Violin 板


THE LEAF INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL IN TAIWAN 2004 樹葉國際〈故事●聲音〉故事分享音樂世界巡迴在台灣2004 _____________________________________________________________________ ============================================================= TAIPEI 10TH AND 11TH OF JANUARY、TAICHUNG 9TH OF JANUARY (TBC) 台北一月十號和十一號、台中一月九號、 _____________________________________________________________________ ============================================================= 【首波公佈故事分享藝人!!】 ◎ 髒三樂團(澳洲) Dirty Three ◎前銀河五百戴蒙和奈奧美樂團 Damon & Naomi (美國) 和 ◎ 特別樂手 栗原道夫(Michio Kurihara) (來自Ghost) (日 本)、◎ 貓女魔力樂團和特別的樂手們Cat Power (美國)………………更多國內 外故事分享外藝人近期公佈 _____________________________________________________________________ ============================================================= 【台中】《九號》一月星期五台中藝術中心大會堂6:00 PM- 10:30 PM (場地暫訂) Ticket Price:○ $ 1000 NT (adult) ;○ $800 NT (student) ;○ $500 NT (any of the other two taipei shows ticket holders) PS: smoking free event, smoke and drink lounge will be available at the venue. 【台北】《十號》一月星期六台北THE WALL這牆音樂藝文展演空間2:00 - 11:00 PM Ticket Price:○ $ 1250 NT (adult) ;○ $900 NT (student) ;○ $600 NT (any of the other two taipei and taichung shows ticket holders) 【台北】《十一號》一月星期日台北縣文化局新大型演藝雙廳12:00 PM- 10:00 PM (雙舞台樹葉民謠音樂節〈故事●聲音〉,在台灣的十四個故事,十四個故事分享 藝人,在台灣壓軸主秀!) Ticket Price:○ $ 1250 NT (adult) ;○ $850 NT (student) ;○ $600 NT (any of the other two taipei and taichung shows ticket holders) ;○ $ 400 NT (anyone who have both of the wall taipei and taichung shows ticket holders) PS: smoking free event, smoke and drink lounge will be available at the venue. 第二波、第三波和最後的第四波,更多和我們故事分享的國內外資深藝人陸續公 佈,給老人看的國際音樂節……2004年最不酷的音樂節……..【樹葉國際〈故事 ●聲音〉故事分享音樂巡世界迴在台灣2004】 _____________________________________________________________________ ===================================================================== 售票處:下週公佈! 樹葉國際〈故事●聲音〉故事分享音樂巡世界迴在澳洲、紐約、法國、意大利和 俄羅斯報導、David H Grandy巡迴記錄雜記近期上線,請至官方網站。 _____________________________________________________________________ ===================================================================== THE LEAF 【STOSIES ● SOUNDS】 INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL IN TAIWAN ______________________________________________________________________ ====================================================================== 【STOSIES ● SOUNDS】IN TAIWAN The most universal critically acclaimed line-up to ever appear together in Taiwan!!! This is a rare opportunity to see such a superb line up perform three special shows in Taiwan! Just this year each of these bands in their own right has sold out countless shows in major theatres, halls and clubs throughout the US, UK, France, Canada,Australia and most of Europe (this includes both Cat Power and the Dirty Three's last visit and quickly sold out shows in Taipei) . This show is not to be missed. The locals and expats who were fortunate enough to experience the Dirty Three's show last year are still buzzing with the fever of seeing the greatest live band ever to be seen in Taiwan. The fever felt by these people is the same felt by people the world over who have been touched by passion and raw energy Dirty Three emparts with their audience. Dirty Three and Cat Power's celebrity fan base has growing so big it includes Nick Cave, P J Harvey, Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam, Dave Grohl of Nirvana and Foo Fighters, Courtney Love, Sonic Youth and reportedly Sir Elton John and late rock and country legend Johnny Cash also a countless amount of others. If you don't know who they are this insuring enough or what!! It will be a life time changing experience indeed! If you only see one show this year in Taiwan, this show is not to be missed!! ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== 《THE LEAF INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL IN TAIWAN 9-11 JAN 2004》 【First announced line-up!!】 ◎ The Dirty Three (Australia) ◎ Damon & Naomi (USA) with Michio Kurihara (Japan), ◎ Cat Power (USA) …………..more local and international guests announcing really soon!! ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== 【TAICHUNG】 ○ 9TH OF JANUARY FRIDAY【TAICHUNG】 → CULTURAL ART CENTRE 6:00 PM- 10:30 PM 【TAIPEI】 ○ 10TH OF JANUARY SATURDAY TAIPEI CITY THE WALL MULTI-ART LIVE HOUSE 2:00 PM- 10:30PM 【TAIPEI】 ○ 11TH OF JANUARY SUNDAY TAIPEI COUTY CURTAL CENTRE CONCERT HALL 12:00 PM- 11:00 PM ( the leaf festival 2 stages main event!!!!!) ______________________________________________________________________________ For more infor please contact the following _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== TAIWAN For Chinese press kits or infor please contact: Nuno Chen GAMAA MUSIC (TAIWAN,TAICHUNG) (04) 2652 9768, (04)2628-3762, [email protected] _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== AUSTRALIA For English press kits or infor please contact: Kristen Michelle Perry THE LEAF FESTIVAL (MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA) [email protected] , [email protected] _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== OFFICIAL WEB SITE: {WILL KICK OFF SOON} Web-decided by Bodax MORE INTERNATIONAL AND LOCAL ACTS TO BE ANNOUNCED SOON!!! Full CHINESE and ENGLISH infor site will be available here soon! WWW.DIRTYTHREE.COM WWW.CATPOWERMUSIC.COM WWW.DAMONANDNAOMI.COM Sound clips, video clips will be shortly on line soon. PLEASE VISIT US SOON!! _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== --

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