各位親愛的同學: 加州大學戴維斯分校獸醫學院(University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine)的學生很榮幸在此向各位宣佈,明年將由我們在充滿加州陽光 的戴維斯市舉辦每年一度的美國獸醫協會學生座談會(SAVMA Symposium)!SAVMA座談 會提供來自美國各地甚至全球不同國家的獸醫學生們一個難得的交流機會,在與會中 能向獸醫領域中的翹楚學習、參加實技操作課程(wet-lab)及教學旅行。我們誠摯邀 請各位同學在明年(2011年)三月時來加州參與這場特殊的盛會。 獸醫的世界總是不斷的改變以適應今日這全球化的社會,因此國際性的獸醫合作 也比以往來得更加重要。這也是為何身在UC Davis的我們相當期待座談會的到來,並 且會在這段期間(2011年三月24日至27日)盡心盡力的接待各位。我們也對來自其他國 家的學生提供獎學金來減少跨國旅行的經濟負擔。倘若個人的狀況許可,我們鼓勵您 把握這趟加州之旅,到舊金山、世界知名的酒鄉Napa觀光,或是享受其他北加州的景 點與文化。 可以肯定的是我們將能從彼此身上學習到許多,而在UC Davis 2011年 SAVMA座談 會的經驗也一定會令您感到難忘。我們真誠的希望你能夠考慮參與,我們也非常樂意 協助您計畫旅行的相關事宜。詳情請見我們的網站( )。SAVMA座談會將於11/15/2010在線上開放註冊,若您有任何關於2011年SAVMA座談會 的問題,或是需要更多關於參加座談會的資料,請別猶豫聯絡我們 。 最後提醒各位同學,因為座談會的活動與講座都是以英文進行,所以擁有足夠的 英文聽說能力才能確保你在SAVMA座談會中滿載而歸喔! 誠摯的希望能在2011年SAVMA座談會與你們見面! Samantha McDonnel 國際事務委員會主席 [email protected] ------------------------------原文分隔線----------------------------------- Dear veterinary students: Students of the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California Davis are pleased to announce that we will be hosting the 2011 Student American Veterinary Medical Association (SAVMA) Symposium here in sunny Davis, California! The SAVMA symposium is a chance for students from veterinary schools across the United States and around the globe to come together to learn from the leaders in veterinary medicine, participate in fascinating hands-on wetlabs and field trips, and interact and network with their future colleagues. We are very excited to invite you and other students from your school to come to California in March of 2011 and take part in this fantastic and unique opportunity. The world of veterinary medicine is constantly changing and adapting to a globalized society, and international veterinary collaboration is more important than ever. This is why we here at UC Davis would be extremely pleased to host you at our symposium on the 24th-27th of March, 2011. We will be offering scholarships to ease the financial burden for international students. If you are able, we also highly encourage you to make the most of your trip to California by sight-seeing in San Francisco, taking a day trip to the world-famous wine country, or enjoying other gorgeous northern California attractions. There is a lot we can learn from each other, and your participation in the 2011 SAVMA at UC Davis is sure to be an unforgettable experience. We hope you will consider attending, and we would be more than happy to assist you in planning your trip. Please look to our website ( for more information, do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have, and please contact us if you are interested in more information on attending the symposium. Registration for the symposium opens on 11/15. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以上邀請函已在日前依e-mail發送給台灣4所獸醫學院的系主任。 --

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