marriage 板


嫌嫌沒事來翻譯給提姆兄看 不是專業的,請多指教 ※ 引述《loveshih (pepe)》之銘言: : I'm sorry I can't type Chinese characters here.. : but I really want to remind you of something important : The way your wife is treating your mother is affected greatly by : your attitude towards your mother. 我很抱歉我沒辦法打中文 但是我要提醒你一些重要的事 你對你老媽的態度其實影響到你老婆對你老媽的態度 : In other words, if you can show the significance of your mother to you, : your wife will change her attitude : because she loves you and doesn't want to hurt your feelings if she : thinks your mother is important to you. 所以換句話說,你若能改變對你老媽的態度, 就會改變你老婆對你老媽的態度 你老婆因為愛你就不會去傷害對你來說很重要的母親(不是直譯比較順) : Simply put, if you respect your mother, your wife will (in most cases). : I love my husband so that I respect my parents-in-law even when they : are wrong because I know my husband cherishes them very much. : Maybe it's a good idea for you to reflect on how you treat and look at : your own mother deep in your heart. : Good luck! 簡單來說,如果你尊重你的母親你老婆也會如此 (大部分的情形來說,即使她們是錯的若我愛我的老公就會尊敬我的公婆, 因為我知道老公是很珍惜他們的 也許這是一個好主意,反映你在內心深處如何看待你的母親 祝你好運! --
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 loveshih:Thank you very much! ^^ 12/05 16:52
2F:→ issily:翻的不好修了幾次,見笑了!! 12/05 16:53
※ 編輯: issily 來自: (12/05 16:57)
3F:推 heparin001:推一下,確實,尊重父母的態度,相互會影響另一半 12/05 17:14
4F:推 charmer153:謝謝 issily板友的翻譯 ^^ 12/06 00:58

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