Timberwolves 板


沒人要翻,再來一篇。 可能很多錯誤,請高手不吝指教。 ※ 引述《jerod (明尼蘇達)》之銘言: ESPN http://www.nba.com/draft2005/mccants_qa_050628.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Erik P.: Hey Rashad, congrtulations. What's it like. You are unofficially an NBA player. Rashad McCants: (9:14 PM ET ) This is a dream come true. It's quite unbelieveable to be in this position. You never think that you can actually do it, but when it's actually done, it's like -- you're in heaven. 艾瑞克批:嘿!拉許,恭喜你。感覺如何?你即將成為一個NBA球員了。 拉許麥肯斯:這真是美夢成真。能在這個位置被選中真的很不可思議。就像是你 從來不敢去奢望的事忽然成為現實,現在的我就像是在天堂一樣。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aaron: Hey Rashad, how do you feel about getting to stay in NC? Rashad McCants: (9:15 PM ET ) You thinking of Sean, Aaron! 阿龍:嗨,拉許,留在北卡羅來納感覺如何? 拉許麥肯斯:就當作跟香梅(Sean May?應該是吧 o_o)一樣吧,阿龍。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew B.: Congrats, what is it going to be like to play with K.G. in Minnesota? Rashad McCants: (9:16 PM ET ) It's a great opportunity to play with a great veteran player and one of the best in the NBA and with coach Casey, I think this is a great opportunity. 安得魯逼:恭喜,要在明尼蘇達跟KG一起打球的感覺如何? 拉許麥肯斯:能夠有和這樣一個NBA最棒的沙場老將以及凱西教練一起打球的機會 ,實在是太棒了。我想這對我也是個很好的契機。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- steve M: It's cold in Minnesota! Rashad McCants: (9:16 PM ET ) I got a lot of warm clothing. I'm used to the cold weather being in New Hampshire in prep school for two years! 史帝夫阿姆:明尼蘇達很冷喲! 拉許麥肯斯:我帶了許多保暖的衣物。我在新漢普郡上預備學校的兩年時間, 就已經很習慣寒冷的天氣了。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ballaholic: Mr. MCCants do you feel you have something to prove to the teams who passed on a player of your callibor Rashad McCants: (9:17 PM ET ) You know, I think it's much deserved. I get in where I fit in, I'm definitely going to take advantage of this opportunity as much as possible. 巴拉霍力克:麥肯斯,你會想要對那些不選擇你的隊伍證明些什麼嗎? 拉許麥肯斯:你知道,這是沒什麼問題的。我在我應得的位置被選上,我也會盡 可能的去有更好表現。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Texas: Mr. Mccants, how have your experiences at UNC prepared you for the NBA? Rashad McCants: (9:18 PM ET ) Being at UNC three years and going through the ups and down has definitely prepared me to win games through tough times and perservere and win the championship. 密司特德克薩斯:麥肯斯,你在北卡羅來納大學學得了什麼經驗幫助你進入NBA? 拉許麥肯斯:在北卡羅來納大學待了三年並且經歷了起起伏伏,讓我知道如何在 嚴酷的時間與壓力下求得勝利,並且拿下冠軍。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff J: Mr Rashad Mcants you are truly a superstar in the making Rashad McCants: (9:19 PM ET ) I won't let you down, brother. Rashad McCants: (9:20 PM ET ) I had fun chatting with you guys. Thanks for your support, I definitely look forward to entertaining you guys in Minnesota! 傑夫街:拉許麥肯斯,你真的會成為一個大明星喔。 拉許麥肯斯:兄弟,我不會忘記的。 拉許麥肯斯:跟你們聊天真是愉快。謝謝大家,我期待能在明尼蘇達帶給大家更 多歡樂。 -- ▉▏ ▌▏ ▄▄ ▍▏ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ◤ --

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