Timberwolves 板


※ 引述《jerod (KG4MVP)》之銘言: : http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincities/sports/basketball/13127964.htm : The Minnesota Timberwolves, a defensive team. : : Does that description have a strange ring? Get used to it. : : It's one that could stick as the season progresses, especially if the : Wolves can string together more performances like their past two. : : Second-half defense fueled the Wolves for the second game in a row as : they cooled off the Los Angeles Lakers and star Kobe Bryant en route : to an 88-74 victory Wednesday night in front of 15,192 at Target Center. 明尼蘇達灰狼隊,一支防守隊伍。 那聽起來像是有點奇怪的描述嗎?逐漸習慣它吧。 那是一種能作為球季發展的特性, 特別是如果灰狼能作更多串連起來的球場表現有如他們過去兩季那樣。 下半場的防禦替灰狼的第2場比賽添加燃料, 他們壓制了洛杉磯湖人隊和明星球員Kobe Bryant, 並且在星期三晚上於主場Target Center以88-74拿下勝利。 : Bryant began the night averaging 36.5 points a game, best in the NBA. : He had 28 points against the Wolves but made just 4 of 13 shots in : the second half, when the Lakers were held to 29 points. : : Five games into the season, the Wolves can't be labeled a defensive : team just yet. But coach Dwane Casey and his players are working on it. : Defense is just about all the Wolves have talked about since Casey : was hired to replace Flip Saunders. : : "Now we're coming out and showing people that we're backing up our talk, : " point guard Troy Hudson said. "I think teams are going to see that. : They're going to come in and know that we're not going to back down : defensively and we're going to be a better defensive team than past : Timberwolves." Bryant在今晚以平均36.5分開始了比賽,NBA的得分榜第一人。 他對灰狼得了28分,但是在下半場只不過投13中4,而湖人隊下半場只拿到29分。 季初的5場比賽,灰狼尚且不能被認為是一支有防守的隊伍。 但是Dwane Casey教練和他的球員們著手改進。 防禦差不多是灰狼從Casey接掌老桑以來被談論過最重要的事情。 "現下我們正讓人們看出來我們支持著我們的論調"Troy Hudson說。 "我認為隊伍將把眼光放在那。他們將會知道我們將不會從防守陣線退下來, 與過去相比較,防禦讓我們將會是一個更好的灰狼隊。" : Monday night, the Wolves overcame a one-point halftime deficit with : tough defense to win 93-78 at home against the Los Angeles Clippers. : : Two days later, against L.A.'s marquee team, the Wolves used halftime : defensive adjustments to push Bryant farther out on the perimeter when : he caught the ball. The Wolves also didn't let Lakers big men Chris Mihm : and Kwame Brown get good position. : : Casey said the Wolves' game plan included surrounding Bryant with two or : three players every time he penetrated into the lane. Casey's players : executed that plan well in the second half. 星期一晚上,灰狼克服了在中場休息時落後一分的狀況, 並且用激烈的防守擊敗了洛杉磯快艇隊,並以93-78在家贏得比賽。 二天以後,對抗洛杉磯湖人隊, 灰狼使用在周邊上的防守調整讓Bryant在更遠的地方接到球。 灰狼也沒讓湖人的大個Mihm和Kwame Brown能夠得到好位置。 Casey說灰狼精心策劃的防守包括讓2~3名球員在每次Bryant想切入時都前往包夾。 灰狼的球員們在下半場很好地執行那個計畫。 : "Coach Casey is used to playing an aggressive style of defense — : a lot of switching, helping, zoning up, things of that nature," Bryant said. : : Casey paid Bryant a big compliment before the game when he said Bryant : was playing at a higher level than Michael Jordan in 1996. That was : the year Casey was an assistant coach with the Seattle SuperSonics : team that lost to Jordan's Chicago Bulls in the NBA Finals. : : Casey said he thinks the difference is that Bryant is showing more : athleticism than Jordan did that season. And Bryant's shot selection : is better, Casey said. "Casey教練習慣用一種積極式的防禦,許多協防,包夾,區域聯防,那些自然的事情"  Bryant說。Casey在比賽前讚美了Bryant,那時他說Bryant與1996年的喬丹相比較, 正用更高的水準打球。那年Casey在西雅圖超音速隊當一名助理教練, 然而在NBA總決賽中輸給了喬丹的芝加哥公牛。 Casey說他認為差別是Bryant跟那年的喬丹比起來顯示了更多對比賽的熱愛。 以及Bryant的投籃選擇更好。 : Bryant scored 14 points in his first 15 minutes Wednesday night. : The Wolves trailed 23-14 at the end of the first quarter but turned : things around in the second and went into halftime tied at 45-45. : : In the second quarter, several reserves gave the Wolves offensive : contributionsoff the bench. Forward Eddie Griffin had nine points, : and Hudson and Rashad McCants added six each. : : Griffin finished with 13 points, eight rebounds and four blocked shots. : Along with Hudson (10 points), Griffin gave the team scoring it didn't : get from a couple of old reliables: Kevin Garnett (17 points, 15 rebounds) : and Wally Szczerbiak (13 points, 4-of-12 shooting). : : Trenton Hassell, whose primary responsibility was guarding Bryant, : added 14 points. Bryant在星期三晚上前15分鐘得到14分。灰狼在第一節末維持著23-14, 但是在第二節結束時卻被追成45-45平手。 在第二節,幾個替補球員讓灰狼在攻擊端有好表現。前鋒Eddie Griffin有9分, 並且Hudson和Rashad McCants各得了6分。Griffin最終得了13分,8個籃板球和4個火鍋。 他和Hudson(10分)補上了球隊的先發大將的得分缺憾:Kevin Garnett(17分,15籃板), 和Wally Szczerbiak(13分,12投4中的命中率)。 Trenton Hassell,他的主要責任是防守Bryant,也得了14分。 : With the game still close in the fourth quarter, the Wolves got a huge : break when Anthony Carter made a three-pointer for a 74-67 lead as time : on the shot clock expired with 7:12 remaining. : : That was Carter's 13th three-pointer of his career (in 111 attempts) : spread across seven NBA seasons. Having a 10.9 percent career three-point : shooter take that shot wasn't the first option for the Wolves, : who lost track of time on the shot clock. : : "Everybody hangs their heads, and we play terrible after that," : Lakers coach Phil Jackson said. "That took all the steam out of the team." : : The Wolves' defense had a lot to do with that. 在第四節結束前仍然比數接近的比賽,灰狼有了一次很大的突破。 Anthony Carter在24秒終了前投進一球壓哨三分而使球隊來到74-67的領先, 此時離比賽結束還有7分12秒。 那是老卡特的第13號三分球(在111次的嘗試之後),在他度過的7個NBA球季裡。 他只有10.9%的三分球命中率,在沒注意到進攻時間的情況下卻投進了三分球, 儘管他不是灰狼的頭號射手。 "每個人都低下頭,我們在那之後打的極糟"湖人教練Phil Jackson說。 "那讓他們全隊整個爆發了。" 灰狼隊的防守讓他們贏得了比賽,那跟防守有很大的關係。 PS.翻的不好請多包涵:P --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 HCLG:真的是防守升級了嗎@@? 看對西雅圖的BT我覺得還好說.. 11/10 23:52
2F:推 jickey:推推推 11/11 00:06
3F:推 farewel:感謝翻譯 推 11/11 00:07
4F:推 HeavyBlue:聽Hudson說防守是件奇妙的事... 11/11 00:10
5F:推 fourinrainie:防守有Wally這個大洞啊 11/11 00:31
6F:推 Rashd:我覺得Wally如果在這樣下去可能會被交易出去... 11/11 11:45
※ 編輯: newest 來自: (11/11 12:36)

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