Timberwolves 板


※ 引述《jerod (KG4MVP)》之銘言: 以下為原文出處: : http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincities/sports/basketball/13047828.htm -- : The Timberwolves point guard finds himself competing with starter Marko Jaric : and reserve Anthony Carter for playing time. Carter had a strong preseason and : could be the first point guard off the bench during Wednesday's season opener : against the Portland Trail Blazers at the Target Center. 灰狼控衛T.Hudson發現自己正與預計先發控衛人選M.Jaric及另一名替補控衛A.Carter 競爭,以取得更多的上場時間。Carter在季前賽表現很優異,而且可能會是禮拜三晚上在主 場Target Center面對波特蘭拓荒者的開幕賽中替補控衛的第一選擇。 : Hudson seems to be taking the competition in stride. A strained left quadriceps : kept him out for five exhibition games. He returned this week and has had to : earn minutes on the court. 不過Hudson面對這激烈的競爭卻選擇從容應付,左臂四頭肌扭傷已經讓他錯失五場季前 賽了,他這禮拜才返隊而且必須很努力以爭取上場的時間。 : "Every year I come into a situation, no matter how good I played the year : before or how bad I played the year before, I always have to prove myself," : Hudson said after Monday's practice. "It's been that way for nine years. It's : something I'm used to. For some guys, going through situations I'm in, they : wouldn't be able to handle it because they've never faced it. But I face it : every year. It doesn't bother me. It doesn't worry me." Hudson在禮拜一的練習結束後說"每年我都會遭遇這個問題,不管我前一季打得多好或 多糟,我總需要再次證明自己的能力。這情況已經持續九年了,而我也很習慣如此了。對某 些人來說,當他們面對跟我一樣的問題時,他們沒辦法處理地很好,因為他們不曾遭遇這樣 的情形,不過我每年都會遇到同樣的問題,所以我已經不會再因此感到困擾和煩惱。" : Hudson is coming off two trying seasons. He said he wasn't healthy last season : after missing 45 games in 2004 with ankle injuries. Hudson走過了兩個惱人的球季,他說他在'04年因為腳踝傷勢錯失45場比賽回來後,上 一季的身體狀況並不是很好。 : Last season he shot 37.9 percent through February but improved his accuracy to : 45.9 percent the rest of the way. He averaged 8.7 points and 3.6 assists in : 79 games. His latest injury affected his conditioning for a couple of days but : no more, Hudson said. 上一季他在二月份的投球命中率僅有37.9%,不過在後面的比賽中則提高到45.9%。在上 場的79場比賽中,他有平均8.7分和3.6助攻的成績單。他最近的傷勢再次影響了他的狀況好 幾天,不過Hudson本人則說不會再有任何影響了! : Coach Dwane Casey wouldn't commit to how many minutes Hudson might play in the : opener. Hudson said he believes he's ready to play 48 minutes. 教練D.Casey不保證Hudson在開幕賽中能上場多久的時間,Hudson倒是說他相信自己已 經準備好要打滿整場48分鐘的比賽了。 : "I came into camp in great shape," said Hudson, who added 10 pounds, to 185, : working out this past summer. "That's one of the things I wanted to do this : year, build up my muscle mass in my legs. I did a lot of work in the pool. : I did a lot of running hills, just to be in shape." 增重10磅至185磅,且在過去這個暑假相當努力訓練的Hudson說"我帶著相當棒的身材回 到訓練營,這是我本季數個希望達成的目標的其中一個,加強我下盤的力量。我在池裡做了 許多努力,我也跑了很多山路,只為了達成這個目標。" --

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1F:推 newest:穩一點吧~~~不要損人500自損1000就好 11/02 15:55
2F:推 pett:他打成這樣當然每一季都得跟人搶時間..防守又差 11/03 01:18

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