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標題Re: [外電] This L.A. story starts with 'D'
時間Thu Nov 10 23:28:43 2005
※ 引述《jerod (KG4MVP)》之銘言:
: http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincities/sports/basketball/13127964.htm
: The Minnesota Timberwolves, a defensive team.
: Does that description have a strange ring? Get used to it.
: It's one that could stick as the season progresses, especially if the
: Wolves can string together more performances like their past two.
: Second-half defense fueled the Wolves for the second game in a row as
: they cooled off the Los Angeles Lakers and star Kobe Bryant en route
: to an 88-74 victory Wednesday night in front of 15,192 at Target Center.
他們壓制了洛杉磯湖人隊和明星球員Kobe Bryant,
並且在星期三晚上於主場Target Center以88-74拿下勝利。
: Bryant began the night averaging 36.5 points a game, best in the NBA.
: He had 28 points against the Wolves but made just 4 of 13 shots in
: the second half, when the Lakers were held to 29 points.
: Five games into the season, the Wolves can't be labeled a defensive
: team just yet. But coach Dwane Casey and his players are working on it.
: Defense is just about all the Wolves have talked about since Casey
: was hired to replace Flip Saunders.
: "Now we're coming out and showing people that we're backing up our talk,
: " point guard Troy Hudson said. "I think teams are going to see that.
: They're going to come in and know that we're not going to back down
: defensively and we're going to be a better defensive team than past
: Timberwolves."
但是Dwane Casey教練和他的球員們著手改進。
"現下我們正讓人們看出來我們支持著我們的論調"Troy Hudson說。
: Monday night, the Wolves overcame a one-point halftime deficit with
: tough defense to win 93-78 at home against the Los Angeles Clippers.
: Two days later, against L.A.'s marquee team, the Wolves used halftime
: defensive adjustments to push Bryant farther out on the perimeter when
: he caught the ball. The Wolves also didn't let Lakers big men Chris Mihm
: and Kwame Brown get good position.
: Casey said the Wolves' game plan included surrounding Bryant with two or
: three players every time he penetrated into the lane. Casey's players
: executed that plan well in the second half.
灰狼也沒讓湖人的大個Mihm和Kwame Brown能夠得到好位置。
: "Coach Casey is used to playing an aggressive style of defense —
: a lot of switching, helping, zoning up, things of that nature," Bryant said.
: Casey paid Bryant a big compliment before the game when he said Bryant
: was playing at a higher level than Michael Jordan in 1996. That was
: the year Casey was an assistant coach with the Seattle SuperSonics
: team that lost to Jordan's Chicago Bulls in the NBA Finals.
: Casey said he thinks the difference is that Bryant is showing more
: athleticism than Jordan did that season. And Bryant's shot selection
: is better, Casey said.
: Bryant scored 14 points in his first 15 minutes Wednesday night.
: The Wolves trailed 23-14 at the end of the first quarter but turned
: things around in the second and went into halftime tied at 45-45.
: In the second quarter, several reserves gave the Wolves offensive
: contributionsoff the bench. Forward Eddie Griffin had nine points,
: and Hudson and Rashad McCants added six each.
: Griffin finished with 13 points, eight rebounds and four blocked shots.
: Along with Hudson (10 points), Griffin gave the team scoring it didn't
: get from a couple of old reliables: Kevin Garnett (17 points, 15 rebounds)
: and Wally Szczerbiak (13 points, 4-of-12 shooting).
: Trenton Hassell, whose primary responsibility was guarding Bryant,
: added 14 points.
在第二節,幾個替補球員讓灰狼在攻擊端有好表現。前鋒Eddie Griffin有9分,
並且Hudson和Rashad McCants各得了6分。Griffin最終得了13分,8個籃板球和4個火鍋。
他和Hudson(10分)補上了球隊的先發大將的得分缺憾:Kevin Garnett(17分,15籃板),
和Wally Szczerbiak(13分,12投4中的命中率)。
Trenton Hassell,他的主要責任是防守Bryant,也得了14分。
: With the game still close in the fourth quarter, the Wolves got a huge
: break when Anthony Carter made a three-pointer for a 74-67 lead as time
: on the shot clock expired with 7:12 remaining.
: That was Carter's 13th three-pointer of his career (in 111 attempts)
: spread across seven NBA seasons. Having a 10.9 percent career three-point
: shooter take that shot wasn't the first option for the Wolves,
: who lost track of time on the shot clock.
: "Everybody hangs their heads, and we play terrible after that,"
: Lakers coach Phil Jackson said. "That took all the steam out of the team."
: The Wolves' defense had a lot to do with that.
Anthony Carter在24秒終了前投進一球壓哨三分而使球隊來到74-67的領先,
"每個人都低下頭,我們在那之後打的極糟"湖人教練Phil Jackson說。
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