W-Philosophy 板


Philosophical subdisciplines Philosophy has many subdisciplines. Axiology: the branch of philosophical enquiry that explores: Aesthetics: the study of basic philosophical questions about art and beauty. Sometimes philosophy of art is used to describe only questions about art, with "aesthetics" the more general term. Likewise "aesthetics" sometimes applied, even more broadly than to "philosophy of beauty", to the "sublime," to humour, to the frighteningto any of the responses we might expect works of art or entertainment to elicit. Ethics: the study of what makes actions right or wrong, and of how theories of right action can be applied to special moral problems. Subdisciplines include meta-ethics, value theory, theory of conduct, and applied ethics. Economic philosophy: The branch of philosophy that addresses issues of economic distribtuion, equality, justice, poverty and progress, from the standpoint of first principles. Epistemology: the study of knowledge and its nature, possibility, and justification. History of philosophy: the study of what philosophers up until recent times have written, its interpretation, who influenced whom, and so forth. The bulk of questions in history of philosophy are interpretive questions. Logic: the study of the standards of correct argumentation. Includes formal logic, such as Aristotelian Syllogisms and propositional logic. Meta-philosophy: the study of philosophical method and the goals of philosophy. The term "philosophy of philosophy" is sometimes used more or less as a synonym. Metaphysics (which includes ontology): the study of the most basic categories of things, such as existence, objects, properties, causality, and so forth. Metaphysics often is taken to include questions now studied by other philosophical subdisciplines, such as the mind-body problem and free will and determinism. Philosophy of biology: the philosophical study of some basic concepts of biology, including the notion of a species and whether biological concepts are reducible to nonbiological concepts. Also see biosophy. Philosophy of education: the study of the purpose and most basic methods of education or learning. Philosophy of history: the study of the methods by which history is derived and accepted. Philosophy of language: the study of the concepts of meaning and truth. Philosophy of mathematics: the study of philosophical questions raised by mathematics, such as, what numbers are, and what the nature and origins of our mathematical knowledge are. Philosophy of mind: the philosophical study of the nature of the mind, and its relation to the body and the rest of the world. Philosophy of perception: the philosophical study of topics related to perception; the question what the "immediate objects" of perception are has been especially important. Philosophy of physics: the philosophical study of some basic concepts of physics, including space, time, and force. Philosophy of psychology: the study of some fundamental questions about the methods and concepts of psychology and psychiatry, such as the meaningfulness of Freudian concepts; this is sometimes treated as including philosophy of mind. Philosophy of religion: the study of the meaning of the concept of God and of the rationality of belief in the existence of God. Philosophy of science: includes not only, as subdisciplines, the "philosophies of" the special sciences (i.e., physics, biology, etc.), but also questions about induction, scientific method, scientific progress, etc. Philosophy of social sciences: the philosophical study of some basic concepts, methods, and presuppositions of social sciences such as sociology and economics. Political philosophy: the study of basic topics concerning government, including the purpose of the state, political justice, political freedom, the nature of law, the justification of punishment, and paternalism. Value theory: the study of the concept value. Also called theory of value. Sometimes this is taken to be equivalent to axiology (a term not in as much currency in the English-speaking world as it once was), and sometimes is taken to be, instead of a foundational field, an overarching field including ethics, aesthetics, and political philosophy, i.e., the philosophical subdisciplines that crucially depend on questions of value. Axiology, metaphysics and epistemology are what many consider the three main branches from which all philosophical discourse stems. Logic is sometimes included as another main branch, sometimes as a separate science usually worked on by philosophers, sometimes just as a characteristically philosophical method applying to all the others. --

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