worldbasket 板


ESP - Pepu Hernandez to leave Spain national team after Olympics 西班牙國家隊 - Pepu Hernandez將在本屆奧林匹克之後離開國家隊 來源: 05/05/2008 MADRID (Olympics)- Spain will have a new coach when they play at the EuroBasket in Poland following the announcement that Pepu Hernandez will step down after the Beijing Games. 在北京奧運之後,西班牙國家隊將在波蘭舉行的歐錦賽上替換新的教練,Pepu Hernandez 將卸下多年的教練職責。 Hernandez, who led Spain to the gold medal at the 2006 FIBA World Championship and silver at the EuroBasket last year in Madrid, has decided that his 'cycle will have come to an end' with the national team. Hernanadez帶領西班牙在2006勇奪世錦賽金牌,以及去年的歐錦賽銀牌,並決定將從國家 隊中退休。 'I want to thank the FEB for giving the opportunity to have enjoyed an incredible experience,' he said. 「我很感謝FEB給我經歷這個美好經驗的機會。」他說。 Hernandez will attempt to follow up the World title win with Olympic glory in August and Spain are among the favourites going into the competition. 'We aspire to the maximum,' Hernandez said. Hernandez將試著在接下來八月的奧運中爭奪金牌,西班牙也的確是有力的競爭者。「我們 希望能盡全力。」Hernandez說。 'Our mind is on the gold medal, that is why I want to ask for the suppport of everyone, players, coaches, FEB and of course, the fans.' 「我們的目標在金牌,這就是為什麼我希望能得到每個人的支援,不論是球員、教練、 FEB還有球迷。」 Standing in their way, however, are the United States, hosts China, defending champions Argentina, European heavyweights Lithuania and EuroBasket champions Russia. 但是在他們路上還有像是美國、地主中國以及上屆冠軍阿根廷、歐洲強權立陶宛以及歐錦 冠軍俄羅斯。 Spain were last weekend drawn in the same group with the US and China. 在上週的分組抽籤中,西班牙抽到與美國以及中國同組。 Hernandez has some big decisions to make with respect to his squad. Hernandez正在慎重考慮隊伍的成員。 There's a huge debate in Spain as to which point guards he should take to Beijing along with Jose Calderon. 對於除了Jose Calderon以外,還要帶哪位控球後衛去北京。 Sergio Rodriguez has played very little this year with Portland and Carlos Cabezas has endured an injury-plagued campaign with Unicaja Malaga. Sergio Rodriguez這季在波特蘭出場的機會不多,而Carlos Cabezas以及Unicaja Malaga 兩位則有傷在身。 Teenage sensation Ricky Rubio of DKV Joventut has played so well that many think he will get one of the other two playmaker spots. DKV Joventut隊的年輕天才Ricky Rubio打的很不錯,很多人認為他會是另兩位後衛的其中 一人。 Hernandez believes that by leaving he is doing what is best for himself and for Spain. Hernandez相信他的退休對於他以及西班牙都是最好的。 'I have experienced three wonderful years with the national team but there are cycles that come to an end and it's good that there's a change,' he said. 「我在國家隊經歷了每好的三年,但是換血的時候到了,有些改變是很好的。」他說。 FIBA -- 世界籃球討論板 12 國家體育場 汗水, 鬥志, 膽識 9 PttBasket 籃球 Σ籃球/台灣籃球/美國職籃/相關討論 1 basket_ptt *THM Σ主題樂園 5 worldbasket 籃球 ◎世界籃球錦標賽和聯賽討論板 --
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