作者qazii (自強不息~~!!)
標題Re: [心理] 我又來問問題了...
時間Tue Jun 1 22:21:08 2010
※ 引述《rita111412 (妹妹)》之銘言:
: 各位神人大大 可以幫我解釋這一題嗎
: A major way in which the psychologist's goal of explanation
: differs from the psychologist's goal of description is that
: explanations
: A) deliberately go beyond what can be observed
: B) use a lower level of analysis
: C) are based on data
: D) are objective
: 請問一下他是在問甚麼呢? 不太確定翻的對不對...
: 答案是甚麼呢?
: A選項的意思是? 甚麼叫做故意超出可被觀測的
: 拜託各位神人大大幫我解惑 m(__)m
Dear all 我不太會推文,所以直接回文^^
Gerrig, R., & Zimbardo, P. (2000). Psychology and Life, Sixteenth Edition.
Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Page 3.:
Describing Behavior: The first task of the psychologist is to make accurate
observations about behavior
Explaining Behavior requires that explanations deliberately go beyond what
can be observed.
Psychological explanations for behavior often recognize that organismic,
dispositional, and situational (or environmental) variables each play a role
in determining behavior.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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