Timberwolves 板


剛剛多收到板主一個紅包 只好再翻一篇 @@ 有問題請不吝指教 ※ 引述《jerod (明尼蘇達)》之銘言: 官網: http://www.nba.com/timberwolves/news/Bracey_Wright_Conference_Call_050630.html ---------------------------- This afternoon Timberwolves 2nd round draft pick Bracey Wright spoke with members of the Twin Cities media over a conference call. This is the transcript from that conference call. 今天下午,灰狼隊第二輪選秀的球員布拉斯萊特接受了雙城媒體的電話訪問。以 下是這次電話訪問的摘要。 Question: What are your thoughts on being drafted in the second round? Wright: It’s just me thinking positive about my talent, I thought that all of my workouts went really well and I performed well everywhere I went. I thought I left a very good impression with numerous teams. Being in the second round with Minnesota, I’m glad to have the opportunity to play with veteran guys, KG, Cassell and Sczerbiak, and I also have a good friend Rashad McCants who’s also going there. I think I’m in a good place. 問題:你對於第二輪被選上有什麼想法嗎? 萊特:在我想像中這正是符合我身手的選擇,我覺得在參加的選秀前測試時,我 都表現得不錯。應該也在大部分的球隊都留下不錯的印象。知道我在第二 輪成為明尼蘇達球員後,我很高興能夠擁有和前輩如KG、外星人和帥哥一 起打球的機會,同時我的好友拉許麥肯斯也被選入灰狼。對我來說這個地 方一定很不錯。 Question: This team seems pretty determined to find a player that would stick on its roster in the second round. Does that encourage you about the opportunity that’s there for you? Wright: It does, I thought coming in, no matter where I went in this draft, I was going to stay on a team and was going to be a big contributor to a team. I feel that being in this situation right now, a lot of people look at being drafted in the second round and get depressed about it and think they’re not good enough, but that’s not the case, I know that I can play in this league, it’s just how the cards are dealt, getting drafted in the second round, so I’m going to make the best of it, and try to do everything I can to help this team win a title. 問題:這支隊伍似乎很想要在第二輪尋求能夠立刻放入roster的即戰力。這樣的 機會對你是個鼓勵嗎? 萊特:當然,不管在選秀會上我加入的是哪支球隊,我都想要馬上加入比賽,我 要留在對上並且要對球隊有所貢獻。我想我現在的狀況是,大家都在第二 輪找球員卻不對他們抱什麼期望,覺得他們不夠好,但是這並非事實。我 知道我能夠在聯盟中打球,只是就像發紙牌,第二輪我才被檢走,因此我 會做到最好,試著去做每一件能夠幫助球隊奪標的事情。 Question: Did you have a plan B in terms of if you had gone un-drafted? Did you have some leads, or did you have an agent who had an idea of where you could go? Wright: No, I didn’t give any thought to a plan B because I knew that if I was to take my focus off of my main goal. If I was thinking about other things to do if I wasn’t drafted my mind would be torn and it wouldn’t be focused on my goal of playing in the NBA. The whole time from the day I declared to the day I got drafted, my thought was about getting drafted and I never thought about going un-drafted. 問題:如果你沒有在選秀會上中選,你有其他的打算嗎?對於將來何去何從有人 能給你建議嗎? 萊特:不,我從來沒有想過其他的打算,因為我知道這會讓我無法專注在主要的 目標上。如果我想到還有什麼其他的事可做,如果我沒有被選上我的心裡 會很難過什麼的,這跟我要在NBA打球的目標沒有什麼關連。從我參加選秀 到結束的這些日子,我只想到選秀而從來不去想關於落選的一切事情。 Question: Can you tell us about your game and how you fit into different size and positional categories? Wright: I’m a guard and I can handle the ball. I can play off the ball but I think the one thing about playing the point is that I’ve never played it as far as having to run a team. I’ve always handled the ball a lot on whatever team I’ve played on, I’ve just never been the primary point guard who’s ran a team, but that’s something that I would be able to do, without a doubt. 問題:你能夠告訴我關於你比賽的事嗎?還有你是如何適應各種高度以及各種不 同的位置? 萊特:我是個後衛,也能夠控球。我可以傳球但是單打得分就不是我的專長,在 之前的隊伍我並沒有這樣的經驗。在我打過的球隊中我一向擔任控球的角 色,我從來就不是能得分並能帶動比賽的後衛,但是我在場上還是會毫不 猶豫的做我做得到的事。 Question: How much back and forth decision did you make as far as coming out for the draft? Wright: It felt right to me, I’ve been thinking about this since I first stepped on campus. A lot of people were talking about how I should have left after my first year. Then I battled back and forth this year about coming out because I thought we were going to have a good team next year. For me personally, I thought this was the best time to come out. I thought I was ready mentally and physically. 問題:你前後做了哪些決定才讓你決定參加選秀? 萊特:我覺得這麼做是正確的,從踏入大學校門後我就有了這個念頭。許多人說 我在一年級後應該要繼續留在學校,但我這一年來前後爭戰後還是決定參 加,因為我想要在來年加入更棒的隊伍。對我個人來說,這是參加選秀的 最好時機。不論在心裡還是生理上,我想我都準備好了。 Question: Tell us how you got to know McCants. Wright: Rashad and I go back to AAU, we played each other a bunch of times. The last time we played before college was in AAU actually in Assembly Hall. His team played my team, it was pretty cool to play against him there, we would always talk about going up against each other. When we got drafted to the Timberwolves, we went out and celebrated together, hung out and talked about what we would be able to bring to the team. 問題:談談你是怎麼認識麥肯斯的。 萊特:談到拉許(麥肯斯)和我的認識要回到青少年業餘聯賽AAU,其他時候我們 都是各打各的。事實上上次我們一起打球就是進大學前在AUU的球場。他的 球隊和我們比賽,在那邊與他對抗真的是很酷的一件事,我們常討論如何 進步來擊敗對方。當我在選秀會上被灰狼選中後,我們一起出去慶祝,我 們彼此擁抱並談論我們能給球隊帶來些什麼。 Question: What can you tell us about him? What kind of guy is he? Wright: On the court he wants to win, man. He loves to play the game no matter where it’s at. The one thing that I’ve always thought about him is that he was so strong, and he was able to dominate games with his strength. Once he gets it goin, its fun to see him get on a roll. Off the court, he just a real laid back guy, that’s why we get along so well. He doesn’t need to be in the limelight. He’s a cool guy overall, I don’t know what the other people in North Carolina wrote about him. I know he got a lot of bad press about him being a head case and getting into it with a couple of coaches. All I know is what I see when I’m around him. 問題:你能告訴我們關於他的事嗎?他是怎麼樣的一個人呢? 萊特:只要在場上他就想贏。不論是在哪裡他始終熱愛比賽。每次談到他我都會 提到一件事,他很強壯,而且他可以用他的力量去支配比賽。一旦他卯起 來打,看著他帶起球隊氣勢就會變得很有趣。而下了球場後,他就只是個 一般的人,這也是為什麼我們可以相處得很好。他不需要活在鎂光燈下, 我不知道北卡的其他人是怎麼看他的,但他其實是一個很內向的傢伙。我 知道他因為身為首席戰將卻和教練處不好受了很多負面評價。但對於他的 為人,我只知道這些我親眼見到的。 Question: How much have you been able to play and compete with any NBA players? Wright: Other than the camps before the draft this year, not a lot. This year in Houston I played against Tierre Brown over at a couple pickup games we had down here. 問題:你曾經和哪些NBA球員打過球? 萊特:前幾年在其他的一些籃球營遇見過一些。而今年在休士頓我曾和T.Brown一起 玩過二打二。 -- ▉▏ ▌▏ ▄▄ ▍▏ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ◤ --

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