nCoV2019 板


※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1UCC23cC ] 作者: achernarsw (倒立澳客) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 澳洲成功重製武漢病毒,往疫苗跨出第一步 時間: Wed Jan 29 07:15:10 2020 ※發文無1~6小標格式或未依順序任意刪除者會被刪文 1.媒體來源: 澳廣 ABC Australia 2.記者署名 Sophie Scott, Penny Timms, Loretta Florance 3.完整新聞標題: 澳洲實驗室為中國境外成功重製冠狀病毒的首例,將有助疫苗進度 Australian lab first outside of China to re-create coronavirus, helping vaccine push 4.完整新聞內文: In a major breakthrough in the global fight against coronavirus, scientists in Australia have developed a lab-grown version of the disease. 全球抗武漢病毒大戰有了重大突破,澳洲科學家做出了病毒的實驗室版。 Described as a "game changer" that will help scientists determine whether a future vaccine is effective, experts at Melbourne's Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity on Tuesday became the world's first scientific lab outside of China to recreate the virus. 墨爾本的彼得道爾蒂感染暨免疫研究院於週二重製了武漢冠狀病毒,成為中國境外首例, 專家稱這將大幅扭轉疫情形勢,並將幫助科學家確認未來是否能開發出有效疫苗。 They will now share it with the World Health Organisation (WHO) in Europe, which will in turn share it with labs worldwide — including one from Queensland — involved in the worldwide race to develop a vaccine. 此成果將分享給位於歐洲的世界衛生組織 (WHO) ,而世衛會再向全球參與疫苗開發衝次 的實驗室分享。 The team of scientists grew the virus from a patient who had been infected since Friday. 該科學團隊重製病毒的來源來自一名上週五感染病毒的病患身上。 Mike Catton, the co-deputy director of the Doherty Institute, told the ABC the discovery was "vitally important" and would become a critical part of the tool kit to show if vaccines work, with scientists able to test any potential vaccine against a lab-grown version of the disease. 道爾蒂研究院副主任麥克・卡頓向澳廣表示:這項發現「極為重大」,將可能成為重要 的工具,讓眾科學家用這種實驗室版病毒來測試潛在的疫苗,以實驗疫苗能否有效防疫。 It will also enable researchers to develop a test to identify people who might be infected with the virus, even before they show any symptoms. 此一發現疫能讓研究人員開發出新的檢疫措施,在患者即使尚未表現任何症狀,也能檢 驗出是否受感染。 Right now in Australia, patients with initial coronavirus symptoms undergo testing in hospital, with samples sent to the Doherty Institute, the only lab in Australia that can test samples a second time and give a 100 per cent answer about whether someone is infected or not. But this could all change following Tuesday's discovery. 此前在澳洲境內,所有表現出武漢冠狀病毒初期症狀的患者都會在醫院內進行檢驗,而 檢體會送到道爾蒂研究院,因為當時那是澳洲境內唯一能夠複驗病毒並100%得出是否受 感染答案的實驗室。 然而,週二的發現將完全改變這種局面。 Growing the virus will also help experts understand more about how coronavirus behaves. 實驗室裡的病毒培養亦將幫助各專家了解武漢冠狀病毒的習性。 The Doherty Institute is the second lab in the world to recreate the disease. A lab in China was the first, but did not share its discovery with the WHO. 道爾蒂研究院是全球第二個重製病毒的實驗室。先前中國的實驗室就重製出來了,但是 中國沒有將發現成果分享給世衛 However, the same lab released images of the genetic sequence of the disease, which helped scientists at the Doherty Institute recreate it. 不過,中國的實驗室有公布病毒基因序例的圖像,由此幫助到道爾蒂研究所的重製工作。 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): ※ 當新聞連結過長時,需提供短網址方便網友點擊 6.備註: 好消息是,終於有了進展 但壞消息是,研究成果因為是給WHO,所以台灣應該拿不到 --

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1F:噓 wuyiulin: 中國真的是來亂一下亂一下欸 靠澳仔 01/29 07:15
2F:→ zold: 澳洲動作真快!!! 台灣加油疫苗! 01/29 07:16
3F:→ hchs31705: 這樣大s怎麼教小孩 01/29 07:16

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
※ 轉錄者: achernarsw ( 澳大利亞), 01/29/2020 07:16:18
4F:推 qazedc: 趕快打破實驗室瓶子 然後點升級R 01/29 07:18
5F:推 BITMajo: WHO:這個沒有很危險吧 01/29 07:19
6F:→ BITMajo: WHO:Karen你去點收一下,先放你的抽屜 01/29 07:20
7F:推 mizubishi: 201 01/29 07:22
8F:推 BZnoo: 最早重製成功的怎不分享WHO啊!會害某人小孩長成王八蛋耶! 01/29 08:46
9F:推 zalora: 台灣也有p4實驗室,做得到這種程度嗎? 01/29 10:25
10F:→ i376ers: 厲害 01/29 10:41
11F:推 Aukillexz: 請點擊藍色氣泡 01/29 11:29
12F:推 luuluu: 白種人真的好厲害 01/29 11:51
13F:推 duriamon: 幫大家解釋一下,之前中共的科學家就有發佈消息告訴大家 01/29 15:06
14F:→ duriamon: 怎麼培養武漢肺炎病毒了,所以說中共沒有分享給WHO是錯 01/29 15:06
15F:→ duriamon: 誤的。 01/29 15:06
16F:→ duriamon: 01/29 15:06
17F:→ duriamon: 這是之前的相關新聞。我解釋一下目前要怎麼在非動物身上 01/29 15:11
18F:→ duriamon: 生產這個病毒來做研究。要體外誘導病毒複製,最重要的是 01/29 15:11
19F:→ duriamon: 要找到好的體外培養細胞株,這個細胞株要表現。以2019nc 01/29 15:11
20F:→ duriamon: ov來說就是這個細胞株要很容易被感染,而且細胞株在實驗 01/29 15:11
21F:→ duriamon: 室培養的複製速度要夠快,要不然養了老半天只有一點點細 01/29 15:11
22F:→ duriamon: 胞能做實驗。 01/29 15:11
23F:→ duriamon: vero-E6是一個來自非洲綠猴的細胞株。之前就有研究發現v 01/29 15:16
24F:→ duriamon: ero-E6可以被SARS病毒有效感染來作為病毒生產平台。這次 01/29 15:16
25F:→ duriamon: 的2019ncov因為與SARS可能有像似性,因此中共以vero-E6 01/29 15:16
26F:→ duriamon: 來試是合理的。 01/29 15:16
27F:→ duriamon: 01/29 15:16
28F:→ duriamon: 目前全世界有辦法處理2019ncov的實驗室,只要能從病人檢 01/29 15:21
29F:→ duriamon: 體內分離出病毒顆粒,就可以在實驗室生產。因為中共加上 01/29 15:21
30F:→ duriamon: 之前全世界各國解出來的基因體序列和合適挑選的細胞株就 01/29 15:21
31F:→ duriamon: 足夠滿足生產病毒的條件了。 01/29 15:21
32F:推 duriamon: bioRxiv是一個科學家在發表論文到期刊前會同步發在網上 01/29 15:34
33F:→ duriamon: 讓同行看論文預印本的網站。 01/29 15:34
35F:→ duriamon: 14952v1 01/29 15:34
36F:→ duriamon: 01/29 15:35
37F:→ duriamon: 這篇正在發表中的論文就明確告訴大家中共科學家是如何培 01/29 15:36
38F:→ duriamon: 養2019ncov的方法了 01/29 15:36
39F:推 jabari: 啊 就病毒分離啊 正常protocol就有機會分出來 01/29 16:28

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