Warfare 板


※ [本文轉錄自 historia 看板] 作者: MRZ (LQY) 看板: historia 標題: 軍事史之史觀理論017 時間: Thu Mar 10 17:53:14 2005 The economic militarization of society (the armed forces getting the lion's share of the resources also in peacetime) has not been studied much, except in Scandinavia (Sven A. Nilsson and his Nordic ‘school’); and here the inspiration did not come from Prussian/German history or Third World developments, but from the challenge of the many unknowns in the domestic history of imperial Sweden and in the dynamic history of 17th century Denmark The study of militarization in politics (military rule or pervasive military influence) has always attracted scholars, and never so much as during the last half-century. Here, however, a dividing line is discernible between the academic disciplines engaged. The sociologists and political scientists (Samuel P. Huntington, Morris Janowitz, Samuel E. Finer, and others) have concentrated almost exclusively on the contemporary world, and there mainly on the US and the developing states. The historians, on their side, have been more interested in Europe and, of course, older periods; and one of them (Gordon A. Craig) has produced the beaconing work on the military in politics: The Politics of the Prussian Army (1955). 至於‘社會的經濟軍事化’方面的研究也寥寥無幾。所謂‘社會的經濟軍事化’是 指軍隊在平時與戰時所獲得的社會與經濟資源。不過這種情形卻在斯堪納底維亞卻 是個例外﹐史凡A尼爾孫和其所開創的“北國學派”為其大宗。尼氏的研究靈感﹐並 非啟發自普德戰史與第三世界國家的歷史﹐而是罕為人知的瑞典與丹麥在十七世紀 時﹐對外開疆拓土的內政史。 而在‘軍事化中的政治活動’﹐也就是專指軍事統治和政治上的軍事影響的這個主 題方面﹐卻在1950年代以後﹐頗獲史學界的青睞﹐但也因此造成了軍史學界的分裂﹐ 使得學派林立﹐百花齊放。比如說社會學家與政治學家﹐如山謬P杭廷頓﹑摩瑞斯楊 諾維茲﹑山謬E范爾等人﹐都專門研究現代世界局勢﹐尤其是針對美國與開發中國家。 至於史學家方面﹐都理所當然的將他們的興趣專注在歐洲過去的局勢發展狀況上面﹐ 其中之一的代表性人物是高登克雷格﹐在1955年發表了“普魯士陸軍軍政考”這一 本﹐是‘軍事化中的政治活動’這個研究主題中的代表性作品。 -- 萬物皆非主,唯曼尼大神,至聖之先知,亞當史密斯。 La ilaha ill money,Adam Smith rasula'Llah 榮耀歸於曼尼。自宇宙之初成﹐貫古今與未來﹐直至永恆不滅。喀鏘!(收銀機響聲) Gloria patri Money. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum.Ka-ching! --

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