Browsers 板


官方版本71.0預計在 2019年12月03日(美國時間) 台灣時間12月04日 更新 更新日誌 Enhanced Tracking Protection (ETP) is on by default on all platforms bringing privacy protections to all our users. With this release, you can now see the many ways ETP protects you in a Privacy Protections report. New: More privacy protections from Enhanced Tracking Protection: .Social tracking protection, which blocks cross-site tracking cookies from sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, is now a standard feature of Enhanced Tracking Protection. .The Privacy Protections report shows an overview, with details, of the trackers Firefox has blocked. It provides consolidated reports from Monitor and Lockwise. More security protections from Firefox Lockwise, our digital identity and password management tool: .Lockwise for desktop lets you create, update, and delete your logins and passwords to sync across all your devices, including the Lockwise mobile apps and Firefox mobile browsers. .Integrated breach alerts from Firefox Monitor, to alert you when saved logins and passwords are compromised in online data breaches. .Complex password generation, to help you create and save strong passwords for new online accounts. Improvements to core engine components, for better browsing on more sites .A faster Javascript Baseline Interpreter to handle the modern web’s large codebases and improve page load performance by as much as 8 percent. .WebRender rolled out to more Firefox for Windows users, now available by default on Windows desktops with integrated Intel graphics cards and resolution of 1920x1200 or less) for improved graphics rendering. .Compositor improvements in Firefox for macOS that reduce power consumption, speed up page load by as much as 22 percent, and reduce resource use for video by up to 37 percent. More browser features to help you get the most out of Firefox products and services .A stand-alone Firefox account menu for easy access to Firefox services like Monitor and Send. .A message panel accessed from the gift icon in the toolbar that offers a quick overview of new releases and key features. .When a website uses your geolocation, an indicator is shown in the address bar. Fixed: Various security fixes Changed: Built-in Firefox pages now follow the system dark mode preference Aliased theme properties have been removed, which may affect some themes Passwords can now be imported from Chrome on macOS in addition to existing support for Windows Readability is now greatly improved on under- or overlined texts, including links. The lines will now be interrupted instead of crossing over a glyph. Developer: For additional developer resources from Mozilla, visit our Mozilla Developer YouTube channel for new videos every week. The Developer Tools Accessibility panel now includes an audit for keyboard accessibility and a color deficiency simulator for systems with WebRender enabled Inactive CSS: The Inspector now grays out CSS declarations that don’t affect the selected element and shows a tooltip explaining why -- and even how to fix it. The new DOM Mutation Breakpoints in Developer Tools allows developers to diagnose when scripts add, remove or update page content. This makes debugging of complex script interactions and dependencies a lot easier. WebExtensions developers can now inspect data using the "Addon Debugging" Firefox Developer Tools. With new network resource search in Developer Tools, you can quickly find resources based on their request and response data, including headers, cookies and content. 官方載點: 另一個載點: Mozilla的FTP伺服器: Unbranded版本︰ -- ▆ █★☆完美魅力--林潤娥★☆☆★☆★☆☆★◢█◣◢█◣★☆☆★ ☆★█ █☆★☆☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆██████★☆ ◥███ ◢█◣ ◢█◣ █◢◣ ◢█◣ 記得第一次看鱷魚笑的小鹿嗎◣ ☆★☆★☆█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █☆★☆☆★☆★◥██◤☆★☆★☆★☆ ███◤ ◥█◤ ◥█◤ █ █ ◥██◣☆★☆☆★◥◤☆★Ψwilliam803 --
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1F:推 estupid: LOGO換了 10/23 06:55
2F:推 rwhung: 渲染是不是變了還是改好了? (有用MacType) 10/23 07:25
3F:推 abc0922001: 我覺得火狐渲染原本就不錯了欸,晚上來更新看看 10/23 09:21
4F:推 hohiyan: 在我的電腦上火狐的渲染一直都比Chrome那一掛來得好 10/23 12:34
5F:推 cattgirl: 畫質變好 10/23 14:40
6F:推 tennyleaz: 搜尋框建議字體變超小 10/23 19:06
7F:→ gcobc12632: 之前版上用css滾輪切換分頁的方法失效了 還有新解嗎? 10/23 21:20
8F:推 aiwheat: 所以mactype使用,不會有問題了是嗎? 10/23 22:04
9F:推 Wcw5504: 把toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets 10/23 22:09
10F:→ Wcw5504: 設成true看看 如果你以前還能用的話 10/23 22:09
11F:→ gcobc12632: 已經改成true了 對了忘記說 我是beta版 71.0b3 10/23 22:29
12F:→ gcobc12632: 我css還有改其他地方 都正常 就只有滾輪切換分頁失效 10/23 22:30
13F:推 rwhung: 我用70. 滾輪切換分頁還有效 10/23 23:24
14F:→ gcobc12632: 看來71有點問題= = 10/23 23:43
15F:推 alex25694: 70版滾輪切換分頁還能用~ 10/24 00:20
16F:推 IntoHebe: 被更新後 當到現在網頁都開不出來 媽的這一兩年火狐是在 10/24 11:58
17F:→ IntoHebe: 測試使用者耐心嗎 哀 撐不住再也不用了 = = 10/24 11:59
18F:推 rockmanx52: 去更新一下你防護軟體的憑證試試看.... 10/24 14:30
19F:→ rockmanx52: 如果你的情況是連Google都上不去的話 10/24 14:30
20F:→ rockmanx52: 防護軟體包括防毒跟AdGuard這類防廣告軟體 10/24 14:30
21F:推 tzback: 我學乖了 把自動更新關掉 跳出更新先備份好profile才更新 10/24 18:14
22F:推 springman: 70版似乎 localStorage 變成不能用,不知要如何處理? 10/25 20:42
23F:推 springman: 這個例子在原本的版本或Chrome按 10/25 21:03
24F:→ springman: Click me! 次數會增加,在70版就不會動。 10/25 21:04
25F:推 springman: 咦!有點奇怪!有的正確、有的錯誤。 10/25 21:22
26F:推 idlewolf: 個人習慣 x.0版的絕對不裝 每次都一堆狗屁問題 10/25 23:04
27F:推 hiroki03: 有人知道現在Fx 69版,要怎麼關掉更新提示嗎?暫時不想 10/26 02:07
28F:→ hiroki03: 更新,但也不想每天看到更新提示自動跳出來 10/26 02:07
29F:推 mayuyu: css滾輪切換分頁是什麼功能 在tab上滾動就可以切換分頁嗎 10/26 08:02
30F:→ mayuyu: 如果是這個功能 Firefox有內建 在網址列輸入about:config 10/26 08:02
31F:→ mayuyu: 新增toolkit.tabbox.switchByScrolling 設為true 10/26 08:02
32F:推 rwhung: 內建的方法,最後一頁<==>第一頁 不能直接切換 10/26 11:44
33F:→ gcobc12632: 內建switchByScrolling 除了樓上說的不能循環之外 10/28 13:35
34F:→ gcobc12632: 還有就是 滑鼠一定要移到「分頁上」才能切換 10/28 13:36
35F:→ gcobc12632: 原本css的方法 是滑鼠移到整個分頁列都可以切換的 10/28 13:38
36F:→ gcobc12632: 像我這種分頁只有一兩個的使用者 內建方法會不方便 10/28 13:39
37F:→ gcobc12632: 不過FireDoge還可以使用啦 雖然不更新了 加減用囉 10/28 13:40
38F:推 Shauter: 媽媽樂 連水狐都因為這次更新中獎了........ 10/28 22:02
39F:→ Shauter: 奇怪的是水狐一向是安定版本優先 這次的2019.10更新很爛 10/28 22:03

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