Browsers 板


官方版本73.0預計在 2020年02月11日(美國時間) 台灣時間02月12日 更新 更新日誌 New: Firefox's Enhanced Tracking Protection marks a major new milestone in our battle against cross-site tracking: we now block fingerprinting scripts by default for all users, taking a new bold step in the fight for our users’ privacy. Firefox replaces annoying notification request pop-ups with a more delightful experience, by default for all users. The pop-ups no longer interrupt your browsing, in its place, a speech bubble will appear in the address bar when you interact with the site. Picture-in-picture video is now also available in Firefox for Mac and Linux: Select the blue icon from the right edge of a video to pop open a floating window so you can keep watching while working in other tabs or apps. Learn how the feature works. Fixed: Various security fixes Changed: Support for blocking images from individual domains has been removed from Firefox, because of low usage and poor user experience. Enterprise: Experimental support for using client certificates from the OS certificate store can be enabled by setting the preference security.osclientcerts.autoload to true (Windows only). Developer Debugger Watchpoints let developers observe object property access and writes for easier to track data flow through an application. Firefox now supports simulation of meta viewport in Responsive Design Mode. -- ★☆██ █ █◢█◣ ▄█我們永遠的☆★★☆★◢█◣◢█◣☆★★☆ █ █ ██ █ ▄█小鬼隊長☆★★☆██████★☆★ ★☆██ ███◥█◤ █金太妍記得第一次被那可愛的鬼臉給電傻嗎◣ ☆★█ █ █★☆☆★☆★★☆★☆★◥██◤☆★☆★☆★☆★ ██ █ █★☆████ ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆★◥◤Ψwilliam803 --
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1F:推 cattgirl: 支持 01/07 22:30
2F:噓 panex0845: CSS又失效了 氣氣氣氣氣 01/08 04:04
3F:→ Bellkna: pip在plasma上用好像有點問題 點了畫面會縮小 要手動拉 01/08 04:04
4F:→ Bellkna: 不知道linux其它桌面是不是正常 01/08 04:05
5F:→ hijacker: 看起來沒什麼重大更新 01/08 10:55
6F:推 t7yang: 現在都推崇小範圍更心,而且從今年開始實施四週一更 01/08 11:14
7F:→ t7yang: 所以以後版本號會跳更快。另外瀏覽器更新很大一部分是為了 01/08 11:14
8F:→ t7yang: 開發者的功能,這部分如果只是一般使用者就會很無感 01/08 11:14
9F:→ t7yang: 下一版有一個重要的功能,全域縮放比例,但是刻度只有10% 01/08 11:15
10F:→ gcobc12632: 我用beta版73.0b1 toolkit.tabbox.switchByScrolling 01/08 12:20
11F:→ gcobc12632: 的功能又進化了 現在滑鼠停在整個分頁列都可以使用滾 01/08 12:20
12F:→ gcobc12632: 輪做切換了 不像之前一定要停在分頁上 不過還是不能循 01/08 12:21
13F:→ gcobc12632: 環切換算是有點小遺憾 希望之後繼續改進 就不用靠css 01/08 12:21
14F:→ gcobc12632: 或外掛套件來實現這個功能 01/08 12:22
15F:→ tzback: CSS壞掉想重回71 備份的profile覆蓋回去也壞了 77777 01/08 13:59
16F:→ kuro: 要退回舊版本把 compatibility.ini 刪掉看看 01/08 21:22
17F:推 tzback: 感謝k大 可以了QQ 雖然我用土法煉鋼復原了 01/09 00:13
18F:推 kc1446: 72.0.1出來了 01/09 02:24
19F:→ qwqwaas: 怎麼兩天就連續有兩個更新阿 01/09 09:09

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