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Firefox 78 is the last major release with support for macOS versions 10.9, 10.10 and 10.11. If you use one of these versions, you’ll be supported through Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) 78.x for the coming year. 官方版本79.0預計在 2020年07月28日(美國時間) 台灣時間07月28日~07月29日 更新 更新日誌 New︰ The Protections Dashboard includes consolidated reports about tracking protection, data breaches, and password management. New features let you: .Track how many breaches you’ve resolved right from the dashboard .See if any of your saved passwords may have been exposed in a data breach To view your dashboard, type about:protections into the address bar, or select “Protections Dashboard” from the main menu. Because we know people try to fix problems by reinstalling Firefox when a simple refresh is more likely to solve the issue, we’ve added a Refresh button to the Uninstaller. With this release, your screen saver will no longer interrupt WebRTC calls on Firefox, making conference and video calling in Firefox better. We’ve rolled out WebRender to Windows users with Intel GPUs, bringing improved graphics performance to an even larger audience. Firefox 78 is also our Extended Support Release (ESR), where the changes made over the course of the previous 10 releases will now roll out to our ESR users. Some of the highlights are: .Kiosk mode .Client certificates .Service Worker and Push APIs are now enabled .The Block Autoplay feature is enabled .Picture-in-picture support .View and manage web certificates in about:certificate Pocket recommendations, featuring some of the best stories on the web, will now appear on the Firefox new tab for 100% of our users in the UK. If you don’t see them, you can turn on Pocket articles in your new tab, follow these steps. Fixed︰ Various security fixes. We fixed bugs in the search results quality composition and improved search result texts based on recommendations by our partners. Changed︰ The minimal system requirements on Linux have been updated. Firefox now needs GNU libc 2.17, libstdc++ 4.8.1 and GTK+ 3.14 or newer versions. As part of our ongoing effort to deprecate obsolete cryptography, we have disabled all remaining DHE-based TLS ciphersuites by default. To mitigate web compatibility issues from disabling DHE-based TLS ciphersuites, Firefox 78 enables two more AES-GCM SHA2-based ciphersuites. We have disabled TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 to improve your website connections. Sites that don't support TLS version 1.2 will now show an error page. The context menu (accessed by right clicking on a tab) lets you undo multiple tab closings with a single click and places Close Tabs to the Right and Close Other Tabs in a submenu. A number of accessibility improvements have been made with this release. When using the JAWS screen reader, pressing the down arrow in an HTML input control with a datalist no longer incorrectly moves the cursor to the next element after the input control. Screen readers no longer severely lag or freeze when focusing the microphone/camera/screen sharing indicator. Large tables with thousands of rows now load much faster for screen reader users. Text input controls with custom styling now correctly show the focus outline when appropriate. Screen readers no longer sometimes incorrectly switch to document browsing mode unexpectedly when the user enters the main Developer Tools window. We reduced a number of animations such as tab hover, search bar expansion, and others to reduce motion for users with migraines and epilepsy. Enterprise︰ Enable support for client certificates stored on macOS and Windows by setting the experimental preference security.osclientcerts.autoload to true. New policies allow you to configure application handlers, disable picture in picture, and require a master password, which will be renamed to ‘primary password’ in future releases. More details in the Firefox for Enterprise 78 release notes Developer DevTools Console now logs uncaught promise errors with much more detailed names, stacks, and properties, particularly improving JavaScript framework debugging. Debugger’s automatic mapping for minified variable names now also works for Logpoints, which makes debugger of source-mapped projects feel more seamless. The Firefox DevTools’ Network panel now highlights which extension or CORS restriction blocked a request, so developers can make their sites more resilient and secure. New RegExp engine in SpiderMonkey, adding support for the dotAll flag, Unicode escape sequences, lookbehind references, and named captures. -- ████◢█◣◢█◣◢█◣▉◢█◣◢█◣☆★★☆◢█◣◢█◣☆★☆★ ★☆★██★☆★☆★☆██████★☆★ ███◥█◣◥█◣▉█ 記得第一次陶醉於天籟般的歌聲嗎◣ ★☆★☆★█▉█★☆★☆★☆◥██◤☆★☆☆★☆ ██◤◥█◤◥█◤◥█◤▉◥█◤◥██◣★☆☆★☆★◥◤Ψwilliam803 --
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※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 07/01/2020 17:19:02
1F:推 b155073: 暫停推送了 等78.0.1 07/01 21:05
2F:→ rick: @@ 為什麼啊? 07/01 21:15
3F:→ Agency: 直上 78.0.1 XD 07/01 23:26
4F:→ rick: 嗯嗯 剛剛發現可以更新了 07/01 23:50 Fixed︰ Fixed an issue which could cause installed search engines to not be visible when upgrading from a previous release. ※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 07/01/2020 23:55:04
5F:→ s8321414: 這bug實在是...... 07/02 08:14
6F:推 Kagero: 不意外的又有小數點 07/02 09:42
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 07/02/2020 10:30:57
7F:推 hakafly: 更新後 hichannel 無法收聽 都出現串流錯誤!! 07/02 12:20
8F:→ cattgirl: 幸好我沒更新 07/02 14:42
9F:→ hijacker: 這版用mycroftproject.com新增搜尋引擎好像失效了? 07/02 20:58
10F:→ hijacker: 自問自答 這裡找到解答了 07/02 21:03
11F:推 kc1446: 已更新 07/02 23:13
12F:推 moocow: 新功能:對分頁按滑鼠右鍵 有新功能 07/03 00:22

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