Violin 板


《180818》專輯巡迴演奏會 Album Release Tour 時間 Time/ 2019/04/19(五) 19:30入場door opens / 20:00開演starts 地點 Venue/ 江山藝改所(新竹市東區興達街1號) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No. 1, Xingda St., Hsinchu City) 表演者 Performers/ 林惠君 Hui-Chun Lin / 大提琴、人聲 cello, voice Wolfgang Schwabe (DE) / 古琴 qin feat. 戴孜嬣 Mila Tai / 中提琴 viola 張登堯 Deng-Yao Chang / 二胡 erhu 入場贊助 Donation For Entry/ 預售 advance $250 現場 door $300 ◎ 預售贊助登記表單 Advance donation booking form: *不論年齡只要有親子關係,即一位免費入場 Audiences with parent-child relationship will get free entry for one person. *請勿攜帶外食飲品 No outside food or drinks allowed. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於表演 About The Performance/ 長年旅德的大提琴手林惠君,出生台灣高雄。她致力於音樂即興演出、參與國際間音樂活 動,專注於原聲音樂即興創作,舉辦無數音樂活動。她研究即興音樂在音樂教育、大提琴 音樂演奏教育領域上的運用,熱烈舉辦小孩子音樂活動。現居柏林。 長年旅居台灣宜蘭的Wolfgang Schwabe,出生德國。他多年致力於研究古文,道家哲學、 儒家哲學。古琴演奏更是在研究中國古文學中日漸成長的興趣之一,師承台灣琴家葛瀚聰 ,以古琴傳統指法參與當代試驗音樂。並是現今台灣的大學哲學教授。 兩位藝術家,十萬八千里的專業領域以及超乎想像地在「他/彼鄉」找到專業領域的一角 十分神妙。有趣的是,他們在音樂即興上有了對話,在音樂、聲響中沒有主角、賓客之分 ,每個聲音,每個片段都代表絕妙的文化結合。從他們指尖流露出來的揮、彈、撥、擦、 滑、璇、放、打等建構出來的聲音藝術帶著你我,參與不斷輪轉著音樂起伏,不斷變動的 情緒:喜怒哀樂,情緒放縱,雜念瞬間消逝留下來的是真誠,是你,是我。 Two musicians from Taiwan and Germany, who have very different professions, perform together. Hui-Chun Lin, who plays Cello, is committed to improvised music. She teaches improvisation and plays improvisation with musicians from all over the world. Wolfgang Schwabe teaches traditional Chinese philosophy and plays the qin, an ancient Chinese instrument. When these two musicians improvise together, the cultures mix in a conversation involving sounds, emotions and ideas. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於表演者 About The Performers/林惠君 Hui-Chun Lin Video:
林惠君、大提琴演奏者,專長音樂即興創作、表演。來自高雄,有古典音樂教育背景, 2004年畢業於德國德勒斯登音樂院,主修大提琴演奏,2006年畢業於德國萊比錫音樂院- 音樂即興演奏與教育,並隨即接任該校助教擔任音樂即興教學。2008-2012年展開一系列 旅行在美國、台灣、法國等地收集即興演奏經驗、教學等工作,她曾兩度獲美國卡內基廳 邀請參加研習營:馬友友與絲路樂團共同創作、演出(2006);參與Dave Douglas創作研 習營並該在卡內基廳發表創作(2008)。2010年獲選法國Cité des Arts駐村,與當地樂 手共同策劃演出及創作。2012年移居德國首都柏林參與各大即興音樂活動,2015創辦獨立 音樂廠牌Maybee Records,參與柏林即興樂團Berlin Improvisers Orchestra,2016與知 名舞蹈肢體創作家Jennz Haack做一系列創作如2017《Ferne Schweifen》、《Grottenolm 》,與日本鋼琴手千野秀一日本巡迴演出,2018與千野秀一、高橋麻理絵(中提琴)台灣 巡迴演出。林惠君致力推廣音樂即興教育,聲音與肢體即興工作坊。現居柏林,教授大提 琴演奏。 Cello solo player, Performer, composer. Born 1979 in Taiwan. Classical piano and cello education. Studied with Professor Peter Bruns at Dresden Conservatory. Postgraduate studies in improvisation with Tilo Augsten at the University of Music and Theatre Leipzig. Worked as solo cellist and ensemble musician Improvisation, theatre music, contemporary music, dance performance, classical music, world music and cello solo with live electronics. Participated in a workshop with “Yo-Yo Ma & The Silk Road Ensemble” at Carnegie Hall in New York 09/2006. Hui-Chun Lin is a musician who moves fluidly among work in avantgarde music, world music, jazz and improvisation and also performance. Her repertoire encompasses traditional, experimental and classical music in equal measure. Her musical work is concerned above all with sounding out the intersections, boundaries and connections among genres, epochs and cultures. She is now a musician, performer and cello teacher in Berlin, since 2011. Since 2015, she starts to produce her own music, working with the Berlin Music Label "Maybee Records", and making music albums with variable musicians. -- ● Wolfgang Schwabe (DE) Video:
德國人,居住宜蘭與柏林,古琴演奏師承台灣琴家葛瀚聰,以古琴傳統指法參與當代試驗 音樂。 -- ● 戴孜嬣 Mila Tai 1992年出生於屏東,三歲半由母親啟蒙鋼琴,從此人生和音樂密不可分,畢業於國立嘉義 大學音樂系,主修中提琴,2019年九月即將進入國立交通大學音樂研究所新音樂劇場組就 讀。經歷多種音樂類型衝擊後,慢慢地終於找到自己。在創作裡力求尋找更多聲音的可能 性,並期許自己離開本我的枷鎖,更純粹的與空間、環境、人對話,喚醒聽者心中某些生 命片刻。 -- ● 張登堯 Deng-Yao Chang 1984年生於新竹,美國馬里蘭藝術學院藝術創作碩士,2010年回台後持續從事藝術展演、 策劃與推廣至今,並成立江山藝改所藝文空間。自幼學習鋼琴與二胡多年,並參與樂團演 出,聆聽音樂類型廣泛,從古典傳統到前衛實驗,近年開始嘗試以二胡及嗩吶進行自由即 興與噪音演奏。 Chang Deng-Yao was born 1984 and based in Hsinchu, Taiwan. He received his Master of Fine Arts degree from the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) in Baltimore, MD. He has been constantly working on artistic practice, curatorial practice and art promotion since returning to Taiwan in 2010. He founded the art space "Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo". He learned to play piano and erhu for many years when in young ages and participated in a well-known local Chinese orchestra. He enjoys listening to music comprehensively, from very classical or traditional to extremely avant-garde or experimental. He has attempted to play erhu and suona in an freely improvisational and noisy approach in recent years. 活動頁面: --

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