wisdom 板


Marriage resembles a pair if shears, so joined that they cannot be separated; often moving in opposute directions, yet always punishing anyone who comes between them.---Sydney Smith 婚姻如同一對大剪刀,結合起來不能拆開,動作方向又常常相反,但是有誰插入中間, 便會受到懲罰。 Marry in haste and repent at leisure. 結婚過於躁急,當閒靜下來時就會要懊悔。 My son is my till he has got him a wife but my daughter is my daughter all the days of her life.---Jhon Ray 兒子娶親後就不是自己的兒子了,但是女兒卻是一生都是自己的女兒 Of all actions of a mans life, his marriage does least concern other people, yet of all actions of our life it is most meddled with by other people. 一個人一生中的一切行為最與他人無關的就是他的婚姻,但在我們一生中的所有行動, 最受到他人插手來管的就是婚姻。 Spare the rod and spoil the child.---Thomas Fuller 玉不琢不成器 Sympathy constitutes friendship; but in love there is a sort of antipathy or opposing passion. Each strives to be the other and both together make up one whole.---Samuel Taylor Coleridge 同情作為友誼,但戀愛卻是有憎恨或是敵對的情感。個人極力想要成為對方,兩人 合起來就是完整的一體。 The best way to turn a woman's head is to tell her she has a nice profile. 要讓女人歡天喜地的方法就是讚美她有一個美麗的輪廓。 The value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults.---peter De Vries 婚姻的價值並不是使成年人能生出子女,而是使子女可造就成年人。 The best way to see if the charming woman loves you is to place a stray bit of white cotton on your coat sleeve. If she loves you she will pick it off. 要試探一個有魅力的女人是否愛你,可以在袖口粘著一堆棉花屑,如果她愛你,就 會主動幫你拿掉。 The course of ture love never did run smooth.---Shakespeare 真愛必有波折 The woman cries before the wedding; the man afterward.---波蘭諺語 女人在婚前哭泣,男人則在婚後 There is the same difference in a person before and after he is in love as there is in an unlighted lamp and one that is burning. The lamp was there and it was a good lamp, but now it is shedding light too and that is its real function. 一個人戀愛前後最大的差異,就像是一盞未點燃與點燃的燈,燈原本是就在那裡, 而且是一盞好燈,但是現在它還放出了光芒,而這也才是它真正的功用。 To marry once is a duty, twice a folly, thrice is madress.---荷蘭諺語 結婚一次是天職,兩次是愚蠢,三次是瘋狂 Women are born with more sensitivity and intuition than man. 女人天生就比男生更加敏感而且有直覺力 When a woman suffers in silence, it probably means her phone is out of order. 當一個女人夠忍的住緘默時,可能是她的電話壞了 When a woman refuses to quarrel with a man, it means that she is tired of him. Ture lovers fight back. 當一個女人不願意跟某個男人吵嘴時,那表示她對他感到厭倦了。因為真正的愛人 情侶們一定會吵嘴。 Wives are young men's mistresses; companions for middle age; and old men's nurse's. 妻子是青年人的情人,中年人的伴侶,老年人的看護 --

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