TakeThat 板


來源:Take That官方網站 Thursday, 7 May Watch The Premiere of The Brand New Video For 'Said It All'' Take That have revealed that their next single will be the amazing Said It All’, out on 15th June. With Gary on lead vocals, the lighters-in-the-air, show-stopping third single from the multi-platinum album The Circus will be released to coincide with the band’s record- breaking UK tour, which kicks off in Sunderland in June. You can catch the exclusive premiere of the video tomorrow morning (Friday 8th May) on GMTV between 8 and 9am. It will then be available to view afterwards from 10am here on www.takethat.com. Details about the video are being kept firmly under-wraps, but we can reveal that it was directed by Lindy Heymann, who has previously worked on videos for Faithless and Suede. Got an idea of how you think the video will look? Maybe you’ve come up with a unique suggestion all of your own? We’d love to hear your thoughts and predictions, so head over to the forum and share them now. Then when you’ve seen the video, head back and let everyone know what you think. TT宣布下一首單曲是‘Said It All’,6/15發行。此首單曲主唱是Gary ,The Circus專輯即將發行的第三首單曲發行日,將是於六月Sunderlandd開唱的 破紀錄英國巡迴演唱會期間。 單曲MV搶先看於明天5/8晚上8-9點GMTV播出。之後可在隔天上午10官網觀看。 有關MV細節現在必須保密。但是我們可以透露由Lindy Heymann所導,他導演過 Faithless和Suede的MV。 這樣大家對新MV有任何想像畫面嗎?也許你已經聯想出自己創意構想了?我們很 樂意聽看看你們的想法和預測,所以現在大家可以上論壇和大家分享討論之。在 看過MV後,再上來和大家分享你的感想! 我最喜歡兩首歌曲都發行單曲,哈哈~太爽了~Said It All副歌部分我早就拿 來當手機鈴聲*^^* 嘗鮮版(犧牲很大):http://0rz.tw/8TxIV 完整版:http://0rz.tw/XnA2y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsV6YEBJigE
我覺得是很棒的MV,覺得最有戲感是Jay,在鏡子前的照鏡轉身彎頭整個 表情動作超讚!覺得Gary的魅力還是唱歌時最迷人(我對那個大紅啾啾和大紅花 很有意見),在四人都塗了白臉紅鼻子小丑妝後,明顯可以發現Mark臉蛋輪廓真 的最帥!其他人輪廓就變平面多了。大叔鏡頭很少,不過和Jay搭配演出的傀儡 布偶好真實,不虧是舞者出身,四十歲身體柔軟度還是靈活很,或許是大叔小丑 妝的嘴巴畫法讓人覺得無敵苦命哀怨。MV所表達方式很有意境,有創意,而且TT 都同意畫小丑妝,親身上陣。這樣不斷嘗試新玩意的TT,難怪演唱會總是讓人驚 豔!開始期待這次巡迴演唱會有何驚奇出現阿! --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 tinarisa:終於等到我最愛的 Said It All ^___^ 05/08 02:13
2F:推 haageha:wow!! 05/08 04:13
※ 編輯: osga 來自: (05/09 01:28)
3F:→ osga:有人覺得MV是在隱喻TT前時期嗎?越看越覺得是..... 05/10 21:08
4F:推 kkdai:好像都被移除 05/17 10:13
5F:推 kimuranene:嗯 youtube的被刪掉了~ 05/18 15:47
6F:→ kimuranene:and 我還想多看一些Markie唱的的MV (羞) 05/18 15:48
7F:推 nosweating:都還沒看到就移除了 囧 05/19 21:37
8F:→ osga:官網只放24小時.等六月單曲發行再播放這MV.patient.^^ 05/20 00:09
9F:→ osga:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjPSa5BqCf8 找到一個完整 05/28 18:02
10F:→ osga:影片截圖..可以看看...話說時間飛逝...演唱快開始了 05/28 18:05
11F:→ osga:http://blog.roodo.com/backforgood/d94cf5ef.jpg壯觀貨車隊 05/30 02:00

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