Timberwolves 板


※ 引述《shanyaochung (123)》之銘言: : This article takes the reader through an analysis of the NBA power-forward : position. 這篇文章透過對大前鋒位置的分析來引領讀者 : These big bodies at the 4 spot fortify teams' rebounding and defense, and some : of them are big scorers too. 這些在四號位置的龐大的身軀負責扛起隊上籃板與防守的重擔,而有些人還同時身兼 得分重責。 : When all is said and done, Kevin Garnett may be the best power forward of all : time. 如果將所有的大前鋒拿來比較,Kevin Garnett可能是最好的。 : Malone, 41, is the second-leading scorer in NBA history, and he helped turn the : power-forward spot into a glamor position. Malone,41歲,是NBA史上總得分第二位的球員,他也使得大前鋒這個位置轉向一個具有 魔力的一個位置。 : Without a dominant big man like Shaq, you need a preeminent power forward to : contend. Some of this is a result of a decline in the contributions from the : league's small forwards, but it's also in large part attributable to the rise : of quality 4's. 沒有一個極具優勢的球員像是Shaq,你需要一個傑出的大前鋒來與之對抗,有一些原因 是因為小前鋒的貢獻逐漸下降,但主因還是大前鋒勢力的湧現。 : "It's my job to make the game easier for my teammates," said Garnett. " : For a team to be successful, there has to be a player that makes the other guys : better." "讓我的隊友打起球來更順手是我的工作" Garnett這麼說 "為了讓整個球隊成功,必須 有一個球員讓其他人打的更好。" : "He just keeps getting better," Timberwolves coach Flip Saunders said, : "because he works at it." "他的籃球能力一直不斷的提昇" Flip saunders總教練這麼說 "因為他非常的專注在 籃球上。" : Garnett is given to playing the high post and out on the wing as much as on the : blocks, while Duncan is usually in the low post or high post. 這邊有一點看不太懂 應該是說Garnett被指派打高位,在拚命蓋火鍋的同時必須兼顧時機移到兩翼, 而Duncan則主要是高低位單打。 --

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1F:推 polystyren:應該是指火鍋吧... 08/27
※ 編輯: jeffzpo 來自: (08/27 22:53)
2F:推 jeffzpo:恩 感謝喔~ 08/27
3F:推 cOvi:肛溫唷^Q^ 08/28
4F:推 rhetts:thanx! 08/31

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