points 板


Credit: FlyerTalk Translator: LoseProphet 要玩(不要命)的人請先看看退票有多麻煩... Cancelling an Avianca Lifemiles award 如何取消你的AV票 1. This will take 20-30 minutes and costs $50 運氣好的話你會花30分鐘左右,加上50美金redeposit費用 2. You have to pay the $50 up front and will need to have your credit card handy 準備好你的信用卡 3. You will need a PIN number for the call center. You set up the PIN online by changing your "information and preferences". Note that this has 3 pages but you only need to change the "Manage the Basics" page and hit "Save". The progress-bar at the top never seems to reach 100% but it doesn't matter. 先到帳號把PIN設好 4. Call the USA reservations number preferably during business hours +1 800 284 2622 打到美國 5. Key 2 for English (or 1 for Spanish), 3 for Lifemiles/Corporate, then 1 for Lifemiles 選2-3-1 6. If you have got a noisy phone line, hang up and go back to step 4. It is possible to get a good line even from overseas. 感覺不爽就掛了重打 7. With luck, someone coherent will answer. If not, don't waste your time, HUACA 運氣好的話,會有人接電話(25%~) 8. Give them the PNR to be cancelled 給agent booking ref 9. You will get a sales pitch encouraging you to change the flight to another date which would cost $150, rather than cancel. Insist on cancelling. 客服小哥會遊說你改票,費用150,堅持不要 10. You will be put on hold for 5-10 minutes 被丟下5~10分鐘(經驗大約15分鐘),可以去洗個衣服、掃掃地... 11. You will be connected to an automated system to key in your PIN. Don't press # afterwards. 被轉接到電腦語音系統要求輸入剛剛的PIN 12. You will be asked to pay the $50 via an automated system. You'll be asked for your CC number, then you must repeat it. Don't press # afterwards. Then the expiry month, then year, then the id number. Be ready to rattle through the keys as any hesitation causes the system to think you've finished. So, typically you will need 2-3 attempts. 電腦語音系統要求輸入信用卡資訊,一次一定不成功(沒有人知道為什麼) 反正多試幾次,運氣好就過了 13. You will be put on hold for 5-10 minutes while the card is checked. It may fail the first time, for no reason. Go back to step 12. 多試幾次 14. Once the CC is confirmed the operator will ask you for the full billing address, then your name as it appears on the card, then the name of the bank which issued the card. agent會要一堆資料(帳單地址之類的) 15. You will be put on hold for 5-10 minutes 去烤個點心、洗個澡 16. The operator will confirm the cancellation, or rather confirm it will be put in the queue for manual cancellation. 得到確認 17. After 24 hours or so, you should receive an E Mail receipt for the $50 (could be in Spanish) 整整一天之後,你才會拿到收據 18. Miles will be refunded within 2-3 days, as if you had paid using the maximum miles with no cash to refund all the cash and the miles to what you had before making the booking. 里程2~3天後入帳(目前回報最慢半年還沒到) 19. The taxes - fairly modest - will be refunded in full since you already paid the cancellation fee up front. The refund should hit the CC within a week or so. No refund for the $25 booking fee. 稅金全額退 25美金訂票費不退 20. AFAIK the cash will be refunded to the original card not the one you just gave them. 稅金會退到當初刷的那張 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 sharp100:游董好貼心,還附上譯文 05/20 19:42
2F:推 Earl:AV退票比開票還靠北,這也是我不敢買的原因..... 05/20 19:43
3F:推 loveayux:推~ 05/20 19:44
4F:推 aaaaaaaaame:推~~我對AV心已死了 05/20 23:27
5F:推 junius125:烤個點心 洗個澡XD 05/23 18:09

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