politics 板


不,你們才不要屈解美國立場 與媒體對抗? 看來也不過一群無恥之徒,任意節取自己想要的片段 然後就大肆抹黑,講得一副媒體多委屈偉大的民進黨 很不幸地,這些新聞稿我也都看過原文 美國多次表達的是"他們原則上支持公投" 因為支持民主程序的存在 是美國一貫國策,但支持"公投"指的是讓公投法、與公投行為本身可以存在 但不支持,並質疑這ㄧ次的公投是陳水扁總統為個人選舉考量而做 還說美國立場沒問題? 結果阿米塔吉返美,記者問他,他在大陸講的話是 不是受大陸影響? 結果他回答當時表達的就是美國的立場,並不是受中共影響。 讓美國公開質疑,倒還是韓戰後第一次。 看到一個"We support referenda in principle"就高興的以為劉屏說謊? 是瞎眼,沒看到美國衝著民進黨發表了那麼多次負面看法? 看來民進黨搞民主口號卻完全沒教會人守原則和重法治 不是無恥就是可悲。 ※ 引述《retsam (filled with Mondays)》之銘言: : 在討論對新聞的意見前 應先質疑新聞的真實性 : 這雖然是一篇舊報導了(我也想早點po 不過最近才整理出來) : 不過如果你還想知道真相 如果想知道媒體如何曲解美國立場 : 請看下去 : : 劉屏/華府報導 美國國務卿鮑爾11日指出,台灣的公投沒有必要;兩個公投題目,美國 : : 都不支持;美國也不願見到因為這些公投而改變現狀。 : :  台灣公布公投題目後,這是美國最明確的公開表態。鮑爾11日列席眾議院國際關係委員 : : 會,說明下年度預算並備詢。他與「台灣連線」四位共同主席之一的布朗(民主黨,俄亥 : : 俄州)對話時,說明了美國的立場。以下是問答概要。 布朗問:台灣兩項公投,美國行 : : 政當局是否支持其中一項?還是兩項都支持?鮑爾答:幾項公投,我們真的沒有看到有其 : : 必要,但台灣是個民主的地方,如果他們選擇要公投,他們就能有公投。我們向他們說得 : : 很清楚,無論如何,我們不想見到這些動作導致任何改變。我們仍是全然支持並完全承諾 : : 我們的「一個中國」政策,這個政策的基礎是三個聯合公報與《台灣關係法》。依據這項 : : 法律,美國對於台灣的安全有義務。我們不相信此一地區任何一方應採取片面行動以改變 : : 現狀。兩岸必須協力,最終尋求和解,以化解立場及利益的分歧。所以,我們不對公投中 : : 的任何一個表示支持。 : 鮑爾在聽證會上的文字搞還沒刊出 但你可以到以下網址觀看 : 國會影像紀錄 : http://wwwc.house.gov/international_relations/fullhear.htm : 在2/11 2:13位置 : 中國郵報在2004/2/13有刊出鮑爾的言論 : http://www.chinapost.com.tw/taiwan/detail.asp?ID=45900&GRP=B : "We don't really see a need for these referenda," said Powell, in : response to a question from House International Relations : Committee member and U.S.-Taiwan Caucus co-chair : Representative Sherrod Brown, a Democrat from Ohio. : As a democracy, though, Taiwan has every right to hold a : referendum, according to Powell. : "Taiwan is a democratic place, and if they choose to have a : referenda, they can have a referenda," he said. : But the U.S. administration is "not expressing support for either of : the referenda," he said. : :  先前,副國務卿阿米塔吉曾在北京表示,台灣公投題目既不是特別困難的問題,也不存 : : 在太大的分歧,因此舉辦公投的動機令人起疑。上周,負責東亞事務的副助理國務卿薛瑞 : : 福在國會聽證會上也說,一般舉行公投是由下而上,而且議題都是「困難」與「分歧」者 : : ,但是台灣的公投並不符合這種類別,所以美國有理由提出疑問。 : 而副國務卿阿米塔吉在北京表示什麼 : http://www.state.gov/s/d/rm/28614.htm : DEPUTY SECRETARY ARMITAGE: Yeah, recently in : Washington, and elsewhere here, we've had back and forth visits and : discussions of Taiwan. President Bush has made it quite clear that : we are opposed, the United States is opposed, to any unilateral : action which alters the status quo by either side. As much as we : respect Taiwan’s democracy, the referendum in question does raise : some questions. : As I understand it, referenda are generally reserved for items or : issues that are either very divisive, or very difficult. The wording that : I have seen of the referendum seems to be neither divisive nor : difficult. So I think it raises some questions about the motives of : those who want to put it forward. : 台灣公投題目既不是特別困難的問題,也不存在太大的分歧 : ,因此舉辦公投的動機令人起疑。 : The position of the United States on this is that we're studying this : very carefully. It's not just the written words that would be in front of : one on a paper, but it is the context of them and how they are used : domestically. It's a very fluid situation. : 劉屏的報導只引用第二段 完全忽略第三段 : 阿米塔吉在同樣訪談中還強調I hope you'll use my whole : statement. : 負責東亞事務的副助理國務卿薛瑞福在國會聽證會說什麼 : http://www.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2004/29106pf.htm : I know that you are also interested in our view of the recent : referenda, which President Chen Shui-bian has offered for : consideration by the voters concurrent with the March 20 election. : We support referenda in principle; they are tools that all democratic : countries use to gauge the sentiments of the people, though it's : usually the case that you have these referenda coming from the : bottom rather than drawn up by the top. : As the Deputy Secretary said in Beijing, referenda are generally : reserved for very difficult and divisive issues, but the wording of : these referenda is neither difficult nor particularly divisive. The : Secretary of State has noted that we are still studying the text of : President Chen's proposed referenda. We do not endorse any : particular referendum or phrasing, but we will wait to see the : context, and how it is used domestically in Taiwan. : 劉屏完全忽略"We support referenda in principle" 和 " We do not : endorse any particular referendum or phrasing, but we will wait to : see the context, and how it is used domestically in Taiwan." : 事實上薛瑞福後來說公投第一題的確是「分歧」與「困難」 : 有興趣者可參考Taipei Times ''US is preparing a stick for China'' : 如果你已經看到這一行字 應該很清楚美國立場是什麼 : 和劉屏的報導有什麼顯著的不同 : 這樣不專業的記者 不該再信任他的報導 : 與媒體對抗http://www.socialforce.org/ --

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