Warfare 板


: 但昨天有版友在他版說日本當年根本沒有要和美國爭霸太平洋 就像現在中國拿台灣也沒有要跟美國爭霸太平洋(? : 才想發問 日本海軍當初的建軍戰略到底有沒有和美國爭霸太平洋地區主導權?而美國當時是否也已經視日本為爭霸太平洋的頭號競爭對手? : 謝謝大家 看了一下原po原文的討論,提到了夏威夷,今天挖一挖就找到了不錯的資料。 The Anti-Japanese Origins of the Hawaiian Annexation Treaty of 1897 作者WILLIAM MICHAEL MORGAN 刊載於Diplomatic History Vol. 6, No. 1 (WINTER 1982) 講述了一些吞併夏威夷被背後的事情 摘錄一些 例如 美國內的擴張主義者為何能在夏威夷問題上佔上風 因為美國怕夏威夷被日本拿下 正是在政府對日本威脅夏威夷的強烈擔憂背景下,麥金萊指示助理國務卿戴準備一項吞 併條約。 It was in this context of intense administration concern over the Japanese threat to Hawaii that McKinley directed Assistant Secretary of State Day to prepare an annexation treaty. 美國人對日本軍事干預的恐懼既強烈又真實。 6 月 10 日,當海軍部長朗秘密給火奴魯 魯的比爾茲利海軍上將發電報時,這一點得到了證明:“仔細觀察局勢。 如果日本 人公開訴諸武力,例如軍事佔領或沒收公共建築,請與部長和當局協商,派遣合適的部隊 ,並正式宣佈在批准吞併條約之前臨時承擔保護國。 . . . American fears of Japanese military intervention were both powerful and genuine. This was conclusively demonstrated on 10 June, when Secretary of the Navy Long secretly cabled Admiral Beardslee in Honolulu: “Watch carefully the situation. If Japanese openly resort to force, such as military occupation or the seizure of public buildings, confer with Minister and authorities, land a suitable force, and announce officially provisional assumption of protectorate pending ratification of treaty of annexation. . . .” 馬漢是這樣對羅斯福講的 羅斯福的密友馬漢也有同樣的看法,並警告他除非美國通過吞併這些島嶼來永久結束夏威 夷的脆弱性,否則日本帶來的麻煩“無庸置疑”。 由於日本龐大的海軍建設計劃,馬漢 強調需要加強太平洋艦隊。 他說,夏威夷問題能歸結為一個提問:“。 . . 我們是否會 因為我們的放任而讓她(日本)主宰那些最重要島嶼的未來? 如果我們閉上眼睛,這很 可能會發生。” 馬漢勸道:“不要做不義之事,但有問題,先拿下,再解決。” 美國應 該確保日本明白夏威夷群島與美洲大陸的鄰近使它們成為“我們最關心的問題”。 Roosevelt’s close friend Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan shared these sentiments and warned him that trouble with Japan was “beyond doubt” unless the United States permanently ended Hawaiian vulnerability by annexing the islands. Because of Japan’s extensive naval construction program, Mahan stressed the need to strengthen the Pacific squadron. The Hawaiian problem, he said, boiled down to one question: “. . . are we going to allow her [Japan] to dominate the future of those most important islands because of our lethargy? It may well happen if we shut our eyes.” The captain advised: “Do nothing unrighteous: but as regards the problem, take them first and solve afterwards. ” The United States should make sure Japan understood that the propinquity of the Hawaiian islands to the mainland made them “our supreme concern. 美國最開始規劃對日作戰也是這時期的事 Thus by the end of May 1897 two groups-Admiral Sicard‘s special war plans board and the War College-were working on war plans against Japan. The beginning of war planning against Japan demonstrated the seriousness with which the navy viewed the Japanese threat. 所以原po如果想追朔美日太平洋爭端的起源,可以看看這篇文章及這時期的資料。 以上 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Warfare/M.1672620561.A.7D0.html
1F:推 dustlike: 原來在老羅斯福的時代美國就開始把日本當對手了 01/02 23:16
2F:推 kobebrian: 感謝資料提供 馬上來看看 01/03 01:14

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