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BRA – Knee injury puts Barbosa on Brazil’s long list of absentees 6/18 ---- MADRID (FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament for Men) – Leandro Barbosa is out of the Brazil squad for the FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament in Athens after being told by doctors to rest his knee. Barbosa在醫生告訴他,他的膝蓋需要休息後,將無法在雅典的資格賽中為巴西出賽。 The Phoenix Suns guard injured his knee during the play-offs but was hoping to recover in time to play for Moncho Monsalve in Athens. However, the latest examinations have left medical experts with the firm belief that Barbosa should not play as the Brazilians go after one of three spots that are still available for the Beijing Games. 太陽隊後衛在季後賽傷到他的膝蓋,但是他希望趕快恢復而趕上雅典資格賽。然而, 最新的診斷讓專家們確定Barbosa不應該參加資格賽,幫助巴西搶下三個席位之一。 Brazil had already suffered the health-related withdrawals of Anderson Varejao, Nene, Paulao, Valtinho and Guilherme. 巴西隊已經有Varejao,Nene, Paulao, Valtinho 和 Guilherme因傷退出。 "First of all, I would like to thank the Brazil Basketball Federation and the coach Moncho Monsalve for their patience to wait for the results of medical tests in relation to my knee,” Barbosa said. Barbosa說"首先要感謝巴西籃協跟教練Moncho Monsalve能耐心的等待我的膝傷診斷出來。 "I am saddened not to be able to help the team. My desire was to be there to help the team qualify for the Olympics, a dream since my childhood. "我很難過我無法幫助球隊。從我小時候,我就想要在那裏幫助球隊得到奧運資格。" "Unfortunately, it has been recommended to me by the doctors to rest but I will be helping the team by supporting them off the court in the hope that they reach Beijing." "不幸地,醫生建議我最好休息,但是我會在場外支持球隊,希望他們能去北京。" Barbosa will be replaced by Fulvio, who is already training with the national team. Fulvio將會取代Barbosa,他已經隨隊練習了。 Brazil will still fancy their chances of taking one of the spots as they have several excellent players still in the team, including Spanish ACB stars Tiago Splitter and Marcelo Huertas, Maccabi Tel Aviv’s Alex Garcia and Flamengo’s Marcelinho – all players who took part in the 2006 FIBA World Championship. 巴西仍然設想著他們還是有機會得到席位,因為他們有幾個優秀的球員還在陣中,包括 西班牙ABC聯盟球星Tiago Splitter 和 Marcelo Huertas, Maccabi Tel Aviv隊的 Alex Garcia 和Flamengo隊的 Marcelinho。他們都參加過2006世界錦標賽。 Splitter led Tau Ceramica to the Spanish domestic crown while Huertas was voted to the ACB’s Ideal Five after a breakout season at Bilbao. Splitter帶領Tau Ceramica隊得到西班牙冠軍且Huertas被選為ACB最佳五人 Alex was outstanding for Maccabi in the Euroleague and Marcelinho fired Flamengo to the Brazilian title. Alex在Maccabi表現優異,Marcelinho帶領Flamengo得到巴西冠軍。 The South Americans are in Group A with Greece and Lebanon, and will attempt to advance to the quarter-finals where Germany, New Zealand or Cape Verde would await them. 他們將和希臘跟黎巴嫩分在A組,晉級後將會對上德國,紐西籃或維德角。 -- 這篇真難翻 囧...大家將就看一下 --

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