media-chaos 板


< 無疆界記者組織發表聲明 > 支持馮賢賢捍衛公視獨立自主 總部設在巴黎的無疆界記者組織於台灣時間9月28日中午12點發表聲明,這篇聲明主要是 表達對公共電視總經理馮賢賢遭違法解聘的看法。 無疆界記者組織表達對馮賢賢捍衛公共電視獨立自主的支持。 聲明表示 民主國家應該要保護公共媒體的獨立自主,讓所有政黨和社會各界可以自由發聲。有些民 主國家的政府卻仍然試圖安插自己的人事進入公共媒體來影響新聞內容,如法國、義大利 、南韓等等。但這樣的行為違反公平原則,必須要有第四權提供獨立的新聞報導,畢竟這 是納稅人付錢給公共媒體提供公共服務的。 該聲明特別指出台灣的公共電視的董事會在馮賢賢任期快滿的時候將他解雇,看起來,公 視之爭似乎目前是執政黨的支持者贏了,這讓人不安。雖然目前沒有證據顯示公視的新聞 自由受到影響,但無疆界記者組織將持續觀察。 在2008年無疆界記者組織曾發表聲明關切台灣的新聞自由,台灣政府曾向他們保證,公共 媒體的獨立自主也是台灣政府首要關注的。無疆界記者組織希望馬總統能確保公共電視新 聞編輯的獨立自主。 無疆界記者組織的聲明原文如下 < Statement by Reporters Without Borders > A democratic government should take pride in protecting the state-owned media’s independence. Protecting their independence is essential in order to guarantee a really democratic political system, a system that allows all political parties and all sectors of society to make their voices heard. A government that respects the rules of democracy gets its strength from guaranteeing the editorial freedom of the public radio and TV stations, thereby accepting that it will sometimes be criticised by state-sector journalists. Many governments in democratic countries are tempted to put their supporters in charge of the public media in order to influence news content, as we have recently seen in France, Italy and South Korea. But this temptation is contrary to the spirit of fairness and to the need for a fourth estate that offers independent news coverage. After all, the state-owned media are a public service that is paid for by the taxpayer. They are not the media mouthpieces of the president or ruling party. They are media that are there to serve the public. The board of Taiwan’s Public Television Service (PTS) has just removed Sylvia Feng as its president nearly a year before the end of her term of office. It is disturbing to see a power struggle at the head of PTS being won by the ruling party’s supporters. So far there is no evidence that this victory is affecting news coverage but we will be watching very carefully for signs that it is. We would like to express our solidarity with Sylvia Feng in her defence of PTS’s independence. We would like to think that President Ma will ensure that PTS’s editorial independence continues to be guaranteed. After Reporters Without Borders issued its first statement of concern about this issue in 2008, the authorities assured us that the independence of the state-owned media was a priority for them. Vincent Brossel Asia Director Reporters Without Borders 無疆界記者組織網址 * * * * * * * * * * < 美自由之家關切公視人事鬥爭 > 台灣公視人事鬥爭慘烈,已引起美國自由之家關切,發表聲明。自由之家研究部主任華克 在聲明中表示,「我們鼓勵台灣的決策者,確保公視不淪為政治鬥爭的犧牲品」。 2010.09.29 自由時報 -- There's a sign on the wall. But she wants to be sure. 'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings. --

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1F:推 newgunden :是香港自由之家吧? 09/30 12:27

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