※ [本文轉錄自 C_Chat 看板 #1V6sN081 ] 作者: wizardfizban (瘋法師) 看板: C_Chat 標題: [新聞] SuperData: Valorant和最後生還者2破紀錄 時間: Sat Jul 25 06:50:36 2020 SuperData: Valorant and The Last of Us Part 2 set records for digital sales in June Valorant had the biggest ever launch month for a PC free-to-play title, according to a new report from SuperData. Riot Games' latest release launched on June 2, and attracted both more players and earned more digital revenue than Respawn Entertainment's Apex Legends -- the previous holder of that record, according to SuperData, from when it launched in February 2019. Apex Legends did earn more in its launch month overall, but only due to a console version being available at the same time. Valorant placed sixth in the PC digital revenue chart, sandwiched between Fortnite below and Roblox above. Naughty Dog's The Last of Us Part 2 also broke a record. The game's 2.8 million digital unit sales is the most ever for a PlayStation exclusive in its launch month -- ahead of both Marvel's Spider-Man and Final Fantasy VII Remake, which each sold 2.2 million units. As a result, The Last of Us Part 2 was the number one game for digital revenue on console in June, ahead of consistent earners like FIFA 20 and Grand Theft Auto 5. However, with two-thirds of its unit sales being pre-orders, SuperData suggested it is unlikely to hold such a high position next month. The console chart showed the most variation over a typical month, with two games seeing significant boosts in player engagement due to the release of expansion packs. Pokémon Sword & Shield was the third highest earning console game due to its Isle of Armor expansion, which led to its biggest month for digital revenue since it launched in November 2019. Destiny 2 also had a strong month, due to the start of a new season and preorders opening for the Beyond Light expansion ahead of its November 2020 launch. Player spending was up 221% month-on-month -- a level not seen since October 2019 -- and player numbers jumped 45% as "millions" of lapsed users returned to the game. Overall, SuperData estimated that digital games earned $10.46 billion in revenue in June 2020, the second highest total it has ever recorded after April 2020's haul of $10.54 billion. ==== 簡單來說... 這是六月的紀錄 Valorant 破了免費PC遊戲發行後的首月營銷紀錄 最後生還者2則是PS首月賣最多的紀錄,數位版的紀錄是在六月份賣出了280萬。其中有三 分之二以上是預訂的。 第三名的家機遊戲是寶可夢劍盾。 Destiny 2 情況也很好,玩家付費比上升221%,人數也上升45%。 而整體情況是六月的遊戲巿場情況也很好,數位遊戲的收入是104.6億美金,只次於今年 四月的105.4億紀錄。 可見今年真的是遊戲巿場大興盛呀! -- 「仗義十年成英雄,入魔只在一念間。」 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: wizardfizban:轉錄至看板 Steam 07/25 06:51
1F:推 frank47147: 第一神作 07/25 06:54
※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 07/25/2020 06:56:04
2F:→ wizardfizban: 一大早打字一直出錯..應該沒再錯的地方了吧 07/25 06:56
3F:→ linceass: 扣掉預購才賣90多萬 看來銷量至多就600吧 07/25 06:57
4F:→ wizardfizban: 這只有數位 實體不明呀! 07/25 06:57
5F:→ Qoogod: 退貨的數量也是破紀錄的啦 要不要公佈一下 07/25 07:10
6F:推 Lex4193: 如果最二是正常的劇情,應該會打破更多歷史紀錄吧,可惜了 07/25 07:19
7F:→ a855110: 尼爾:我不在乎銷量,玩家就是欠教育 07/25 07:21
8F:推 egg781: 實體就是把出貨給冤大頭店家的都算進去阿 07/25 07:35
9F:→ egg781: 這樣加起來有沒有破千萬? 07/25 07:35
10F:→ egg781: 他之前的400萬就是這樣計算的不是嗎,反正我先拿到貨款了 07/25 07:36
11F:→ egg781: 其他你們的事,我賣400萬我驕傲 07/25 07:36
12F:→ sumarai: 280萬跟400萬的數字是有重疊的 07/25 07:40
13F:→ wizardfizban: 400萬是前三天總量 280萬是六月數位總量 兩者有交叉 07/25 07:57
14F:推 Dimios: 也就是說400裡有接近300都是預訂包含通路商的吧 07/25 08:19
15F:→ Dimios: 好像算錯了 400-280才是實體量嗎 07/25 08:20
16F:→ r85270607: 我還以為要教育我不只賣400萬了 這280是包含在400萬? 07/25 10:25
17F:→ poke001: 當然包在裡面 不然他們已經喊700萬了 07/25 11:03
18F:→ poke001: 當初3天400萬是喊總銷量 07/25 11:03
19F:推 hayate65536: 一個中國遊戲一個滿分神作,2020真棒 07/25 13:28
20F:→ lomorobin: 就跟你說第一神作就是要買數位板永久收藏還不信 07/25 16:41
21F:→ AkikaCat: 如果是正常遊戲,衝千萬都沒問題。但它就不正常。 07/25 18:26

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
※ 轉錄者: zhtw ( 臺灣), 07/27/2020 07:54:49

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