Taurus 板


多運動。多吃蔬果。多補充維他命跟保健食品。少擔心一點。多做些舒緩心靈的活動,比 如瑜珈。這些可能是你今年想做的事的例子,阿牛。但不論是上述的某件事或全部,又或 是完全不同的東西,除非你真的做出行動,否則空談並不會有任何改善。就從這週開始吧 。只是要確保不要期待午夜奇蹟發生。給自己一些時間來看到結果,如果你保持專注,就 一定看得到。你的同事或與你的責任有關的人可能會認為你很無助。但你遠非如此!不要 讓任何人說服你無法做到這些事,因為你可以的。開始證明它吧,而且在你做這些事的時 候保持自信。你沒有理由不這麼做。很久以前你從你的導師那學到的技巧可能會在你這週 工作時派上用場。如果你在任何時候感到困惑,請搜尋你的記憶庫。那裡有許多資訊能夠 使用。 ——— Weekly Horoscope for 01/17 - 01/23 More exercise. More fruits and vegetables in your diet. Dedication to taking m ore healthy vitamins and supplements. Less worry. More soul-soothing activitie s like yoga. These may be just examples of the kinds of things you want to do for yourself this year, Taurus. But whether it is any or all of the above, or something entirely different - talking about it won't improve anything unless you actually do it. Get started this week. Just be sure that you don't expect overnight miracles. Give yourself some time to start seeing the results - you certainly will if you remain dedicated. Someone at work or someone who is conn ected to a responsibility you have taken on or thinking about taking on may be treating you as though you are helpless. You are far from that! Don't let any one talk you into feeling as though you can't manage, because you can. Start p roving it, and remain confident as you do. There is no reason not to. Tips you picked up from a mentor long ago may come in handy on something you're workin g on this week. If you wind up feeling stuck at any point, search your memory bank. There is a wealth of information you can tap into. ——— dedicate 貢獻 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Taurus/M.1642595966.A.8BB.html ※ 編輯: qpeter2243 ( 臺灣), 01/19/2022 20:39:47
1F:推 gipo776: 謝謝 01/19 21:59
2F:推 goodcial: 謝謝! 01/19 23:39
3F:推 oeoeoeo: 好~去證明他。 01/20 01:01
4F:推 monsterwai: 謝謝 01/20 13:19

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