Browsers 板


官方版本87.0預計在 2021年03月23日(美國時間) 台灣時間03月23日~03月24日 更新 更新日誌 New︰ Firefox now supports simultaneously watching multiple videos in Picture-in-Picture. Today, Firefox introduces Total Cookie Protection to Strict Mode. In Total Cookie Protection, every website gets its own “cookie jar,” preventing cookies from being used to track you from site to site. We've improved our Print functionality with a cleaner design and better integration with your computer's printer settings.
For Firefox users in Canada, credit card management and auto-fill are now enabled. Notable performance and stability improvements are achieved by moving canvas drawing and WebGL drawing to the GPU process. Fixed︰ Reader mode now works with local HTML pages. Using screen reader quick navigation to move to editable text controls no longer incorrectly reaches non-editable cells in some grids such as on The Orca screen reader's mouse review feature now works correctly after switching tabs in Firefox. Screen readers no longer report column headers incorrectly in tables containing cells spanning multiple columns. Links in Reader View now have more color contrast. Various security fixes. Changed︰ On Linux and Android, the protection to mitigate the stack clash attack has been activated. From Firefox 86 onward, DTLS 1.0 is no longer supported for establishing WebRTC's PeerConnections. All WebRTC services need to support DTLS 1.2 from now on as the minimum version. Consolidated all video decoding in the new RDD process which results in a more secure Firefox. Enterprise︰ Various bug fixes and new policies have been implemented in the latest version of Firefox. You can see more details in the Firefox for Enterprise 86 Release Notes. Developer︰ CSS image-set() function in CSS is now enabled, allowing for responsive images in CSS. Inactive CSS tool is now showing a warning when margin or padding is set on internal table elements.
Developer Tools Toolbox is now showing a number of errors on the current page. This is a quick way to surface information to a developer that something is wrong with their page. Clicking on the red exclamation icon navigates the user to the Console panel.
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 02/23/2021 22:59:36
1F:推 GrandPrix: hichannel可以聽了唷..可喜可賀 02/24 00:16
2F:→ hdd60311: 是說term.ptt chrome可以用滑鼠貼上FF不行是term的問題 02/24 03:21
3F:→ hdd60311: 還是FF的問題? 02/24 03:21
4F:推 aa2468291: 話說ff的優勢剩下甚麼 02/24 09:44
5F:推 BDrip: 不用Chromium(? 02/24 10:22
6F:→ kc1446: 感謝資訊,已更新 02/24 16:39
7F:推 moocow: 終於支援多個pip拉 XD 02/24 18:02
8F:→ alchemy123: 不如說gc的優勢是什麼?人多勢眾? 02/24 18:45
9F:推 penguinfuko: ff 用起來蠻順手的啊? 02/24 23:32
10F:推 s9209122222: firefox 明顯就是比較好用呀 02/25 09:03
11F:→ aacdsee: FF讓你不會被商業大公司挾持賣你個資送你廣告 02/25 13:44
12F:推 oscar721: 真的用來用去就ff最好用 02/25 20:57
13F:推 kc1446: 網路安全方面我還是比較相信FF 02/25 21:39
14F:推 holishing: 死守 Firefox, 除非有其他非 Chromium 的瀏覽器能打 02/26 00:41
15F:推 hohiyan: 在我的電腦上Firefox的字體渲染就是比Chromium好看... 02/26 05:46
16F:推 smallreader: 讚耶,多個pip,追箱推不麻煩了 02/26 17:57
17F:推 tzback: pip跟userchrome.css客製化介面好用啊 02/26 22:47
18F:推 aszx4510: Nightly的圖案變成Doge了 lol 02/26 22:49
19F:推 aiwheat: hichannel可以聽了喔!看到一樓講才知道,ya 02/28 22:42
20F:推 chjimmy: 除非要chromecast,不然我都在用FF 03/02 12:40
21F:推 jfmf: firefox用戶推 03/03 11:16
Fixed︰ Fixed an issue on Apple Silicon machines that caused Firefox to be unresponsive after system sleep (bug 1682713) Fixed an issue causing windows to gain or lose focus unexpectedly (bug 1694927) Fixed truncation of date and time widgets due to incorrect width calculation (bug 1695578) Fixed an issue causing unexpected behavior with extensions managing tab groups (bug 1694699) Fixed a frequent Linux crash on browser launch (bug 1694670) ※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 03/12/2021 08:01:52

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