Tech_Job 板


(*Update: 目前履歷數已足夠,暫時停止收件,謝謝。) 團隊裡目前需要找一位機械分析工程師 工作地點在新竹 內容主要是結構與熱傳等相關分析,並提供解決方案 最好有基本英文溝通能力 有興趣的話 請將英文履歷寄至[email protected] 我會直接內推 官網完整Job Description連結(縮網址): [公司名稱] Qualcomm Semiconductor Corporation 高通半導體有限公司 [公司網址] [工作地點] 新竹市 [職位及待遇] 待遇面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上) [工作內容] GENERAL SUMMARY Designs and analyzes mechanical systems, equipment and packaging. Conducts feasibility testing on new and modified designs to determine potential costs and time to market. Directs support personnel in the preparation of detailed design, design testing and prototype fabrication. Provides design information to multiple functional teams. Receives and/or develops requirements from other functional areas and ensures that the design meets the goals of the project. The responsibilities of this role include: ‧ Working under some supervision. ‧ Making decisions that are moderate in impact; errors may have relatively minor financial impact or effect on projects, operations, or customer relationships; errors may require involvement beyond immediate work group to correct. ‧ Using verbal and written communication skills to convey information that may be somewhat complex to others who may have limited knowledge of the subject in question. May require basic negotiation and influence, cooperation, tact, and diplomacy, etc. ‧ Having a moderate amount of influence over key organizational decisions (e.g., is consulted by senior leadership to provide input on key decisions). ‧ Completing tasks with multiple steps that can be performed in various orders; some planning and prioritization must occur to complete the tasks effectively; mistakes may result in some rework. ‧ Exercising creativity to draft original documents, imagery, or work products within established guidelines. ‧ Using deductive and inductive problem solving; multiple approaches may be taken/necessary to solve the problem; often information is missing or incomplete; intermediate data analysis/interpretation skills may be required. ‧ May be solicited during strategic planning period. The responsibilities of this role do not include: ‧ Financial accountability (e.g., does not involve budgeting responsibility). PRINCIPAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: ‧ Helps to set sub-system application cognizant requirement specifications and other design information to produce a design concept for relatively straightforward projects; provides guidance to less experienced engineers. ‧ Participates in the development of complex design features; identifies potential flaws (e.g., mechanical, equipment, packaging) with minimal supervision of more experienced engineers. ‧ Contributes to the design of overall system by focusing on an individual part of the system. ‧ Designs prototypes for complex parts that meet design requirements. ‧ Applies knowledge to identify specific off-the-shelf parts needed for design process and provides clear recommendations for sourcing and the number of required parts. ‧ Verifies board designs by determining size, outline, mounting, and interface of circuit board features. ‧ Prepares detailed documentation so that parts can be fabricated by outside tooling shops; makes sure long lead items are ordered early enough in process. ‧ Follows design verification plans of varying complexity/ambiguity to contribute to prototype design and assess product reliability. ‧ Applies basic mechanical engineering principles to the evaluation of the assembly process of a product and provides input on potential improvements to more senior engineers. ‧ Creates Assembly Bill of Material; documents essential details about product components and assemblies; records and tracks changes to mechanical design accurately. ‧ Writes, reviews, and edits documentation of mechanical processes, and outlines how mechanical designs/analyses are to be used. ‧ Serves as a tech lead on small to mid-sized projects and owns the outcome of elements of a project. ‧ Provides accurate schedule for own tasks in the planning process for a project and assists junior engineers in the planning process. Manages own schedule and completes work on time. ‧ Performs analyses and conducts research and investigation to find the cause of product/design issues; identifies possible solutions and ensures solutions meet customer needs while also preventing future issues. Job Overview The successful candidate will be a member of the Corporate Mechanical Engineering Department analysis team. Team member responsibilities include close collaboration with engineering, ODM, and design team members to help develop new hardware. The scope of work will include conducting predictive structural and thermal analyses supported by empirical measurements, from the IC package level to the complete system level. The job will involve creating and updating detailed structural and thermal simulation models, performing what-if analyses, comparing predicted results to actual data, and working with engineering and design team members to guide design approaches. The Mechanical Analysis Engineer will interface with internal staff and external team members in the fast-paced execution of a variety of multi-disciplined projects. --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (美國)
※ 文章網址:
1F:推 kyle5241 : 感覺會物理的也行吧,不過4萬也太少 07/28 07:03
2F:→ kyle5241 : 至少給個40萬吧 07/28 07:03
3F:推 felix0517 : 這年薪應該有200萬以上,樓上怎麼覺得只有4萬 07/28 07:10
4F:推 kyle5241 : 年薪沒500萬不考慮 07/28 07:40
5F:推 mimiasd0722 : 機械翻身 讚讚 07/28 07:58
6F:→ rewqasdf : lmao 四萬 07/28 08:05
7F:→ whitecut : 薪資隨便寫個4萬竟然沒人噓 版上什麼時候這麼和諧 07/28 08:57
8F:推 goodga : 因為是高通 07/28 09:04
9F:推 zerobx : 高通如果給2萬 那也是黃金 07/28 09:27
10F:→ PPTAlex : 他不是寫四萬或以上嗎? 07/28 09:53
11F:推 iamala : 反正有符合版規就好,外商薪資不透明,願者上鉤囉 07/28 10:29
12F:→ iamala : 。 07/28 10:29
13F:噓 rewqasdf : 難怪高離職來投我司 07/28 10:33
14F:推 core168 : 4萬應該是美金 07/28 10:53
15F:→ sc1 : 鄉民看到高通就濕了不敢問薪資風氣發展性捏 07/28 11:02
16F:推 OmegaDog : 四萬面議不是符合勞基法嗎…. 07/28 11:23
17F:推 moboo : 勞基法規定達四萬以上可以寫面議,高通選擇不透露 07/28 11:27
18F:→ moboo : 多少而已 07/28 11:27
19F:推 jackyzhes : 那句話只是勞基法規定四萬以上可寫面議吧 而非指薪 07/28 11:32
20F:→ jackyzhes : 資4萬吧 07/28 11:32
21F:推 fidic1643 : 這個Q又不是廣達 不用擔心$$啦 07/28 12:01
22F:推 TKW5566 : 4萬應該是鎂,怎麼可能是台幣 07/28 12:43
23F:推 id41030 : 高通這麼少喔? 07/28 14:36
24F:推 lagadidi : 4萬零頭而已,談到十位數多少才是重點 07/28 15:17
25F:噓 dodoro1 : lmao 四萬 07/28 16:19
26F:→ ddonme : 其實是月薪14萬加RSU 一包250 07/28 17:42
27F:推 kevin99801 : 這感覺就104複製的阿XD 可以直接理解成不想透露 07/28 18:59
28F:推 nlriey : 這只是不透漏而已,怎麼可能真的四萬 07/28 22:37
29F:推 kennytw268 : 光分紅就四萬美了吧 08/17 14:54
※ 編輯: c9 ( 美國), 08/31/2021 00:03:46

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