wisdom 板


It's better to have a horrible ending than to have horrors without end. 恐怖的結局 勝過恐怖而沒有結局 There are some things that are impossible to know -but it is impossible to know these things. 有些事情不可能了解-不過你不可能知道是哪些 If it's worth doing,it's worth overdoing. 值得做的事 就值得做過頭 Life can only be understood backwards,but it must be lived forward. 人生回頭看才能夠了解 日子卻得往前走 Memory serves its own master. 記憶滿足回憶的人 Experience is something you don't get until justafter you need it. 經驗這種東西 需要的時機剛過了才來 Trust everybody,but cut the cards. 相信別人 不過牌還是要切 A man without religion is like a fish without a bicycle. 人沒有宗教 就像魚沒有腳踏車 Friends come and go,but enemies accumulate. 朋友有來有去 敵人只增不減 Beauty is only skin deep,but ugly goes clean to the bone. 美麗只是皮相 不過醜陋卻是醜到骨子裡去 To err is human-to blame it on someone else is even more human. 犯錯本屬人性-把錯怪到別人身上更是人性 Forgive and remember. 饒人卻記恨 You can only be young once, but you can be immature forever. 年輕只能一次 幼稚可以永遠 Everyone wants to be noticed,but no one wants to be stared at. 大家都希望受人矚目 卻沒有人喜歡給人盯著看 The worse the haircut,the slowerit grows out. 頭髮剪的越失敗 長的越慢 The hidden flaw never remains hidden. 隱藏的缺陷遲早會見光 Smile.Tomorrow will be worse. 能笑就笑 明天會更糟 Nobody can leave well enough alone. 誰也無法不管閒事 If it doesn't matter,it does not matter. 可有可無 就是可無 Nothing is as inevitable as a mistake whose time has come. 該來的錯誤 什麼也擋不住 If you don't care where you are,you ain't lost. 不在乎在哪 就不算迷路 A crisis is when you can't say,"Let's forget the whole thing." 所謂難關 就是連"乾脆忘掉這一切就算了"都不能說 An optimist believes we live in the best of all possible worlds. A pessimist fears this is ture. 樂觀者相信 再也沒有別的世界比我們所住的世界更好了 而悲觀者則害怕真是如此 There is no limit to how bad things can get. 糟糕沒有限度 --           欸,去幫我留言,我就買一個巴里島給你要不要?          要不要嘛?http://www.wretch.cc/album/RED1987  --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 MDoReMi:XD 推 讓人會心一笑的格言 09/28 21:01
2F:推 thindust:魚沒有腳踏車 這是什麼比喻 表示人不需要宗教嗎 09/28 21:01
3F:→ theliu:其實是不需要阿= = 09/28 21:14
4F:推 milkcaspar:推一個 09/28 22:14
5F:推 intmer:推一個! 09/28 22:30
6F:推 cocotte:誰 09/28 23:56
7F:推 arbitrator:推~ 09/29 01:13
8F:推 Maflada:我覺得魚沒有腳踏車那個最妙 XD 09/29 02:19
9F:→ yilan:是不是有打錯字?mo limit? 09/29 03:00
10F:推 tinia:it doesn't matter 那個翻譯是不是怪怪的@@ 09/29 04:02
11F:推 Missio:GOOD 09/29 11:27
12F:推 kaoru045:人本來就不需要宗教 09/29 13:38
13F:推 zzziiii:魚不需要腳踏車..XD 09/29 16:11
※ 編輯: YumiQ 來自: (09/29 17:02)
14F:推 YumiQ:不好意思 這是我照著書上打的 所以單字有打錯 已經改正了 ^^ 09/29 17:02
15F:推 YSClaire:推一個^^ 09/29 19:18
16F:推 yeye:值得一推 09/30 02:23
17F:推 pony464:好棒...推一個^^ 09/30 02:48
18F:推 gl4xup6z83g:要相信別人 但是牌還是要切~ 笑死我了!! 09/30 09:19
19F:推 panung:i like 09/30 17:29
20F:推 sousy:推 09/30 22:44
21F:推 learnig:腳踏車那個 我還楞了一下! 哈~ 10/01 17:36
22F:推 opengoodbook:大推 轉批兔個版 10/02 00:09
23F:推 asami:推!!!!! 10/08 18:28
24F:推 t38a2008:推 借轉 02/07 16:10
25F:推 kitana:借轉 :) 06/14 19:08

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