各位亲爱的同学: 加州大学戴维斯分校兽医学院(University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine)的学生很荣幸在此向各位宣布,明年将由我们在充满加州阳光 的戴维斯市举办每年一度的美国兽医协会学生座谈会(SAVMA Symposium)!SAVMA座谈 会提供来自美国各地甚至全球不同国家的兽医学生们一个难得的交流机会,在与会中 能向兽医领域中的翘楚学习、参加实技操作课程(wet-lab)及教学旅行。我们诚挚邀 请各位同学在明年(2011年)三月时来加州参与这场特殊的盛会。 兽医的世界总是不断的改变以适应今日这全球化的社会,因此国际性的兽医合作 也比以往来得更加重要。这也是为何身在UC Davis的我们相当期待座谈会的到来,并 且会在这段期间(2011年三月24日至27日)尽心尽力的接待各位。我们也对来自其他国 家的学生提供奖学金来减少跨国旅行的经济负担。倘若个人的状况许可,我们鼓励您 把握这趟加州之旅,到旧金山、世界知名的酒乡Napa观光,或是享受其他北加州的景 点与文化。 可以肯定的是我们将能从彼此身上学习到许多,而在UC Davis 2011年 SAVMA座谈 会的经验也一定会令您感到难忘。我们真诚的希望你能够考虑参与,我们也非常乐意 协助您计画旅行的相关事宜。详情请见我们的网站( )。SAVMA座谈会将於11/15/2010在线上开放注册,若您有任何关於2011年SAVMA座谈会 的问题,或是需要更多关於参加座谈会的资料,请别犹豫联络我们 。 最後提醒各位同学,因为座谈会的活动与讲座都是以英文进行,所以拥有足够的 英文听说能力才能确保你在SAVMA座谈会中满载而归喔! 诚挚的希望能在2011年SAVMA座谈会与你们见面! Samantha McDonnel 国际事务委员会主席 [email protected] ------------------------------原文分隔线----------------------------------- Dear veterinary students: Students of the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California Davis are pleased to announce that we will be hosting the 2011 Student American Veterinary Medical Association (SAVMA) Symposium here in sunny Davis, California! The SAVMA symposium is a chance for students from veterinary schools across the United States and around the globe to come together to learn from the leaders in veterinary medicine, participate in fascinating hands-on wetlabs and field trips, and interact and network with their future colleagues. We are very excited to invite you and other students from your school to come to California in March of 2011 and take part in this fantastic and unique opportunity. The world of veterinary medicine is constantly changing and adapting to a globalized society, and international veterinary collaboration is more important than ever. This is why we here at UC Davis would be extremely pleased to host you at our symposium on the 24th-27th of March, 2011. We will be offering scholarships to ease the financial burden for international students. If you are able, we also highly encourage you to make the most of your trip to California by sight-seeing in San Francisco, taking a day trip to the world-famous wine country, or enjoying other gorgeous northern California attractions. There is a lot we can learn from each other, and your participation in the 2011 SAVMA at UC Davis is sure to be an unforgettable experience. We hope you will consider attending, and we would be more than happy to assist you in planning your trip. Please look to our website ( for more information, do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have, and please contact us if you are interested in more information on attending the symposium. Registration for the symposium opens on 11/15. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以上邀请函已在日前依e-mail发送给台湾4所兽医学院的系主任。 --

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