作者popandy (pop)
標題Re: [問題]想請問一下"新柏拉圖主義"
時間Sun Nov 23 17:21:41 2003
※ 引述《lynnping (婕愛颺)》之銘言:
: 這幾天在做報告...
: 報告的主題是John Donne的A Valediction Forbidding Mourning"
: 在我讀的論文裡頭有這句話,我想請教一下...
: 整句的原文是"John Freccero supports the interpretation that obliquely means a
: spiral motion,refered to by the Neoplatonic tradition as a movement of the
: soul.
: 此句中的Neoplatonic是指新柏拉圖主義(Neoplatonism)...
: 那我想請問的是要如何從新柏拉圖主義的觀點來解讀這句話...
In my opinions, to make sense of the interpretation in question here,
you have to give some account of the major issues discussed in this article,
in particular the issue that involves the concept that may be in the
interpretation that John Freccero supports.
Upon knowing the topic concerned by John Donne, which concept is to be
apprehended, involved in the topic, is more visible to us.
Then, we try to find out how many approaches are available there, for us
to apprehend the concept mentioned by the auther, and ask the further question:
in what sense can we interprete the concerned concept in a Neoplatonic way?
For the above reason, your further account of the article, in particular the
paragraph containing the concept of "a spiral motion", or in the Neoplatonic
terms "a movement of the soul", is very welcome.
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※ 編輯: popandy 來自: (11/23 17:24)