作者switch (pura vita!)
標題[新聞] 美國將禁止兩周內到過中國的外國人入境
時間Sat Feb 1 10:57:38 2020
發稿時間:約台灣時間 2020/2/1 5:40
撰 稿 者:David Slotnick and Aria Bendix
Chinese health officials say the incubation period for the virus ranges from
one to 14 days, during which time carriers can be infectious even if they
don't show symptoms. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a
test for the virus, but the agency's director, Robert Redfield, said it was
not fully reliable.
"We've seen people who had a detectable virus, then they didn't have a
detectable virus, and then three days later they had a detectable virus,"
Redfield said. "We don't know the natural history of how this virus is
"We are going to see additional cases in this country," he said. "In the six
cases we defined, a number of them came in asymptomatic."
Earlier on Friday, the CDC issued a mandatory quarantine order to nearly 200
Americans who were evacuated from China earlier this week. It was the first
CDC quarantine in more than 50 years.
摘要:中國衛生官員表示病毒潛伏期為 1~14天,這段時間內即使帶原者無症狀也可
能具有傳染力 (can be infectious)。 CDC 已經有一套檢測病毒的流程,但目前
仍不十分可靠。CDC 局長 Rober Redfiled 表示"我們曾發現有患者體內先是可以檢
病毒是如何把自己隱藏起來的 ("We don't know the natural history of how
this virus is secreted.") 我們預期美國境內將會出現更多的案例,目前的六個
週五稍早,CDC 命令近 200名自中國撤離的美國人需接受強制隔離。這是 CDC 超過
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/nCoV2019/M.1580525861.A.6F4.html
※ 編輯: switch ( 臺灣), 02/01/2020 10:59:29
1F:推 m522522: 如果變得政治問題,其他國家認定我們是China,台灣真的會 02/01 11:00
2F:→ m522522: 很衰,中國人真的害了全世界 02/01 11:00
3F:推 recx: 幹 美國親自說病毒會躲起來 這就真的會怕了 02/01 11:16
4F:→ recx: 台灣這邊包含那例舞小姐可能都要再測了 02/01 11:16
5F:推 thehoodguy: 剛看美國首例已治癒 02/01 11:30
6F:推 cosmite: 推 02/01 11:34
7F:→ AZFUCK: 台灣不效法美國下一個禁的大概就是我們吧 02/01 11:39
8F:推 cosmite: 現在覺得金小胖的一個月才是對的 02/01 11:40
9F:→ cosmite: 如果剛好接近14天才發病 02/01 11:40
10F:→ cosmite: 然後症狀又是像台灣的第十例一樣 02/01 11:40
11F:→ cosmite: 只是普通感冒症狀 02/01 11:40
12F:→ cosmite: 那可能也不會去檢驗肺炎感染 02/01 11:40
13F:→ cosmite: 接著就入境傳染給其他人 02/01 11:40
14F:→ cosmite: 台灣跟上阿 02/01 11:40
15F:→ Leeba: 來個中國到台轉機發病,我們會GG嗎 02/01 11:55
16F:推 www12345610: 不知道這政策有沒有包含到過香港的外國人... 02/01 21:09