ★☆☆★◢█◣◢█◣☆★☆ █ █ █★☆ ☆★★☆██████★☆★ ☆★ ███ █ █ ██ 記得第一次直視那雙笑眼的悸動嗎◣ █ █ █★☆███ █☆★★☆★◥██◤☆★★☆★☆★ ███ █ ████ █☆★☆★☆ ★☆★☆☆★☆★◥◤Ψwilliam803 --
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址:
1F:→ rick: 慘 用純HTTPS模式 早餐店好像無法正常搜尋 不知道怎麼設例外 08/10 21:19
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 08/10/2021 21:20:35
2F:推 olduck: 不就在開啟純https模式設定旁邊而已 08/10 22:53
3F:推 BDrip: 意思是你在早餐店搜什麼 會有人知道(? 08/10 23:54
4F:→ abram: 搜喝大冰奶會不會烙賽不想讓人知道 08/11 06:43
5F:推 estupid: 三明治 漢堡 蛋餅 種類太多需要搜尋 08/11 07:13
6F:→ rick: no~ 我意思是 例外設一設還是一樣 不知道怎樣設定才正確 08/11 07:43
7F:→ rick: 瀏覽文章正常 但是搜尋功能失效 Cookies不會記憶 08/11 07:48
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 08/11/2021 07:49:52
8F:→ rick: 本來已經看過的文章會變色 用純HTTPS 按F5後又變回沒有變色 08/11 07:50
9F:→ cys070: 純https模式,油猴腳本有失效的 08/11 08:48
10F:推 th: 已用browser.uidensity→1,改為舊版密度; 08/11 12:45
11F:→ th: browser.proton.enabled→false,改為舊版介面; 08/11 12:45
12F:→ th:→true,附加元件圖示間距縮小(變緊 08/11 12:45
13F:→ th: 密),但書籤的上下間距還是很大,好不方便,請問有解嗎? 08/11 12:45
14F:→ konuka: 用CustomCSSforFx改 08/11 15:28
15F:→ cck196h: browser.proton.contextmenus.enabled=false 08/12 04:59
16F:推 ji394xu3: 書籤的上下間距是在跟egde致敬學習嗎? edge最讓我困擾的 08/12 11:16
17F:→ ji394xu3: 就是書籤的上下間距有夠寬,保持超級安全的社交距離... 08/12 11:16
18F:推 olduck: @ji394xu3 89版更新討論裏有間距調整的方法 08/12 12:55
19F:→ aza0290: menupopup > menuitem, menupopup > 08/12 20:10
20F:→ aza0290: menu {padding-block: 0px !important;} 08/12 20:10
21F:→ aza0290: 0px自定義間距 08/12 20:10
22F:推 MilchFlasche: 我的proton.enabled false變成沒用了耶 08/13 19:25
23F:推 sellgd: 舊UserChrome.css失效 有人多列分頁還有效嗎? 08/14 08:14
24F:推 hiroki03: browser.proton.enabled失效+1,想用舊介面的先別升 08/14 20:52
25F:推 MilchFlasche: 後來有找到新的autohide navbar了,所以就沒事了 08/16 01:29
Fixed︰ Fixed an issue causing buttons on the tab bar to be resized when loading certain websites (bug 1704404) Fixed an issue which caused tabs from private windows to be visible in non-private windows when viewing switch-to-tab results in the address bar panel (bug 1720369) Various stability fixes Security fix ※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 08/17/2021 23:24:05
26F:→ rick: 題外話: ptt imgur fix 作者昨天有更新了! 08/19 19:27
Fixed︰ High Contrast Mode is no longer enabled by default when "Increase Contrast" is checked in macOS settings (bug 1726606) Firefox no longer clears authentication data when purging trackers, to avoid repeatedly prompting for a password (bug 1721084) ※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 08/24/2021 22:14:16

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